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娩 的英文翻译、例句

gentle and agreeable
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Similar stem cells were isolated from "afterbirth," the placenta and other membranes that are expelled after deliery.


A silver basin sat under the chair to catch the waters when they broke and to hold the afterbirth until it could be properly disposed.


This is because the birth canal in the delivery process, the skull caused by ruptured blood vessels subperiosteal.


They had the old custom, known as the couvade, of sending the father to bed and rest when a child was born, and they had as a luck symbol the well-known swastika .


Shoulder dystocia, defined as failure of the shoulders to deliverfollowing the head, is an obstetric emergency.


Shoulder dystocia, defined as failure of the shoulders to deliver following the head, is an obstetric emergency.


Group B was injected 20u oxytocin muscularly after baby delivery,and group A was given 1mg methyl carprost suppository by sublingual administration after cesarean section.


The third stage of labor: fetal DI to the placenta after parturition, the time for 5-15 minutes, usually no more than 30 minutes.


In the first time,the results suggest that after iodine-nutritional status in pregnant women is improved,elevation of neonatal TSH during expulsive process is a general phenomenon,especially in vaginal expulsive neonates.Vaginal birth way is one of the important factors which makes umbilical cord blood TSH tend to higher value.It is suggested that umbilical cord blood TSH values from vaginal birth should be corrected by those from cesarean section or heel blood


Methods 85 patients in observe group injected 10% calcium gluconate 10ml by umbilical veins into maternal aide of placenta, while 87 patients in control were given oxytocin 20U by injecting uterine body after fetus delivered and cord cut off.


更多网络解释与娩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

placental abruption:胎盘早剥

休克的共同特征是有效循环量不足,组织和细胞的血液灌注虽经代偿仍受到严重的限制从而引起...妊娠20周后或分期正常位置的胎盘在胎儿出前,部分或全部从子宫壁剥离,称为胎盘早剥(placental abruption)胎盘早剥是妊娠晚期的一种严重并发症,

bony birth canal:骨产道

真骨盆又称小骨盆,位于骨盆分界线之下,是胎儿出的骨产道(bony birth canal). 真骨盆有上、下两口,即骨盆入口(pelvic inlet)与骨盆出口(pelvic outlet). 两口之间为骨盆腔(pelvic cavity). 骨盆腔的后壁是骶骨与尾骨,两侧为坐骨、坐骨棘、骶棘韧带,

breech presentation:臀先露

臀先露(breech presentation)是最常见的异常胎位,约占妊娠足月分总数的3%~4%. 因胎头比胎臀大,且分时后出胎头无明显变形,往往出困难,加之脐带脱垂较多见,使围生儿死亡率增高,是枕先露的3~8倍. 臀先露以骶骨为指示点,有骶左前、骶左横、骶左右


couturier /女裁缝师/ | couvade /拟/ | covalence /共有原子价/共价/

lighting fixture:照娩件

lighting fitting 照件 | lighting fixture 照件 | lighting mains 照蒙线

undeclared variable:未说娩量

undeclared symbol 未定义符号 | undeclared variable 未说量 | undefined record 未定义记录

expulsive force:娩出力

expulsion 驱逐 | expulsive force 出力 | expulsive pain 出期痛

expulsive pain:娩出期痛

expulsive force 出力 | expulsive pain 出期痛 | exsanguination 放血


hyaline thrombus 玻璃样血栓 | hyalinosis 透性 | hyaloplasm 透檬

Hamming distance:汉娩距

hamming code 汉秒 | hamming distance 汉距 | hand feed 手工馈送