英语人>词典>汉英 : 奶油色素 的英文翻译,例句
奶油色素 的英文翻译、例句


butter color
更多网络例句与奶油色素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The application of maizeyellow pigment in food showed that the colour of butterine and candy added pigment were bright and good. Absorency of pigment in butterine degraded slightly in natural light three months later. It illustrated that maizeyellow pigment was stable and can be used in food.


A fatty solid butter substitute consisting of a blend of hydrogenated vegetable oils mixed with emulsifiers, vitamins, coloring matter, and other ingredients .


A fatty solid butter substitute consisting of a blend of hydrogenated vegetable oils mixed with emulsifier s,vitamins,coloring matter,and other ingredients.


Colonies on improved agar, when grown 24~48 hours at 37℃ in a candle jar, are 1~2mm in diameter, convex, entire, transparent, glistening, and butyrous. Some strains produce slimy growth. Colonies on clear media are iridescent when observed with obliquely transmitted light.


更多网络解释与奶油色素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


硅藻土过滤及巴氏杀菌: diatomite f... | 皂角、油脂、磷脂、蛋白、胶质以及色素: Chinese Honeylocust Fruit, axunge,phosphorous fat, albumen, colloid and pigment | 油脂精炼、脂肪酸、人造奶油、蛋黄酱: axunge purify...

axunge purify, fatty acid, butterine and bearnaise:油脂精炼、脂肪酸、人造奶油、蛋黄酱

皂角、油脂、磷脂、蛋白、胶质以及色素: Chinese Honeylocust Fruit, axunge,... | 油脂精炼、脂肪酸、人造奶油、蛋黄酱: axunge purify, fatty acid, butterine and bearnaise | 隔油、浮选、生化处理: seperate oil, flotati...

Chinese Honeylocust Fruit, axunge,phosphorous fat, albumen, colloid and pigment:皂角、油脂、磷脂、蛋白、胶质以及色素

硅藻土过滤及巴氏杀菌: diatomite f... | 皂角、油脂、磷脂、蛋白、胶质以及色素: Chinese Honeylocust Fruit, axunge,phosphorous fat, albumen, colloid and pigment | 油脂精炼、脂肪酸、人造奶油、蛋黄酱: axunge purify...


使成固形白色的油脂,可用於面包制作或代替猪油使用. 酥 油-(butteroil)亦即无水奶油,而一般酥油是加工酥油,利用氢化白油添加黄色素和奶油香料配制而成的. 猪 油-(lard)由猪之脂肪提炼出来,可用於酥皮类及中式点心,气味芳香.

butter color:奶油色素

butter churn 黄油制作 | butter color 奶油色素 | butter fat 乳脂