英语人>词典>汉英 : 头向前的 的英文翻译,例句
头向前的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Hold the hair back with one hand and comb out a small amount of hair forward.


The anterior olecranon fracture-dislocation may resemble an ante rior Monteggia lesion in that there is anterior dislocation of the radial head with respect to the capitellum; however, the forearm remains intact and the injury is primarily to the ulnohumeral joint by means of disruption of the trochlear notch Figs.


The main area head forward, in the only direction you haven't gone in yet.


Do men rush headlong to people who will feel superior in order to save the lives of their comrades?


World Health Organization clinical trials to prove substantial, resulting in tooth decay due to the large population of harmful bacteria, the functional characteristics of type toothbrush display type in its unique design and high-quality brush sanding dual filament tip to the forward bending of the back of hard-depth Brush laniary site, around the teeth close to teeth, dental plaque thoroughly cleaned; arc mitigation brush too much force caused by gingival bleeding and abnormal wear and tear; follow internal alveolar brush with regulation, in-depth teeth cleaning teeth bacteria grouper; display type brush to help clean and dry quickly to curb the breeding of germs.


Unicorn fish are generally nonaggressive, but during a rare fight they defend themselves with forward-pointing prongs on either side of their tails rather than the prominent horn on their heads.

麒麟鱼一般nonaggressive ,但在一个难得的斗争,它们为自己防护用向前的指向的叉状物对任何一方的尾巴,而不是突出角状物对它们的头。

Unicorn fish are generally nonaggressive, but during a rare fight they defend themselves with forward-pointing prongs on either side of their tails rather than the prominent horn on their heads.


No shoot, says Friday, no yet, me shoot nom, me no kill; me stay, give you one more laugh; and indeed so he did, as you will see presently; for when the Bear see his Enemy gone, he comes back from the Bough where he stood; but did it mighty leisurely, looking behind him every Step, and coming backward till he got into the Body of the Tree; then with the same hinder End foremost, he came down the Tree, grasping it with his Claws, and moving one Foot at a Time, very leisurely; at this Juncture, and just before he could set his hind Feet upon the Ground, Friday stept up close to him, clapt the Muzzle of his Piece into his Ear, and shot him dead as a Stone.


Long forward reach and strong rear drive with a lively tail and a proud head carriage.


The fish pushes water aside by the forward motion of its head and with a curve of its body and its flexible tall.


更多网络解释与头向前的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brussels Griffon:布鲁塞尔格里芬犬

把它作为当代贵妇犬犬种样式的一部分. (注:AKC 贵妇犬标准步态:"小步跑动径直向前,动作轻快,后驱动力强劲. 头与尾部抬起向上. 最基本的要求为运动合理,不吃力. ").标准与思辨在今天的城市环境中,虽然没有人想让布鲁塞尔格里芬犬(Brussels Griffon)

Capitulum humeri:肱骨小头

下端略向前弯曲,前后扁、左右宽,末端有两个关节面,内侧的形如滑车,称肱骨滑车(trochlea humeri),它与尺骨相关节;外侧小呈球形,称肱骨小头(capitulum humeri),它与桡骨相关节.

Caput radii:橈骨頭

上端有鼓形的桡骨头(caput radii),头上面有关节凹,它与肱骨小头形成肱桡关节. 头的周围为环状关节面,与尺骨桡切迹形成挠尺近侧关节. 挠骨头下方缩细的部分为桡骨颈(collumradii),颈下有向前内侧突出的桡骨粗隆(tuberositas radii).

Zo goe goe:摇着脑袋摆着屁股地走

Zo dabo dabo--踌躇的、衰弱的、摇晃的步伐. | Zo goe goe--摇着脑袋摆着屁股地走. | Zo gowu gowu--稍微有点几瘸,头向前歪着走.


headline 标题 | headlong 头向前的 | headquarters 总部


提升力:(lift)空气对球施加的向上的力拖延力:(drag)空气对球向前行程中产生的阻力杆面倾角一变,底面角(bounce angle)也随之改变. 杆面角增加一度,底面角也增加一度,反之亦然. 但对性能影响不是很显著. 还要注意杆头重量会影响挥杆重量.


座管角度被高估了的一点是总轮距(wheelbase)的影响. 为了维持正确的上管长度固定不变,座管如果因而迁就做挺直一些,不就把上管向前推了,影响所及就是头管也向前位移,也就是最后连轮距也跟着加长了;相反的,座管角度小一点,轮距就短了.


当轿车受到后部的撞击时,"头部保护系统"(WHIPS)会迅速充气膨胀起来. 整个靠背都会随乘坐者一起后倾,乘坐者的整个背部和靠背安稳地贴近在一起,靠背则会后倾以最大限度地降低头部向前甩的力量,座椅的椅背和头枕会向后水平移动,


此三种害虫是我国常见的鞘翅目扁甲科(Cucujidae)储粮害虫. 主要特征是身体一般扁平细长,头向前突出,能自由活动. 锯谷 盗是鞘翅目锯谷盗 科( Sivanidae )昆 虫. 成虫体 长2-3.5mm,扁长形,暗赤褐色至黑褐色,表面生有不太密的茸毛,

Gryllus testaceus:油葫芦

大棺头蟋蟀(Loxoblemmus doenitzi),头扁,前端平,向前倾斜,雄性头向两侧明显突出; 油葫芦(Gryllus testaceus),身体暗黑色,有光泽,两复眼的内上方具有黄条纹,直达头后部.