英语人>词典>汉英 : 奋斗者 的英文翻译,例句
奋斗者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
striver  ·  struggler  ·  fighters

更多网络例句与奋斗者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The footmarks of pioneers are the starting point of historical progress, and the shoulders of explorers are the ladder in scaling new heights in science.


Try to find a way to show your employer that you are a striver, as opposed to a settler.


Striver itself more to being a success means a group of people.


I am very important. Nobody can replace me as I can not replace, like others, but I would say that as long as I am alive, I will for the bright striver, I will certainly live in exciting, I was very important to live!


Striver sweat pooling in the river, the boat will cause the other side of the ideal sail.


"Striver" highlights the unique taste and noble nature of brand dress adornments and integrates art and achievement in dress.


Sun Shaopins a similar spirit of religious supremacy of the striver, unwilling to live in backward rural areas, and are unable to change the plight of the rural reality, he chose to escape, and strive to improve their own way of life and struggle, of his struggles is a typical tragic Chinese behind the development of rural youth.


The Communist Party of China will never willingly After nearly a century of efforts to establish the cause of socialism thus ruined, and millions of proletarian striver for their lives and blood can not be in vain, we must take this generation successors to carry forward the cause of socialism.


Striver and successful distance Rimula Men consumer group defined as a 25-year-old to 50 successful people between the ages of this group with a lot of brand positioning, like a little Tandaqiuquan illustrates Rimula both like to portray themselves a high-end apparel brand, and are unwilling to give up a broader mid-market.


The image embodies a powerful arm of a strong man to highlight the glory of success and exhibits the pleasure of success brought for you by "Striver" dress adornments.


更多网络解释与奋斗者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


struggler 斗争者,奋斗者 | mangler 轧机操作员 | strangler 扼杀者,压制者

Marginal intellectuals:边缘知识人

在这一社会分层化过程中,出现了处于游移状态的边缘知识分子个体,这里说的边缘知识人(Marginal intellectuals)指的是,那些未吃"皇粮"的具有人文倾向的边缘知识分子,而并不包括单纯经济上的个人奋斗者.



The striver contrives to derive that privacy can't be deprived:奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私(权)不可剥夺

308. From the fact, the shivering driver derives that ... | 309. The striver contrives to derive that privacy can't be deprived. 奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私(权)不可剥夺. | 310. The lively survivor surve...


smuggler 走私分子 | struggler 斗争者,奋斗者 | mangler 轧机操作员

struggler:斗争者; 挣扎着的人; 奋斗者 (名)

strudel 以果实或干酪为馅而烤成的点心 (名) | struggler 斗争者; 挣扎着的人; 奋斗者 (名) | struggling 奋斗的; 苦斗的; 努力的 (形)

ten-gallon hat:宽边高呢帽

ten-cent 便宜的 | ten-gallon hat 宽边高呢帽 | ten-minute man 个人奋斗者

It is ten-strike:这是个大胜利

Ten-minute man油嘴滑舌糊弄人的人,见利眼红的个人奋斗者 | It is ten-strike!这是个大胜利. | Ten-twenty-thirty低级闹剧的表演

ten-minute man:个人奋斗者

ten-gallon hat 宽边高呢帽 | ten-minute man 个人奋斗者 | ten-pounder 十磅重物

ten-minute man:油嘴滑舌糊弄人的人,见利眼红的个人奋斗者

The upper ten 上流社会 | Ten-minute man油嘴滑舌糊弄人的人,见利眼红的个人奋斗者 | It is ten-strike!这是个大胜利.