英语人>词典>汉英 : 奇里 的英文翻译,例句
奇里 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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These lands were home to the Chiricahua, Membreno, White Mountain and Mescalero Apaches.


A country squire and his fat wife occupied the tapestried chamber; merry girls scampered up and down the long passages, and young men stared out of the latticed windows watching for southerly winds and cloudy skies; there was not an empty stall in the roomy old stables; an extempore forge had been set up in the yard for the shoeing of hunters; yelping dogs made the place noisy with their perpetual clamour; strange servants horded together on the garret story; and every little casement hidden away under some pointed gable, and every dormer window in the quaint old roof, glimmered upon the winter's night with its separate taper, till, coming suddenly upon Audley Court, the benighted stranger, misled by the light and noise, and bustle of the place, might have easily fallen into young Marlowe's error, and have mistaken the hospitable mansion for a good, old-fashioned inn, such as have faded from this earth since the last mail coach and prancing tits took their last melancholy journey to the knacker's yard.


Sardinian President Massimo Cellino and Milan could have made life a lot more difficult for the hitman, but opted to step aside .


We all know the so-called sophism of the ancients, proving that Achilles would never overtake the tortoise, though Achilles walked ten times as fast as the tortoise.


The ascenders were Lino Lacedelli and Achill e Compagnoni.


Success in South Waziristan, which Pakistan only notionally administers, would look much more modest than that in Malakand.


The ascenders were Lino Lacedelli and Ac hill e Compagnoni.


The ascenders were Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni.


Galleries on the fifth floor display works from 1880 to 1940, beginning with such pioneers of modern art as Paul Cézanne and Vincent van Gogh and continuing with masterworks by Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Giorgio de Chirico, Fernand Léger, Constantin Brancusi, Piet Mondrian, Salvador Dalí, and Joan Miró, among others.

位于第五层的美术馆展示的作品年代从1880年跨越至1940年,从现代美术的先锋人物开始,这些人如保罗·赛兹安里(Paul Cézanne)、文森特·梵高,继而是:亨里·马提斯、帕布鲁·毕加索、乔治欧·德·奇里卡、费尔南达·雷格(Fernand Léger)、康斯坦丁·布朗克斯、派特·蒙德里安、萨尔瓦多·达里(Salvador Dalí)、琼·米诺,他们创造了伟大的艺术作品。

November 16, 1904, a group of Argentine seamen boarded the South Georgia Island; January 1, 1905, they格里特维肯in Hong Kong to set up a weather station. July 4, 1908, the United Kingdom announced to the south of 50 degrees south latitude, 80 degrees West Drive to the east of the majority of the region, including the Falklands, South Georgia Islands and the South Sandwich Islands, South Shetland Islands, Argentina St. Cruz, a province, the southern provinces of Chile, Tierra del Fuego as a whole, and so on, are areas of British rule.


更多网络解释与奇里相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Achilles reflex:阿奇里斯反射

Achillean 阿奇里斯般勇敢的 | Achilles reflex 阿奇里斯反射 | Achilles tendon reflex 跟腱反射


更有广为赞颂的阿诗玛故事将奇境般的云南石林演绎得如泣如诉,令人难忘. 然而,在美国西南偏壤之地也有一片" 岩石的仙境" 正等着你去探索与欣赏,那里就是奇里卡瓦 (Chiricahua) 国家纪念地. 好多年前,在友人的推荐下,揣怀着在新 ......


Chins 欽人(緬) | Chiriguano 奇里瓜諾人(南美) | Choco 喬科人(中美)

Chirripo Grande:大奇里波山

Chiriqui 奇里基峰 | Chirripo Grande 大奇里波山 | Chita 赤塔

Chirripo Grande:大奇里波山 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯

Chiriqui 奇里基峰 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó... | Chirripo Grande 大奇里波山 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó?△sdfsaāú??# | Chita 赤塔 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó?...


achievement 成就 | Achillean 阿奇里斯般勇敢的 | Achilles reflex 阿奇里斯反射

Jiri Kylian:(吉里.奇里安)

Maurice Bejart (默里斯.贝雅) | Jiri Kylian (吉里.奇里安) | William Forsythe(威廉.方塞斯)

Kiri:奇里 忍、忍让

KiongguriIlha 琼古里宜尔哈 琼花 | Kiri 奇里 忍、忍让 | Kiyakiyabumbi 喀喀奔比 称许、赞美

But nyet. No Chili come:但是没有,奇里没来

and you tell me Chili Palmer come to my store and I kill him.|你告诉我奇里.帕默尔会来赎当 我可以要他的命 | But nyet. No Chili come.|但是没有,奇里没来 | Yo, Tolstoy. Take a number.|喂,托尔斯泰,先来后到


35)Cyprus塞浦路斯 | 36)Cilicia西里西亚/或奇里奇亚 | 37)Cappadocia卡巴多西亚