英语人>词典>汉英 : 女儿时期 的英文翻译,例句
女儿时期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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For quite a long time I thought that observation was merely another index of advancing age. But some years ago I married a girl whose mother is an expert cook of the kind called "old-fashioned." This gifted woman's daughter was taught her mother's venerable skills.


Henry VIII of England had a great passion for jewelry, and this passion was carried on by his daughter, Elizabeth I. History says that Hans Holbein the Younger introduced Renaissance jewelry into England during the reign of Henry the VIII.


Acupuncture and Moxa treatments formed part of the memory in that period of my life.


I remember the time when I liked a red coat myself very well -- and indeed, so I do still at my heart; and if a smart young colonel, with five or six thousand a year, should want one of my girl s, I shall not say nay to him; and I thought Colonel Forster looked very becoming the other night at Sir William's in his regimentals.


I remember the time when I liked a red coat myself very well -- and indeed, so I do still at my heart; and if a smart young colonel, with five or six thousand a year, should want one of my girls, I shall not say nay to him; and I thought Colonel Forster looked very becoming the other night at Sir William's in his regimentals.


They can experience a distinctive creative space unique to women in this journey of the "chora."


The intricate business of forcing his offspring into the charmed circle of royalty-by-birth, the negotiations with Charles for example over recognition of the new duchies, runs like a subtle poison through what was, despite the very evident Renaissance worldliness of this great pope, the leading policy of his reign, the calling of this council that would reform the life of the Church and heal the divisions in Germany.

在年底前,教宗成功,让他在采邑的duchies的帕尔马和皮亚琴察,瓜分了该国的教会,以及结科里纳的儿子-奥塔维奥-一个亲生女儿的查尔斯诉错综复杂的业务,迫使其到后代的排他性小圈子版税,由出生,谈判与查尔斯例如超过认同新duchies ,每年举办像一个微妙的毒药,通过什么,虽然很明显,文艺复兴时期的世俗这个伟大的教宗,领导的政策,他的统治,要求本局将改革教会生活及治愈师在德国。

Many of her well-written stories of this period are obviously autobiographical ; some reemerged eighteen years later in Daughter of Earth


My daughter is full three-year-old, at this time of the child what the appropriate toys and books?


Under the regency of his wife, Anne of Austria (1601-1666), the State Apartments were embellished with sumptuous sculpted, painted and gilded ceilings.

在他妻子奥地利的安娜(1601-1666, Anne of Austria,虽然她的称号是&奥地利&,事实上她是一位西班牙公主,西班牙国王腓力三世的女儿)摄政时期,国宾馆被华丽的雕刻、着色和镀金的天花板修饰。

更多网络解释与女儿时期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


至于其他地区的发售时期目前则还是未定. 在这次这款系列作新作里,玩家将扮演原NSA(National Security Agency,美国国家安全局)内部秘密特殊部队顶尖干员的"山姆. 费雪"(Sam Fisher),并为了替自己因车祸而亡故的女儿"莎拉"(Sara)复仇而展开一场单枪匹马的复仇之战...

Victoria Peak:拉旗山

不久前他成了鳏夫,他的女儿和孙子住在澳大利亚,钟逸杰现在住在安静却繁忙的一所半山(Mid-levels)公寓的25层. 毗邻殖民时期他曾经住的很舒服的拉旗山(Victoria Peak)不远.


daughterhood 女儿身分 | daughterhood 女儿时期 | daughterin-law 儿媳妇


daughter-in-lawstep-daughterstepdaughter 继女 | daughterhood 女儿身分 | daughterhood 女儿时期


daughter-in-law /媳妇/继女/ | daughterhood /女儿身分/女儿时期/ | daughterin-law /儿媳妇/