英语人>词典>汉英 : 字符长度 的英文翻译,例句
字符长度 的英文翻译、例句


character size
更多网络例句与字符长度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pattern which in this case is 9 characters. The 256 members represent the full rangeof characters in the ASCII character set.


A 256 member table is constructed that is initially filled with the length of the pattern which in this case is 9 characters. The 256 members represent the full range of characters in the ASCII character set.


A 256 member table is constructed that is initially filled with the length of the pattern which in this case is 9 characters. The 256 members redivsent the full range of characters in the ASCII character set.


It may be optionally appended by any combination of whitespace characters with the total file length not exceeding 128 characters.


Firstly, the system is divided into four sub systems: Chinese characters recognition system, character recognition system, recognition system including characters and digits, and digital recognition system; Secondly, the statistic information about left scan line free length of every character is used as a group feature of car plate, which will accomplish the recognition together with statistic template by weighted sum.


Finally, I or decision offer the Twitter version that has 140 character only below (Twitter of miniature rich guest can let you with short-short everything what in depicting the life, happen, the length of every information does not exceed 140 character, still include blank space and punctuation mark) among them


Conversely, if that subsequence has length 0, all characters have been removed, so all characters of set are in str.

相反,如果那个子列的长度为0,所有字符被 set.translate 移走,所以set中所有字符都在str中。

Variable-length Unicode data with a length of 1 to 255 characters.


Prohibits input of one or more characters and restricts length.


Copyfitting table: Rrference tables showing the number of characters against line length in picas for a specific fype face and size.


更多网络解释与字符长度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alphanumeric character:文字数字式字符

类群书写规则:类群名称须占据独立的行,前面必须有'#'号标记,全部长度不得超过 40 个字符.'#'号标记后的第一个字符必须是文字数字式字符(alphanumeric character) (即, 英文字母和阿拉伯数字)或特殊符号:破折号(-) ,加号(+)和点号(.) ;下划线(_) ,

Bar code system:条码系统

△条码(bar code)由一组规则排列的条、空及其对应字符组成的标记,用以表示一定的信息.△条码系统(bar code system)由条码符号设计、制作及扫描识读组成的系统.△特征比 (aspect ratio) 条码长度与条高的比.△条码密度( bar code density )单


文章关键词:类型,变量,成员,结构,数据,指针,地点,内存,编译器,长度 正文: C言语的数据类型有四种:基本类型 (整数型 (int)浮点型(float double) 字符型 (char)) 指针类型 结构类型 (包括:数组结构型(struct) 联合型(union)

character size:字符长度

字符 character | 字符长度 character size | 字符串 character string


4 缩进排版(Indentation) 4个空格常被作为缩进排版的一个单位.缩进的确切解释并未详细指定(空格 vs. 制表符).一个制表符等于8个空格 4.1 行长度(Line Length) 尽量避免一行的长度超过80个字符,因为很多终端和工具不能很好处理之.

null string:空串

串(String)是零个或多个字符组成的有限序列. 一般记为:由一个或多个称为空格的特殊字符组成的串,称为空格串(Blank string),其长度为串中空格字符的个数. 请注意空串(Null String)和空格串(Blank string)的区别.


size of, in bits(按位算的字符长度),521 | smallest(最小字符),521 | unsigned(无符号字符),118, 133


STUFF删除指定长度的字符265 | SUBSTRING返回表达式的一部分内容266 | UNICODE返回输入表达式的第一个字符

unsigned char:(无符号字符)

有一个长度巨大(如长度为65536)的一维无符号字符(unsigned char)数组(比如设为有一个长度巨大(如长度为65536)的一维无符号字符(unsigned char)数组(比如..

word length:字长

1.指令格式的设计考虑对于指令格式(instruction format)的设计有一些优先考虑的原则:(4)机器字长(word length)应该是字符长度(character length)的整数倍.