英语人>词典>汉英 : 威逼 的英文翻译,例句
威逼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
browbeat  ·  browbeating  ·  browbeats

threaten by force
更多网络例句与威逼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has Harry and Neville cornered, when he's distracted by the baby-faced Death Eater.


Particularly under push of ecological crisis, a study on the value of natural beautifulness of original ecology is a necessary responsibility as human spirit.


They browbeat him into signing the document.


They jostled, browbeat , and threatened one another, but they did not come to actual hostilities


They jostled, browbeat, and threat ed one another, but they did not come to actual hostilities.

它们 彼此冲撞、威逼、恫吓,但是没有达到真正的战争状态。

Mr Angelides was a perennial thorn in the side of business, using California's state pension plan to browbeat bosses of firms he disapproved of, and he retains a dim view of Wall Street.


General sarath fonseka says he will challenge the result in court,general / has left luxury hotel in Columbo where he complained of being intimidated.

Sarath fonseka声称他将会在法庭上提出抗议,目前Sarath fonseka 已经离开了他在科倫坡所入住的豪华酒店,因为他声称在这里遭到威逼

Refuse to budge very long-playing, bind a bandit usage 威 to force, threaten, contuse etc. various meanses let the woman get off, however the woman didn't accept defeat always, she is to don't get off.


It is now under massive surveillance in the Montreal Customs House, and soon to be returned to France.


But when it comes to prostitution小赵intimating that Shen was not certain that he had told reporters that he did not restrict the freedom of小赵and小汪, coercion prostitution is out of the question, as to the relationship between them are voluntary in , the act of rape does not exist.


更多网络解释与威逼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be prone to social ills:易受到社会恶习的侵蚀

be guilty of 有罪 | be prone to social ills 易受到社会恶习的侵蚀 | bully n .欺凌弱小者; vt .威吓,威逼


而汉尼拔提出的计策常常让他的群臣大为难堪,所以汉尼拔一直没有得到重用. 不得已,汉尼拔再次逃亡,在小亚细亚的希腊城邦国家中东躲西藏,而罗马也是如影随形,紧追不放. 公元前182年,比西尼亚(Bithynia)国王迫於罗马的威逼,准备将汉尼拔交出去.

bully pulpit:天字第一号讲坛(白宫)

bully boy | 用武力(或暴力)实行其计划的人,尤指受雇暴徒,打手 | bully pulpit | 天字第一号讲坛(白宫) | bully | 欺凌弱小者 威吓, 威逼


bully | 欺凌弱小者 威吓, 威逼 | bullyboy | (受人雇用且尤指与政治集团有关的)流氓,打手 | bullyrag | 威吓, 欺凌


Card up your sleeve 秘而不宣的计划(意图) | *Carpetbagger 美国内战后利用南方不定局势谋利的人 | Carrot and stick 软硬兼施;威逼利诱

talk familiarly on and on:娓娓而談

1005. 威逼利誘 coercion and bribery | 1006. 娓娓而談 talk familiarly on and on | 1007. 明媒正娶 legally married

interpose one's veto:行使否决权

interpose vt.插话;干涉,干预;行使 | interpose one's veto 行使否决权 | intimidate vt.恐吓,威逼


intervention 干涉 | interventionist 主张干涉他国内政者;干涉主义 | intimidate 恐吓,威逼

watch out:注意

确实,Ginny对他说要注意(watch out)公车免得被撞倒. "Harry是第一!我不会让你威逼(bully)他!能威逼(bully)Harry的只有我!"对于威逼(bully)的含义,Tom似乎有自己的个人意见......

in the art of extorting information:专攻威逼利诱 套话的人来担当

someone highly trained|一个训练有素 | in the art of extorting information.|专攻威逼利诱 套话的人来担当 | You're not seriously|你不会真的想