英语人>词典>汉英 : 婚姻家庭法 的英文翻译,例句
婚姻家庭法 的英文翻译、例句


family law
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Marriage and family law consists of an important part of the Canon Law.


Meanwhile,it points out the deficiency existing in the amended marriage law:for example the anticipated interest of intellectual property,the nature of property during the period conjugality is separated and the general regulations for those which is lack ofnormal conjugal property relation,and presents relative legislation suggestion for further amendment or formulation of marriage and family laws in future starting from the actual conditions in our country and international homoplasy.


As a part of social vulnerable group,illegal marriage children should be legally protected;this has been an important project around the world in the field of marriage and family law.


Guardianship system is an important legal system on civil affairs and an important one in marriage and family laws.


While expatiating on the Hong Kong's legal practice on separation, this paper firstly analyzes the function of the separation from the angle of particularity of the marital relationship, and then tries to make some suggestions on establishing separation in China mainland's law.


Matrimonial property system that stipulates the matrimonial property relation is one of important parts of the family law.


Family law covers marriage formation; the legal effects of marriage; marriage termination by divorce, separation and annulment, filiations, and family support obligations.


Family law covers marriage formation; the legal effects of marriage; marriage termination by divorce, separation and annulment, filiations, and family support obligations.

nbsp; Marriage 婚姻 Ma家庭法包括婚姻的成立,婚姻的法律效力,由于离婚,分居,宣告婚姻无效所致的婚姻终止,私生子父亲的确定,以及家庭成员的抚养义务。

The legislative and judicial practice on separation in Hong Kong's marriage and family law is referential.


Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers The legislative and judicial practice on separation in Hong Kong's marriage and family law is referential.


更多网络解释与婚姻家庭法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Domestic Relations Law (婚姻家庭法) | Wills (遗嘱法) | Trusts (信托法)

Domestic Relations Law:(婚姻家庭法)

Professional responsibilities (律师执业道德) | Domestic Relations Law (婚姻家庭法) | Wills (遗嘱法)

Same-sex marriage:同性婚姻

在这里,主要通过介绍美国同性伴侣争取婚姻家庭权利的曲折历程,以及国外有关的立法例,来探讨"同性婚姻"(Same Sex Marriage)的法律问题. 一、美国有关同性婚姻的判例和立法 美国为判例法国家,法院所作的判例经历了一个从否认同性婚姻及同性伴侣权利到逐渐承认同性伴侣者权利的过程,