英语人>词典>汉英 : 女儿身份 的英文翻译,例句
女儿身份 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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He blessed little Annabel Elaine that she would understand her identity as a daughter of God


Therefore, on 24 April 1900, Queen Victoria signed Letters Patent creating a second Dukedom of Fife, along with the Earldom of Macduff in the Peerage of the United Kingdom with a special remainder: in default of a male heir, these peerages would pass to the daughters of the 1st Duke and then to their male descendants.


Xiao Hong mainly acted in two roles in the earlier life period,one was the daughter who subordinates to the feudal family father power rule. The other was the wife who was attaches under the husband status.


The author suggests new fatherly masculinity, new motherly feminity, and new social identity of daughter as confluence.


Ailyn's daughter Mirta Gev approached Fett without revealing she was his granddaughter to enlist him in the search for her mother.


In order to remove herself from her mother's domain, the daughter may reject all maternal identification, acting out her mother's shadow instead and becoming a true hetaira who relates to men through the Venusian erotic and intellectual channels the mother cannot reach.


My nephew, Miss Austen, condescends far indeed ,in offering to the daughter of an obscure and impecunious clergyman.


Anxious to see the garden before dark, and slightly inebriated by my success in entering the palace alone, I did not bother this time to make my presence known at the lodge, but walked boldly in, I could just see in the distance what looked like a tall rockery, and had quickened my step, when I was rudely arrested by a woman's voice. It was no fairy either, come to complain of the arrival of some disgusting creature to pollute her pure maidenly precincts, but an extremely aggressive old lady carrying a large green kettle, who informed me that I had no right to come poking my nose in there, that I had better get out at once, and who was I anyway?


He had doctored his passport to pass her off as his daughter.


He thought,"If a respectable suitor comes and asks for her hand in marriage, I will give her to him."


更多网络解释与女儿身份相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tom Cruise:汤姆o克鲁斯

所谓女儿潮人爹好汉,考虑到suri的潮流搭配,所以非常渴望一睹汤姆o克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)脚蹬不可一世的"氪超人"(Kryptonate)之风采. 不过,考虑到他作为电影巨星以及全球名人的身份,勒布朗o詹姆斯又(zhan ...所谓女儿潮人爹好汉,


其间,拉康曾学习中文和日语,并与巴塔耶的妻子西维亚(Sylvia)保持密切的关系,1941 年,拉康与这位知名女星生下了女儿朱迪特(Judith). 1946 年以后,拉康以精神分析学家的身份参加了巴黎精神分析协会的活动,并于1953 年 1 月就任该学会主席,


初登场:129 来自黑暗组织的女子 声优:林原惠美 代号:基尔 基尔(KIR) 基尔 真名:本堂瑛海 化名:水无怜奈 简述:CIA 特工,为破坏组织而打入内部.她的父亲伊森.本堂也是侦办组织的 CIA 特工,在女儿身份暴露 后自杀,

Sudden Death:突然死亡

十、>(Sudden Death) 龙之身份:前消防队员潜龙之地:曲棍球场馆 剧情 消防队员达伦与孩子前往欣赏冰上曲棍球比赛,女儿却突然走失. 在寻找爱女时,竟发现一群恐怖分子驻扎在体育馆内,而且假装成警察及保安,


明年他将和凯特.贝金塞(Kate Beckinsale)主演一部漫画改编电影>(Whiteout),在片中扮演美国军官,届时答案自会揭晓. 和同样童星出身的朱迪.福斯特一样,斯图尔特(在>中扮演福斯特的女儿)有那种能使她超越童星身份局限的天赋.


"多情"的宙斯爱上了(或者说对其产生了性爱的欲望)阿耳戈斯第一位国王伊那科斯(Inachus)的女儿伊娥. 出于妒忌,宙斯之妻赫拉将伊娥变作一头母牛(一说宙斯自己将其幻变,以便掩蔽她的真实身份)并遣出一只牛虻追随叮咬,逼赶她在旷野里疯跑.