英语人>词典>汉英 : 嬉戏 的英文翻译,例句
嬉戏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
curvet  ·  frolic  ·  gambol  ·  larkishness  ·  merriment  ·  skylarking  ·  wanton  ·  wantonness  ·  splore  ·  curveted  ·  curveting  ·  curvets  ·  curvetted  ·  curvetting  ·  frolicked  ·  frolicking  ·  frolics  ·  gamboled  ·  gamboling  ·  gambolled  ·  gambolling  ·  gambols  ·  wantoned  ·  wantoning  ·  wantons  ·  dalliances

更多网络例句与嬉戏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However,the alcalde refused to close the beach because of the high income from tourism and he asked the sergeant to keep silent for this event outrage himself's conscience.The sergeant saw people playing around the coast,who knew nothing about the coming dangerous,worrying a lot but helplessly.

中文在此尽量类同 5天内加分翻倍一条罕见的大白鲨来到了度假海滩的海湾吃人,一位女士、一个小男孩为此已经丧命,但是为了小镇1年中难能可贵的旅游收入,镇长拒绝关闭浴场,要求警长闭嘴,昧着良心隐瞒真相,人们依然忘乎所以地在海水中嬉戏,却不知道危险就在身边,警长对此痛心疾首,却无能为力。

To play amorously; flirt


Children at Play, Yerevan, Armenia, 2003


The pure spring water in heart is very clear, my dream starts to catch the village land, plants, a few brick base, and radius of a few fields. Can't forget picking Atriplex on the tree, Can't forget the sludge playing around the small pond. Can't forget mother's long call when standing at the entrance of the village ...


Water release, mad to a climax, it is used bailer, basins, buckets and even water, in the streets, playing chase.


Gambol,Let's gambol,till late into night....


Gambol,Let's gambl,till late into night....


By analyzing the function of frolicking behaviors, the researcher sums up the following four functions.


On the contrary , they two help us realize that romps oriented towards past or future are two fundamentally different expressions of human life .


But narrative identity and ludic identity are not irreconciable. On the contrary, they two help us realize that romps oriented towards past or future are two fundamentally different expressions of human life.


更多网络解释与嬉戏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

curvet:嬉戏, 腾跃 腾跃, 嬉戏

curvesome | 曲线美的, 肉体美的 | curvet | 嬉戏, 腾跃 腾跃, 嬉戏 | curvi- | 表示弯曲

frolic:嬉戏; 作乐; 欢闹 (动)

frogman 蛙人 (名) | frolic 嬉戏; 作乐; 欢闹 (动) | frolicsome 嬉戏的; 爱闹着玩的; 欢乐的 (形)

frolicsome:嬉戏的; 爱闹着玩的; 欢乐的 (形)

frolic 嬉戏; 作乐; 欢闹 (动) | frolicsome 嬉戏的; 爱闹着玩的; 欢乐的 (形) | from A to Z 彻底地; 从头到尾


larkishly 嬉戏地 | larkishness 嬉戏 | larksome 好嬉戏


rollick 欢闹 | rollicking 嬉戏的 | rollicksome 嬉戏


romp 蹦跳游戏 | romper 嬉戏者 | romping 嬉戏喧闹的


romper 嬉戏者 | romping 嬉戏喧闹的 | rompingly 嬉戏喧闹地


larkiness 爱闹玩的 | larkish 嬉戏的 | larkishly 嬉戏


larkishness 嬉戏 | larksome 好嬉戏的 | larkspur 燕草属植物


rollicking 嬉戏的 | rollicksome 嬉戏的 | rolling hospital 随军医院