英语人>词典>汉英 : 失之交臂 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与失之交臂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That means "The Warlords" will miss February's Academy Awards and have to wait another year.


He is like a timid bather, putting in one foot and then drawing it swiftly back again-and while he hesitates some bolder spirit dashes in and beats him to the goal.


We could have flashed by one another like two pieces of cosmic dust.


Mr Crake and Ms Mayr missed out the $30,000 on offer for completing the gruelling race in under 10 or 12 minutes respectively.


However this echo is intense epic gigantic as a result of,make a variety of reasons this year however with Chinese courtyard line just miss the opportunity, make broad China filmgoer regretful unceasingly.


Just look at that face. It nearly kept her form scoring her Oscar-nominated role in last year's Pride and Prejudice. While Disney is keeping her gainfully employed in 2 more Pirates of the Caribbean installments, she'll change gear to play a mistress in next year's drama silk.


Most the outside denounces, it is the Yahoo inside his lieutenancy and Microsoft just miss the opportunity, and fail reach search advertisement agreement with cereal song.


But this the inferiority, causes what military authority in 50 meter backstroke finals, by a hand the disparity and the gold medal just miss.


One is Howard Wolowitz, who claims himself the "Casanova" of California Techonology. He can speak six languages to hook up with girls and he also participates in the US Mars exploratory program. But in fact, Howard is just a guy who tends to date girls in an outdated fashion. Most of the time what he does is quite "disgusting". The other one is Rajesh Koothrappaili. He comes from India and has serious "selective mutism", which disables him from talking around women.

自认为是花花公子的Howard Wolowitz他称自己是加州理工学院的"卡萨诺瓦"(1725-1798,意大利冒险家,以所写的包括他的许多风流韵事的《自传》而著称,后来该词被引申为"风流浪子,好色之徒",能用六种语言泡妞,参与负责美国的火星探索计划(喜欢邀请看上的女孩去火星兜风,也因此在第二季引发一场事故,遗憾地与"火星生命发现者"的称号失之交臂),其实Howard不过是个喜欢拿一些过时的手段把妹的家伙,很多时候他的把妹手法都让对方感到恶心。

At experience 1998 with 1999 two match quarters whet Li after, he claims leadership national championship, European championship and world championship successively.In 2002, the puffed up with pride Pu stays shen section to go on an expedition city in the salt lake winter Ao meeting, but in order to jumping to order ice after the outside when the short program compete on all sides fall down, and weight the most heavy champion lose it hand over arm.


更多网络解释与失之交臂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]






班奈特凭借着自己的过人表现终于在数次与托尼奖失之交臂之后看到了它的真容,这是他的第一尊托尼奖奖杯. 这时的班奈特已经是大名鼎鼎了,他的编舞理念和技巧也已经得到了广泛的公认. 1973年的>(Seesaw)让他再次获得了托尼奖的最佳编舞奖.

Take a wrong turn in Cairo:在开罗失之交臂

I guess mummy bring up the best to me.|我猜你更喜欢木乃伊 | Take a wrong turn in Cairo?|在开罗失之交臂 | Sorry to interrupt.|抱歉打扰

Yomiuri Giants:读卖巨人队

2003年,谷亮子和读卖巨人队(Yomiuri Giants)的外野手谷佳知(Yoshitomo Tani)在巴黎高调举行了一场奢华的婚礼,这也让她成了日本的热点人物. 曾7度折桂的柔道冠军谷亮子,险些与北京奥运失之交臂,因为她刚生完孩子没几个月,就是全国奥运选拔赛了.

Lords of Dogtown:衝破顛峰

大卫.芬奇在筹备拍摄<<冲破颠峰>>(Lords of Dogtown)之前曾有机会执导<<不可能的任务3>>,但是后来都与这两部影片失之交臂,前者由凯瑟琳.哈德威(Catherine Hardwicke)导演(大卫任执行监制),而后者则由JJ亚柏拉罕执导.

Vasco da Gama:达 加玛

接下来虽然葡萄牙与哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)失之交臂 仍在公元1498年 由瓦思库.达.加玛(Vasco da Gama)率领第一只远征舰队前往印度(India) 在东非及印度尼西亚打下不少殖民地.