英语人>词典>汉英 : 套装软件 的英文翻译,例句
套装软件 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与套装软件相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That's what Steve Conine, co-founder of CSN Stores, an online home-furnishing company, did when his software outfit--which helped companies save money on their mobile phone bills by evaluating the costs of different plans--took a tumble.

当一家叫做 CSN Stores的网上家装公司合伙创办者Steve Conine拥有的套装软件遇到问题时(这套软件用于帮助公司们评估不同手机套餐来给他们省手机电话费他就是那么做的。

These facilities allow customization of existing SaaS applications, and in some ways are the equivalent of macro language customization facilities provided with packaged software applications such as Lotus Notes, or Microsoft Word.

这些设施允许定制现有的SaaS应用,并在某些方面相当于宏语言定制设施提供套装软件应用程序,如Lotus Notes的,或

I should know, I've made packaged software that tens of thousands of users use each day.


The paper described the dynamic characteristics simulation of pressurizer control system by PC using the simulink simulated software of MATLAB and got the well results.


ACD/Labs creates innovative software packages that aid chemical research scientists worldwide with spectroscopic validation of structures, chromatographic separation, medicinal chemistry, preformulation of novel drug agents, and chemical patenting and publication.


Even more perplexing, Microsoft seems to hold two opinions at once: doing its best to prevent piracy on the Xbox console, but (as far as this outsider can tell) accepting that piracy of its Office suite of software is a fact of life.


What our customers are saying: Beacon Software and their suite of towing software is revolutionizing the Towing Industry.


What our customers are saying: Beacon Software and their suite of towing software is revolutionizing the Towing Industry.


The Microsoft Corporation promotes office work coverall software the design, the convenience application method which by its formidable function, looks after with great solicitude receives the broad users the welcome.


When a builder opens a marketing suite, they will need a variety of banners, flags, building wraps and hoardings and Pyramid can produce them all under one roof.


更多网络解释与套装软件相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


微软周三在美国推出了Office Live套装软件,表示下周将在日本和欧洲推出测试版. Office Live是面向小企业的互联网应用软件,"基础"(Basics)版将是免费的,"精华"(Essentials)版将每月收费19.95美元,"高级"(Premium)版每...


部署一个及时并完全的客户统一视图,操作面的效益是显而易见的,他帮助更精准的行销推广,与更深入的绩效 分析 ,在战略面,客户资料与业务流程的解偶(Decouple)使得新流程的开发不必受限于套装软件,更在SOA架构中以提供服务的形式从而降低新应用开发的复杂度.

quickset.exe Dell:电脑电源管理诊断和设置程序

kasarp.exe 反ARP欺骗保护工具 | dlg.exe BVR电话软件工具套装的一部分 | quickset.exe Dell电脑电源管理诊断和设置程序


洛杉矶市虽然是美国的第二大城市,但是在使用谷歌应用软件套装来提供电子邮件、日历、文件共享以及聊天等基于"云计算"技术的服务方面还是落后于别的地方,华盛顿市(Washington D.C)、奥兰多市(Orlando)和佛罗里达州(FL)等地方都已率先使用

Off-the-shelf software:套装软件

N-transitions:N转换 | Off-the-shelf software : 套装软件 | operational testing:可操作性测试


? OpenOffice:办公软件套装 | ? PDFCreator:PDF 创建软件 | ? AppArmor:应用软件安全

Protocol Stack:通讯协议堆栈

VIA Telecom的CDMA 基频(Baseband)单芯片处理器,支持IS-95和CDMA2000技术,被广泛运用在3G的声音、数据和GPS等领域. 同时,VIA Telecom的芯片组也提供套装的发展软件,包括通讯协议堆栈(protocol stack)、可定做的使用者接口、软件诊断的工具和测试支持等等.


Oracle 细说客户关系管理(CRM) 之三----该组件是销售套装应用软件的基 础,它的设计目标是帮助决策者们管理其销售运 作. 它包含的关键功能为额度(quota) 管 理、销售队伍管理和地域管 理.