英语人>词典>汉英 : 失禁的 的英文翻译,例句
失禁的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Objective To evaluate posterior sagittal anorectal pullthrough(Pna's operation) and levator ani imbrication in the management of postoperat ive fecal incontinence in children with imperforate anus.

植物提取物中国网http://www.tiquwu.net.net 目的了解Pna手术及盆底肌折叠术治疗无肛术后大便失禁的效果。

AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate posterior sagittal anorectal pullthrough(Pna's operation) and levator ani imbrication in the management of postoperat ive fecal incontinence in children with imperforate anus.


The study demonstrates that failure to positi on the rectum in the center of muscle complex is one of the causes of post-oper ative fecal incontinence in children with imperforate anus.


Methods A total of 49 cases of female stress urinary incontinence were included.


Objective To study the mechanism of acupuncture on urinary incontinence.

目的 探讨针刺治疗尿失禁的机理。

Objective:To discuss diagnostic value of MRI in female stress urinary incontinence.

目的 :探讨MRI对女性压力性尿失禁的诊断价值。

The surgery of female stress urinary incontinence has more ways,but it is essentially around two main themes:First,extense urethra,narrow urethra cavity diameter,increase urethral wall tension; Second,improve the bladder neck location,restore bladder urethra horn,recover the pressure transfer to urethra side when abdominal pressure increases,thus increase the urethral atresia pressure and length of the urethra,reach the aim to control incontinence.


The objective of this study is to describe perinea electrophysiological findings and to investigate the clinic meaning of the surface EMG activity of PFM in predicting and diagnosing female SUI.Methods57 women with SUI and 57 controls were measured with a vaginal surface EMG probe in supine position for the surface EMG activity of PFM.


Increase of intravesical pressure would be the cause of vesico-ureteral reflux, hydronephrosis, and inpaired renal function.


Methods studying the effect of the persistent low negative pressure drains by placing silastic catheter through anal canal and connecting it with low negative pressure bottle in 21 patients of fecal incontinence comparing the result with that in 15 patients of fecal incontinence who are not placed silastic Catheter to drainage the stool.


更多网络解释与失禁的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而"急迫性尿失禁"的患者则有频尿(frequency)、急尿(urgency)、尿失禁等三大症状,若在夜间发生则为夜尿(nocturia)及遗尿(enuresis),病因来自于过动性膀胱(overactive bladder),亦即患者的膀胱逼尿肌常有不自主收缩,因而导致尿失禁,

fecal incontinence:大便失禁

大便失禁(fecal incontinence)是指粪便随时呈液态流出,自己不能控制. 控制排便,需要直肠和肛门感觉到直肠充盈以及辨别其中的气体、液体和粪便;肛门内外括约肌的协同作用可防止不必要的排便;盆底肌,尤其是耻骨直肠肌通过机械方式延缓排便而达到节制排便;



urinary incontinence:尿失禁

尿失禁(urinary incontinence)的定义,是无法随意志控制排尿,以致于会有尿液漏出. 这是尿液储存期方面的障碍. 这种问题最常见于中年至老年的狗,此外中大型、雌性、已绝育、肥胖也都是危险因子. 不过未具危险因子的猫狗,一样有可能会发生尿失禁的情形.

urinary incontinence:排尿失禁

这是根据一九四一年代凯格医师(AH.Kegel)为增强排尿失禁(urinary incontinence)妇女的骨盆肌肉张力所发展的运动而来的. 女性在排尿时尽可能张开大腿,并借由开始和停止排尿的感觉来定位耻骨尾骨肌,此时收缩和放松的肌肉就是耻骨尾骨肌.

Stress Incontinence:压力性尿失禁

压力性尿失禁(stress incontinence)是指患者平时无尿失禁状态下,当腹压骤然增加时(如咳嗽、打喷嚏、大笑、举提重物等),尿液不自主地从尿道口流出. 它是成年妇女常见疾病,男性少见. 可以发生在任何年龄,但以肥胖的中年经产妇为多. 一般认为如果偶有溢尿现象,


incontinenceirretention 失禁 | incontinent 失禁的 | incontinently 不能自制地

become incontinent:变成失禁

小便时非常的痛 piss pins and needles | 变成失禁 become incontinent | 患便尿失禁 develop urinary and fecal incontinence

Incontinent seat:尿失禁的席位

Machine Washable!可机洗! | Incontinent seat.尿失禁的席位. | Fast Shipping!快速船!

P: Just so:对. 有时失禁

Dr:Do you urinate during the convulsive phase ? 你抽痉的时候小便失禁吗? | P: Just so 对. 有时失禁. | Dr:Do you spit during the attack ? 你发作时吐唾沫吗 ?