英语人>词典>汉英 : 大豆 的英文翻译,例句
大豆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
soy  ·  soyabean  ·  soybean  ·  soya  ·  soybeans  ·  soys  ·  soja

soya bean
更多网络例句与大豆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on electro-characteristic and double electric layers models, directional mechanisms of soy protein molecular are analyzed for the first time on DC heating condition. After the main factors which effect soy protein gels transparency and strength being studied on DC heating condition, the different affects on soy protein gels transparency and strength by DC heating and water bath heating are analyzed and compared, and the transparent mechanisms of soy protein gels are further explored. In addition to temperature action as water bath heating, DC heating is added as electric field directional action. As a results, heating rate is increased. Directional range degrees of soy protein molecules are raised. These advantage the increase of soy protein gels transparency and strength. Microstructures of soy protein gels forming on DC heating condition are observed by SEM and the results showed that ordered structure of transparent soy protein gels on DC heating condition is more ordered than that of transparent soy protein gels on water bath heating condition.


At the same time, some problems were found during separations of 7S and 11S globulin and hydrolysis of soybean. According to the structure of soybean protein, this paper studied the separation methods of 7S and 11S globulin, and a new separating method was put forward: with low-temperature defatted soybean draff as raw material, a technique of alkaline extraction, acidic precipitation and membrane filtering was used.


Hence, it has great significance of the study of Heilongjiang soybean industry. Theoretical significance: With the research of the soybean industry development in Heilongjiang Province, setting up the soybean industry\'s basic theory, research framework, as well as the envisagement of the soybean industry development, at the same time through the analysis of the different areas of Heilongjiang soybean industry, it can provide a useful theoretical support and decision-making reference for soybean industry in China.


From differentiation of soybean varieties and photoperiod adjustment, anatomical differentiation essence of different types of stem termination soybean varieties, variation law of stem termination development under different photoperiod treatments, effect of long day on the terminal raceme of soybean, regulation rules of AGAMOUS gene among different soybean varieties and under different photoperiod treatments were studied, which would provide theory base of plant type breeding of soybean especially improvement of podding-habits and cultivation and management of soybean.


Electroantennogram responses to several chemical volatiles of soybean plant were investigated for the following four species of insects: 1 Aphis craccivora Koch and Macrosiphum avenae; 2 Lysiphlebus fabarum Marshall, the common nature enemy of Aphis glycines Matsumura which is the pest insect of soybean plant, and of A.craccivora which is not the pest insect of soybean plant; 3 Aphidius picipes Nees, the nature enemy of M.avenae which is not the pest insect of soybean plant.

研究了下列害虫和寄生天敌种类对大豆植株中提取的某些挥发性次生化合物及其不同组合混合相的触角电位反应: 1豆蚜Aphis craccivora Koch和麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae;2为害大豆植株的大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura和不为害大豆植株的豆蚜二者所共有的寄生天敌豆柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebus fabarum Marshall; 3不为害大豆植株的麦长管蚜的寄生天敌燕麦蚜茧蜂Aphidius picipes Nees。

The caracter of modified soybean protein plastics by propylol lignin is: it is produced by propylol lignin, soy segregation protein and glycerin. The mass percent of propylol lignin is 1-25, so as to 75-99 of soy segregation protein. The mass of added glycerin is 20-50% of the total mass of propylol lignin, soy segregation protein and glycerin.


This papersummarizes the studies on glycinin including components,structure and gene families.The homogeneity of the glycinin gene sequences was compared by bioinformatics.Heredity Distances of the six glycinin genes were analyzed. Special emphasis is laidupon comparing the sequences and components of amino acids in the glycinin. Thecontents of major amino acids in the intact glycinin and in the acid and basic peptideswere analyzed. In view of others and our researches, we advance some new thinkingand tactics of improving rice nutritional quality by using glycinin genes.


The traditional Chinese medicine thought its nature is cold,the solvable bothersome painfullyhot sun,the cold and heat consumption,in the accent induces perspiration,put someone in theknow,kills the fishy smell,has the very high for medicinal purposes value,in the modernresearch discovery fermented soybean includes nutrients soybean protein,many kinds ofmineral substance,multivitamins,linoleic acid,phosphatide,meals textile fiber and SO on,butalso includes the many kinds of biological activity ingredient for example:the soybeanmulti-peptides,the soybean low polyose,melanoidin,the soybean isoflavone class and SO on,they have the special health care function.


And objective parameters (texturized degree, color, hardness, springiness, chewing, water absorption, yield, etc.) were investigated in the high moisture soy protein extrusion process, and the statistical models of system and objective parameters were built, using the step-by-step regression analysis; A comprehensive evaluation of the products, and the process optimization of high moisture extrusion were obtained,using factor analysis; Secondly, residence time distribution and soy isoflavones losses kinetics were studied in the high moisture extrusion; Finally, chemical bonding process, the micro-structure and protein secondary structure changes were investigated in the texturization of soy protein, then the mechanism assumptions of texturization soy protein by moisture extrusion were proposed.


Inwheat intercropped with soybean not only N situation could be improved butalso P situation could be.2In intercropping,the pH of soybean rhizospherewas decreased by increasing the R-Apase activity,which could decelerate thetransforming and fixing P fertilizer.3In both monoculture and intercroppingsystem,the soil pH of rhizosphere was affected by cropping system at two Plevel which only 0.1-4mm distance from the root surface,but the effect of S-Apase activity in the rhizospher soil by cropping system was less than3mm.In effect,the rhizosphere P was really available nutrient,and applyingP to rhizosphere was effective ways to reduce the P nutrient competition.4Inwheat/soybean intercropping,the peak stage of reduction ability of roots wasthe same as that of the root growth,so that the time compensation appearedin intensity of nutrient absorption.


更多网络解释与大豆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

frogeye leaf spot:大豆灰斑病

政府在周度作物报告中指出,在南部科尔多瓦省的Laboulaye地区,大约20%的大豆作物出现了真菌疾病大豆灰斑病(frogeye leaf spot)的迹象. 据温尼伯湖2月26日消息,加拿大油籽加工商协会(COPA)周五公布的数据显示,截至2月24日当周,加拿大大豆压榨量为27,

Soybean Mosaic Disease:第六节 大豆花叶病

第五节 大豆根腐病 Soybean Root Rot | 第六节 大豆花叶病 Soybean Mosaic Disease | 第七节 大豆霜霉病Soybean Downy Mildew

soyabean protein:大豆蛋白

soyabean protein powder 大豆蛋白粉 | soyabean protein 大豆蛋白 | soyabean 大豆

soybean protein:大豆蛋白纤维

大豆分离蛋白:isolated soybean protein | 大豆蛋白纤维:soybean protein | 大豆分离蛋白:Soybean Protein Isolates

Cercospora kikuchii:大豆紫斑病

7.大豆灰斑病 Cercospora sojina | 8.大豆紫斑病 Cercospora kikuchii | 9.大豆霜霉病 Peronospora manschuica

Heterodera glycines:大豆胞囊线虫病

1 发生 在20世纪60年代,大豆胞囊线虫病(Heterodera glycines)主要在黑龙江省西北部松嫩平原干旱少雨地区的盐碱地、沙壤土、壤土地块发生,局部大豆田发生较重,对产量影响较大.在东北部三江平原,多雨潮湿、低洼内涝地区、白浆土地块大豆田即使发生也比较轻,


产品名称:大豆提取物来 源:植物大豆性 状:淡黄色粉末成 分:大豆异黄酮 (soy isoflavone)功 效:大豆异黄酮对低雌激素水平者,表现弱的雌激素样作用,可防治一 些和激素水平下降有关的疾病的病症,如更年期综合征、骨质疏松、血脂升高等;

Papilionaceae Paraglycine:拟大豆属

大豆 别名:菽;黄豆、白豆(广东、广西). Papilionaceae Glycine max | 拟大豆属 Papilionaceae Paraglycine | 羽叶拟大豆(新拟) Papilionaceae Paraglycine pinnata

soybean pod borer:大豆食心虫,大豆小卷蛾

soybean mosaic virus ==> 大豆花叶病毒 | soybean pod borer ==> 大豆食心虫,大豆小卷蛾 | soybean protein ==> 大豆蛋白

soybean phospholipids:大豆磷脂

大豆磷脂(Soybean Phospholipids)是大豆中各种磷酸甘油脂及其衍生物的混合物,主要包括:卵磷脂、脑磷脂、磷脂酰肌醇和丝氨酸磷脂,其中卵磷脂约占34%. 大豆磷脂在大豆中的含量为1.2%-3.2%,是具有多种生理功能的生物活性物质. 大量实验表明,