英语人>词典>汉英 : 大麻 的英文翻译,例句
大麻 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bhang  ·  ganja  ·  hemp  ·  marijuana  ·  cunjah  ·  guaza  ·  Muta  ·  marihuana  ·  mariguana

Cannabis sativa · Mary Jane · sun hemp · Cannabis sativa Linne
更多网络例句与大麻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cannabis, known as marijuana in its herbal form, is a psychoactive product of the plant Cannabis sativa.


Hemp Seed Oil - cannabis sativa - Hemp seeds produce a vegetable oil that is high in protein and can be used within a variety of foods and cosmetics.


In the 1930s, the psychoactive variety of cannabis sativa, imported from Mexico, became common in the southern U.S. It was called "marijuana", a word popularized through the "Reefer Madness" campaign, to distinguish it from the "hemp" fiber crops.


The paper introduced the production status of hemp and the problems existed in hemp production, pointed out the development advantages and prospect of hemp in Heilongjiang Province, proposed the countermeasure of hempen industry.


A study on the chromatographic behaviours of codeine, morphine, papaverine , narcotine, cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannbinol, cannbinol and diacetyl morphine on wide bore capillary column in presented.


Like good horticulturalists , they propagate strains of the plant that produce a high proportion of tetrahydrocannabinol THC , marijuana's active ingredient and speed their growth by means of heat and artificial light .


In time of realizing moderate unglue hemp, it developed a series of new products like low polymeric xylose, pectin, environmental fiberboard and organic manure that reaches delamination and multilevel use of hemp's combination and disassembly.


A reference scenario of traditional hempwarm water retting was compared to:(1) bio-retting, i.e. hemp green scutching followed by water retting,(2) babyhemp, based on stand retting of pre-mature hemp,(3) dew retting of flax.


Are pure hemp fabrics of 7Nm-60Nm, 5S-60S hemp blended fabrics,which is blended with cotton,organic cotton, silk, wool, yak, bamboo and soy bean and other natural fibers,blended or interlaced with tencel, modal, rayon, recycled polyester and other new fibers Hemp and hemp blended fabrics are characterized by its stiff, noblest and rough style.


Hemp producers were attempting to make a comeback, so Hearst started a campaign against the plant, publishing stories in his newspapers associating hemp with marijuana and, by 1937, the US Congress passed legislation that set in motion the criminalisation of cannabis.

大麻制片人企图让卷土重来,所以赫斯特开始了一项运动,反对核电厂,出版的故事,在他的报纸缔大麻大麻和, 1937年,美国国会通过立法,确定在议案刑事大麻

更多网络解释与大麻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cannabis sativa:印度大麻

此类药物并无生理依赖性及耐药性之现象,其症状特徵为:大麻是印度大麻(Cannabis sativa)类之植物,依美国之定义,大麻植物之全部、其抽出物、衍生物统称为大麻(Marijuana).



Cannabis indica:印度大麻

另有"印度大麻"(Cannabis indica)主要生长在阿富汗、美属维尔京群岛和摩洛哥. 各地的野生印度大麻基因成分不同. 例如在温暖地带,野生印度大麻能长到六米高,但较为寒冷的地方有时候只有30厘米高. 几乎每朵苞片花都结有种子. 野生寻常大麻花苞细长分散,

Hemp Farm:大麻农庄

1:农庄包括粮食农庄(Farmhouse)和大麻农庄(Hemp Farm),粮食农庄周围可以种植除了大麻以外的所有农作物,大麻农庄周围只能种植大麻. (由於各种农作物的耕种季节不一样,所有如果一个粮食农庄只耕种一种农作物在闲季就会造成劳力浪费,

possession of marijuana, hash oil, or hashish:占有大麻、大麻油、大麻麻醉剂罪

dealing in marijuana, hash oil, or hashish 经营大麻大麻油、大麻麻醉剂罪 | possession of marijuana, hash oil, or hashish 占有大麻大麻油、大麻麻醉剂罪 | behavioral jurisprudence 行为法学

dealing in marijuana, hash oil, or hashish:经营大麻、大麻油、大麻麻醉剂罪

eviction 驱逐 | dealing in marijuana, hash oil, or hashish 经营大麻大麻油、大麻麻醉剂罪 | possession of marijuana, hash oil, or hashish 占有大麻大麻油、大麻麻醉剂罪


大麻 大麻(HEMP)是人类用作纺织的最早纤维之一,纺织用大麻有别于毒品大麻,纺织用大麻四氢大麻酚(THC)含量低于0.3%,毒品大麻四氢大麻酚(THC)含量高于0.3%.


大麻,学名Cannabis sativa,是大麻科(Cannabinaceae)大麻属(Cannabis)一年生草本植 物. 大麻的栽培利用,历史悠久,它是最古老的栽培作物之一. 大麻对环境的适应性较强,对温度要求比较宽,因此大麻分布区域广泛,从热带到寒带都可种植.

cannabine:大麻碱; 大麻素

cannabin大麻大麻脂 | cannabine大麻大麻素 | cannabinoid大麻

cannabin:大麻苷; 大麻脂

CALVANI,Aristides阿里斯蒂德斯.卡尔瓦尼 | cannabin大麻大麻脂 | cannabine大麻大麻