英语人>词典>汉英 : 天赋地 的英文翻译,例句
天赋地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Even people who are gifted communicators in social circles are often not as effective in business communication.


When we give up all claim to a knowledge of the final end, we shall clearly perceive that just as we cannot invent any flower or seed more truly appropriate to a plant than those it produces, so we cannot imagine any two persons, with all their past in such complete congruity down to the smallest details, with the part they were destined to play.


But giftedness on the playing field and giftedness in, say, a lab aren't so different.


The starting point of Chomsky's TG ; Grammar is his innateness hypothesis, based on his observations that some important facts can never be otherwise explained adequately.

乔姆斯基的 TG 理论的出发点是天赋假设。天赋假设建立在他对一些重要现象的观察之上,而这些现象决不可能用其他方式加以妥当地解释。

Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another you have only an extemporaneous half possession.


These two had large talents, and they were able to use them. Most satisfyingly, they used their talents for good.


Perhaps as humanity's you, possibly will not think that this idea will have shocks everybody, but Reamey will be a mouse, besides the cockroach, you will not most have the rodentia animal which in the kitchen the means will accept.


Trustily record and the course that show economy and social progress are the basic function of almanac endowment , meanwhile , actively leads and promoting contemporary economy and social development process is new period gifts of almanac not demit mission .


The rankings compare athletic gifts (which somehow extrapolates to potential?).


Rule Nine - We must concentrate our mind's eye totally upon the most insignificant and easiest of matters, and dwell on them long enough to acquire the habit of intuiting the truth distinctly and clearly.


更多网络解释与天赋地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Banquet:盛宴

对于>(The Banquet)这副于塞尚三十一岁时创作的作品,Fry写道:"无法否认,塞尚画得很糟糕. "Fry又说:"天赋更均衡和人格更完整的画家能够从一开始就和谐地表达他们自己,但是如此丰富、复杂和自相矛盾的天性需要很长一段酝酿期.


1957年,>(Jamaica Farewell)和>(Banana Boat Song(Day-O)录音的成功,使他又赢得"卡里普索(Calypso)之王" 的美誉. 贝拉方提最早的抱负是从事舞台表演. 戏剧性的天赋完美地支持了他的音乐才能,


★天生使用语言:通用语,精灵语(Elven). 额外语言:龙语(Draconic),豺狼人语(Gnoll),侏儒语,地精语,兽人语,木族语. ★天赋职业:法师. 当计算精灵兼职角色的经验值惩罚时,其法师职业等级不计入内. 侏儒(Gnome)★体质+2,力量-2.


我们可能都在不断地追求完满的人生,而李察的"天赋"(gift)令我们的人生更为完整一点. 他在永恒的国度获得的重生深深地震撼我们. 它帮我们感受到作为一个完人的感觉. 失去了李察令我们对"爱与被爱"的承担再次被唤醒.

Searing Gorge:灼热峡谷

现在战士和法师职业已经开放了"天赋". 选择这两个职业的玩家已经可以在界面中打开"天赋"(Talents)的窗口,该快借键为N. .阿兹特拉(Azshara),破碎之地(The Blasted Lands)和灼热峡谷(Searing Gorge)开放并列入地图


innate 天生的 | innately 天赋地 | innateness 天生

innately:天赋地 内在地 固有的

Audacity 大胆 无畏 | Innately 天赋地 内在地 固有的 | Grasp 抓住 理解


innately 天赋地 | innateness 天生 | innative 以生具来的

irresponsible: a.1:不承担责任的,不需负责的 2.无责任感的,不可靠的

necessarily: adv.1.必要地,必需地 2.必然地,必定 | irresponsible: a.1.不承担责任的,不需负责的 2.无责任感的,不可靠的 | gift: n.1.礼物,赠品 2.赠送 3.天赋,才能

natural rights:天赋权利

"一切国家的权力都是人民赋予的","人民"之所以能够赋予权力,恰恰就在于人人所固有的、不可让渡、不可剥夺的"自然权利"或"天赋权利"(natural rights). 天赋权利本身尽管并未必然地蕴涵全部属于人的权利和国家的全部政治权力,