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妊娠的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gravid  ·  cyophoric

更多网络例句与妊娠的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In pregnancy day 12, they expressed in a certain degree in interfamily pregnancy, but their expressive modes were different to those in intraspecific pregnancy.


These results indicated the differences between interfamily and intraspecific pregnancy.


Result: Quadruplet pregnancy was an extremely rare disease, accompanied with multiple complications during the perinatal period. Its major clinical feature was excessly large uterine, the definitive diagnosis of quadruplet pregnancy depended on ultrasonography. With reason able prenatal examination and prevention from the multiple complications during the perinatal period, the quadruplet pregnancy could had a similar outcome as single birth.


Result :Up to 50% of women with ectopic pregany have had Chronic salpingitis previously.Early diagnosis of unruptured tube pregnancy will obviate later hemorrhagic shock..


The fastigium age has advanced about ten years comparing with the ten years befor, and in the clinic symptom, the bellyache rate is the highest; the genesic rate for menopause is similar to vagina blood, the degree and the characteristic of bellyache is related to the gestation rent; The blood amount relates both the gestation rent and the length from the fracture or abortion to cure; dated unusual gravidity is the tubbing bump for the characteristic of soft, faint boundary and ache et al; The electropositive rate for back cove centesis in vagina and colorful B ultrasonic diagnoses is higher than other testing method.


Patients and MethodsPatientsPatients with pre - eclampsia performed cesarean section in the third trimester of pregnancy were chosen as experimental group ( n = 31), who were previously healthy uniparous monocyesis not parturient and without internal disease and familial hypertension history.


These results indicated the differences between interfamily and intraspecific pregnancy.


MFPR is a safe and effective minimally invasive technique and it is also an effective salvage measure to multifetation.


objective to evaluate the clinical value of early diagnosis and therapy of suspicious ectopic pregnancy by laparoscopy.methods the clinical data of 53 suspicious tubal pregnancy patients were analyzed retrospectively,who had received laparoscopic operation in our hospital from january 2003 to december 2005.results all cases received laparoscopic operation,none was transferred to traditional surgery during the operation.46 cases were diagnosed as tubal pregnancy during the operation with pathologic proof.preoperative diagnosis rate was 86.8%.the salpingecstomy were performed in the 32 cases.the salpingotomy were performed in the 7 cases.conclusion the laparoscopic operation is the best choice in the early diagnosis and therapy of suspicious ectopic pregnancy,and it gain time for conservative therapy.but not too early.

目的 评价可疑异位妊娠患者腹腔镜早期诊治的临床价值。方法收集2003年1月~2005年12月收治的经腹腔镜手术治疗的可疑输卵管妊娠患者53例资料进行回顾性分析。结果 53例手术均经腹腔镜完成,无1例中转,术中诊断输卵管妊娠的46例,术前诊断率86.8%,32例行输卵管切除术,7例行保守性手术。结论腹腔镜手术是早期确诊可疑异位妊娠患者的最佳选择,也为保守性治理赢得时间,但不宜操之过急。

Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of mifepristone plus misoprostol for terming gestation in those early pregnant women who underwent cesarean section procedure.Methods 112 subjects were enrolled into group (group A,n=56) or non-scars womb group (group B,n=56).The differences in abortion efficacy,hemorrhage volume,the span to menstrual onset between the two groups were statistically analyzed.

目的 探讨米非司酮配伍米索列醇用于剖宫产术后瘢痕子宫早期妊娠终止妊娠的有效性和安全性方法将112例妊娠35~60天已育妇女按有无剖宫产史分瘢痕子宫组、非瘢痕子宫组各56例,对两组药物流产效果、流血天及转经天数进行统计分析。

更多网络解释与妊娠的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gestational diabetes mellitus:妊娠糖尿病

妊娠糖尿病(Gestational diabetes mellitus)是指在妊娠初次诊断为葡萄糖耐量下降--表现为妊娠期糖尿病. 这是临床常见的妊娠并发症之一. ⑷确保胎儿氧合良好:糖尿病母亲胎儿较大,胎盘亦较大且结构异常,绒毛间容量显著减少,使氧和二氧化碳交换受损. 因此,

conception, gestation, pregnancy, gravidity:妊娠

附件 adenexa | 妊娠 conception, gestation, pregnancy, gravidity | 妊娠的 gravid


graveda 怀孕的,妊娠的;孕育着...的,充满...的 | grego 畜群,混乱的一群 | greno 谷物,谷类;谷种

high-risk pregnancy:高危妊娠

高危妊娠(high risk pregnancy)是指妊娠期有某种并发症或致病因素可能危害孕妇、胎儿与新生儿或导致难产者.预防和治疗引起高危妊娠的病因因素,其前提就是要进行健康评估.为了早期识别高危人群,可采用高危评分法对孕妇进行动态监护,这是发现高危妊娠,

multiple pregnancy:多胎妊娠

妇产科学护理系临床护理教研室 邓开玉多胎妊娠(multiple pregnancy)多胎妊娠(multiple pregnancy)概念 发生率影响因素类型及鉴别双胎的产式及胎位临床表现并发症诊断及鉴别诊断处理概念 一次妊娠宫腔内同时有两个或两个以上胎儿时称多胎妊娠(m

cornual pregnancy:宫角妊娠

宫角妊娠 (Cornual Pregnancy) 受精卵种植在子宫角部,向宫腔内发育. 解剖上是将圆韧带起点作为子宫腔与输卵管连接点的标志. 宫角妊娠时胚囊位于同侧圆韧带附着点的内侧可与间质部妊娠鉴别. 慢性异位妊娠 (Chronic Ectopic Pregnancy) 临床上或称陈旧性异位妊娠.


graviceptor 重力受纳器 | gravid 妊娠的 | gravidity 妊娠


重----grav | gravid 怀孕的,妊娠的 | grave 重大的,严重的

Fetus and newborn affected by oligohydramnios:胎儿和新生儿受羊水过少的影响

胎儿和新生儿受多胎妊娠的影响 Fetus and newborn affect... | 胎儿和新生儿受羊水过少的影响 Fetus and newborn affected by oligohydramnios | 胎儿和新生儿受母体内其他有害物质的影响 Fetus and newborn affected...

hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy:妊娠期高血压疾病

妊娠期高血压疾病(hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy)是妊娠期特有的疾病,以妊娠20周后高血压、蛋白尿、水肿为特征并伴全身多脏器的损害,发病率为9.4%,是严重威胁母婴安全、导致孕妇及围生儿发病及死亡的主要原因之一.