英语人>词典>汉英 : 大街小巷 的英文翻译,例句
大街小巷 的英文翻译、例句


high streets and back lanes · big streets and small alleys · the streets and alleyways
更多网络例句与大街小巷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We were like a pack if starving dogs, haunting the streets and lanes sniffing the air for something to put inside our bellies.


The wicket where the bulls of the anti-Pope Benedict were torn up, and through which the bearers of them marched out, mitred and coped in mock state, to publicly make the amende honorable through the streets of Paris?


Wall street daily " 11 days of reports, england " banner evening paper " an ad is launched in London ave lane last week " excuse " motion, writing on a few billboard " I am sorry!


While the days when bikes dominated Beijing streets seem gone forever, the city is seeking to backpedal on some of the overwhelming trend toward car ownership.


Water release, mad to a climax, it is used bailer, basins, buckets and even water, in the streets, playing chase.


Inger the legendary city of 1849 - a city of banditti, assassins and incendiaries, who had flocked hither in crowds in pursuit of plunder; a paradise of outlaws, where they gambled with gold-dust, a revolver in one hand and a bowie-knife in the other: it was now a great commercial emporium.


We couldn't forget the winter of Millennium what with the unwonted cold weather, the lowest temperature of Beijing in 50years. The snow was always flying around along with the Boreas and, last out for several days without thawing.


"Living close to main streets or in a dense street network increases the risks for certain respiratory symptoms in adults, particularly for asthma-related symptoms such as attacks of breathlessness and wheezing and for bronchitic symptoms such as regular cough and phlegm," they conclude.


"Living close to main streets or in a dense street network increases the risks for certain respiratory symptoms in adults, particularly for asthma-related symptoms such as attacks of breathlessness and wheezing and for bronchitic symptoms such as regular cough and phlegm ," they conclude.


Although at present the various confiture a superb collection of beautiful things on market, various booth dot spreads all over ave lane, but adept person still wants a choose and buy authentic " source and hall " confiture, regard assist tea as to entertain a guest beautiful is tasted.


更多网络解释与大街小巷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]






电台风袭击后的两周里,所有的大街小巷,地方和州际(INTERSTATE)高速公路因两旁倒落的大树阻拦而关闭. 附近的加油站和食品店也因积水和损坏而全部关门. 到处听到切割倒落树干的伐木声. 我被堵在家里无所事事,没有电,夜晚一片黑暗,

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar:渣巴

例如,篮球界的不朽巨星渣巴(Kareem Abdul Jabbar)在获得印有自己签名的球鞋前,所穿着的便是Superstar. Superstar瞬间普及至大街小巷的篮球场,其原创性深受街头篮球发烧友喜爱. 有些人间中在球场外穿着Superstar,

Kiss me:(亲吻我)

完整呈现莲儿与啷当六便士在音乐生涯10个年头中的点点滴滴,更记录著他们的成长;在这次的新歌加精选中,有一首极具话题性的单曲-"亲吻我" (Kiss Me)的日文版本,当年这一首红遍大街小巷的幸福国歌--"亲吻我" (Kiss Me)",甜蜜威力一样狂扫日本的天空,


largesquarenet 罾 | largesse 厚礼 | largestreetsandsmalllanes 大街小巷

National Guard:国民警卫队

在纽约曼哈顿区(Manhattan)经历了不明原因的48小时停电后,国民警卫队(National Guard)穿梭于大街小巷以消除市民的不安情绪. 第三梯队没有时间等待官方下达的对泽尔克的搜查令了,他们立刻派山姆去搜集情报.

Through street broad and narrow:沿大街小巷叫卖

As she wheeled her wheelbarrow 她推着小车走来, | Through street broad and narrow, 沿大街小巷叫卖: | Crying,"Cockles and mussels alive,alive-o!" " 新鲜的牡蛎哟,新鲜的淡菜!"


Slums 平民窟 | Alleys 大街小巷 | Populate 居住

By the time this hit the street:但与此同时,这传遍大街小巷

With a fever, but nothing he found 除了有点发烧,但别无他恙 | By the time this hit the street & 但与此同时,这传遍大街小巷 | They said she had a breakdown 他们都传言说她身心崩溃