英语人>词典>汉英 : 太热心的 的英文翻译,例句
太热心的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与太热心的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I ' m sorry , mr . fisk . my partner is a little overzealous


I had hitherto continued to board with Godfrey, who lived in a part of my house with his wife and children, and had one side of the shop for his glazier's business, though he worked little, being always absorbed in his mathematics.


If Linklater goes to a bit of an extreme here, it's in making both characters so intelligent and sincere, so ardent and giving, that they seem a little too good to believe.


Among games less widely popular, but still played with great enthusiasm, shinty is one of the most traditional.


But Danish's pronunciation is very difficult for me,maybe I haven't get the run of it,especially the streng three letters.


Hitler was not only an avid reader but also an inveterate underliner. Perhaps the most chilling example of that is in Paul de Lagarde's "German Essays". Underlined is:"Each and every irksome Jew is a serious affront to the authenticity and veracity of our German identity."

作者告诉我们希特勒不仅读书热心,而且还有在书上划线的习惯,其中就有一处看得令人胆寒,那是在Paul de Lagarde所著的《德国随笔》中的一句,&可恨的犹太佬严重侮辱了我日耳曼忠厚老实的民族性格。&

"It's great to see people enthused about what we are doing." Gates happily declares .


That is a lot, even for the keenest, richest fans.


That is a lot, even for the keenest, richest fans.


In upswings banks are keen to extend loans because write-offs seem unlikely.


更多网络解释与太热心的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

devotee: n.1:献身者,热心之士,爱好者 2.虔诚(或狂热)的宗教徒

pritine: a.1.太古的,原始(时期)的,早期的 2.本来的,原有的 | devotee: n.1.献身者,热心之士,爱好者 2.虔诚(或狂热)的宗教徒 | disinterested: a.1.无私的,公正的 2.不感兴趣的,冷漠的

I like pushy:我喜欢热心肠

- You did great. - You don't think I was too pushy?|- 你做得很棒 - 你不觉得我太热心了吗? | I like pushy.|我喜欢热心肠 | So, is this when the hero gets the girl?|那么 英雄得到心上人是这样的吗?

tepidity:微温; 微热 (名)

tepid 微温的, 不太热心的, 温热的 (形) | tepidity 微温; 微热 (名) | tepidness 微温, 不冷不热; 缺乏热诚 (名)

