英语人>词典>汉英 : 奘 的英文翻译,例句
奘 的英文翻译、例句

powerfully-built · big and thick
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Refering to the Godel's in completeness theorem,the logic implication of paramārtha truth can be rationally interpreted.


Marie Kingsuch as King, players such as Li Jing, gifted poets such as Li Bai Du Fu, eminent monk Xuanzang as Han Yu Daru ...... their names is the period of legend, a myth, and that cloud of steam era with Wei Xia, precipitation for each In the depths of the soul of the Chinese people forever treasure and pride.


The Grand Buddha lies in the Small Ling Shan named by the famous Great Monk Xuanzang in Tang Dynasty, this is how the Grand Buddha in Ling Shan got its name.


Near the temple where he stayed , there was a Hinayana temple.


Shuilian Dong about 20 meters under the licensed Hai Ting, Xuanzang Memorial Hall, 72 holes, the Monkey King is frequented by local, with the next monkey park, there are dozens of artificial tame monkey suit with the visitors eight points of the compass Play.


I am put to come out, a the guy which is Tang Hsuan Tsang.


Venerable Chao Hwei is professor of Religion and director of the Research Center of Applied Ethics at Hsuan Chuang University, a Buddhist university in Taiwan.


Little do they realize that the founder and first Patriarch of that school in China, the Great Master Hsuan Tsang, whose teachings they are now following, not only did not oppose Pure Land, but actually propagated it.


Master Hsuan Tsang delivered his determination to really study the truth. All his sacrifice and endurance are just amazing. Almost inconceivable.


Xuan Zang's adventures, which were made more adventurous through hyperboles or exaggerations in the succeeding generations, gradually developed from the Buddhist's stories into a novel of literature.


更多网络解释与奘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the Matchless Painter:书圣"王義之与"画绝"顾恺之

花木兰代父从军 Hua Mulan Joined the Army in Place of Her Fa... | "书圣"王義之与"画绝"顾恺之 Wang Xizhi,the Saint of Calligraphy,and Gu Kaizhi,the Matchless Painter | 玄西游 Xuanzangs Journey to the W...

Jowgen the Spiritualist:(升灵术师 奘玄)

Heavy Storm(大风暴) | Jowgen the Spiritualist(升灵术师 玄) | Lava Golem(熔岩巨人)


讲中国字译(transliteration)和翻译(translation),异化与归化相结合的历史传统. 讲即使在>里也被一只猴和一头猪所掩盖的玄在译史上的作用. 举例>,般若波罗蜜多字译,心经翻译,如五经然. 举例菩提萨多,


印度佛教经典>(veda)即用梵文写成. 其语法和发音均被当作一种宗教礼仪而分毫不差地保存下来. 19世纪时梵语成为重构印欧诸语言的关键语种. 唐僧(唐三藏法师)玄取经时的经书是用梵文写的. 尼瓦族(Newari)如我目前所知道,




"(玄,卷四,页七)末那识 (Manas)作为第二能变,原本的字义是"意"、"思量",而且是恒省思量,即不间断的思量. 这种思量并不意味着笛卡尔意义上的"cigito",不是 胡塞尔意义上的意向活动,因此有别于大小乘都确认的、后面还会进一步讨论的前六识.

Ajanta Caves:阿旃陀石窟群

阿旃陀石窟群(Ajanta Caves)一直静静地沉睡在撒哈丹山脉中,直到19世纪一群狩猎的英国官员在追捕猎虎的时候,才无意间发现了这片古老的艺术天地,后来,人们发现门外的石像同中国高僧玄的记载完全相同.

Amu Darya:阿母河

离开中亚后,玄跨越阿母河(Amu Darya)进入现今阿富汗境内,再东南入大雪山(即现今兴都库什山区). 走过这段「蹊径难涉」、「群盗横行」的山路,玄终于抵达现今巴米扬(Bamiyan)峡谷,目睹佛教史上最珍贵的宝藏─巴米扬大佛.


教艺术圣地如犍陀罗(Gandhara)和摩头罗(Mathura),都没有发现文殊菩萨的雕塑像. 拉毛特并指出,在另外的两个佛教圣地,阿马拉提(Amaravati)和印度南部的那革拉九那考玄的记载得到了保存下来的佛教艺术的证实,