英语人>词典>汉英 : 套利交易 的英文翻译,例句
套利交易 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
arbitrage  ·  Arbitrage

covered-interest arbitrage
更多网络例句与套利交易相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recently, one of our merger arbitrage investments in the U.S.


Therefore, researching the arbitrage model of stock index futures has important practical significance.


Much of that rise follows the unwinding of the yen-funded carry trade, although there is also logic in a huge creditor nation having currency strength at a time of global credit rationing.


Mr. Jagannath is currently considered in the top 5 options traders on Comex Gold options, one of the premier market makers of cross atlantic oil arbitrage (NYMEX/IPE BRENT : WTI spreads), one of the first to make long dated markets in Petroleum crude oil and distilate (from 1 month to 5 years. He also holds the daily record on CME IMM Options Market with 110'000 options traded in one single day.

Jagannath先生目前是纽约商品交易所排名前5位的黄金期权交易商,跨大西洋原油(NYMEX/IPE BRENT : WTI spreads)套利交易的主要做市商之一,首批原油长期做市商之一(提供1个月至5年的原油和蒸馏油合约),目前依然保持芝加哥商品交易所国际货币市场部单日交易110,000手期权合约的纪录。

Some players really want the yen carry trade to come back,' said Yuji Matsuura, who heads trading at Aozora Bank.

青空银行的外汇交易主管Yuji Matsuura表示,一些投资者的确很想恢复日圆融资套利交易

Interdelivery spread as a kind of arbitrage is very important as to the price discovery, market activity and risk management.


Combined with the financial futures theory , accounting of corporation engaged in IRFs is further discussed .And four kinds of IRFs transaction including speculation , spread , arbitrage and hedge are studied in detail. Accounting of arbitrage and accounting of spread , which are often ignored by most research on the derivative financial instruments accounting , are also studied .


One carry trader, Mayumi Torii, has written a book on how to succeed at the carry trade, and a carry-trade club was profiled in a local publication.

其中一位融资套利交易者cMayumi Torii还写了一本书介绍融资套利交易的成功之道。甚至一个交易俱乐部还被当地的出版物大肆报导。

If the cost is very heavy , potential hedgers will prefer not to hedge .


Meanwhile , because of the existence of arbitrage , the market flowability is greatly boosted and the hedgers have enough market capability to realize their dealing intentions .


更多网络解释与套利交易相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


交易(Exchange)不是信息密集化的市场的价值最主要的来源,相反,价值越来越集中在不同的专家群当中. 这些专家往往关注于包装(Packaging)、标准制定(Standard Setting)、套利交易(Arbitrage)以及信息管理(Information Management)等方面的工作.

index arbitrage:指数套利

具体来看,归因于市场中三种行为的存在,即指数套利(Index Arbitrage)、套期保值(Hedging)和资产组合保险(Portfolio Insurance). 这三种行为在交易时间上的不均衡分布,很可能造成股票市场波动性的增加,并在到期日临近时更为明显.

Labor Arbitrage:劳动套利 LBO 杠杆买断交易;借贷融资收购

Labor Arbitrage 劳动套利 LBO 杠杆买断交易;借贷融资收购 | Lead manager 主承销;牵头经办人 | Legal persons shares 法人股

Interest Arbitrage:套利

套利交易 套利 套利(Interest Arbitrage)是指在两国短期利率出现差异的情况下,将资金从低利率的国家调到高利率的国家,赚取利息差额的行为. 例如:概念 外汇投机(Foreign Exchange Speculation)是指根据对汇率变动的预期,有意保持某种外汇的多头或空头,

Merger Arbitrage:合并套利

总部位于新泽西州新泽西市的ICAP证券公司的合并套利(merger arbitrage)分析师萨钦.萨哈(Sachin Shah)却指出:"这一交易达成几率现在越来越渺茫. "


arbitragestock套利股票 | arbitragetransaction套汇交易 | arbitrager套汇人 套利者

bona fide arbitrage transaction:善意套利交易

bona fide agreement 善意协议 | bona fide arbitrage transaction 善意套利交易 | bona fide interest 善意权益


te) (三)套利(spreads) 五、商品期货的投资程序 (一)开立交易账户 (二)下单 (三)结算 (四)交割 六、商品期货产品评析:大胆尝试商品期货投资 (一)进入商品期货市场要做好思想准备 (二)树立正确的商品期货投资理念第十二章 股指期货产品 一、股指期货 二、股指期货的特点 三、股指期货的投资风险 四、股指期货的适用群体 五、

Riskless arbitrage:無風險套利

交易商可以采取多种策略从一种或多种证券的持有中获取收入,套头交易策略主要有:无风险套利(riskless arbitrage)和风险套利(risk arbitrage). 证券化(Securitization)是近几十年来世界金融领域的最重大创新之一. 从形式上分,


相应地,有三种交易主体:套期保值者 (Hedger)、套利者(Arbitrageur)和投机者(Speculator). 而参与交易的投资者包括证券发行商、基金管理公司、"三类企业"、保险公司以及中小散户投资者,投资者因参与不同性质的交易而不断地进行角色转换.