英语人>词典>汉英 : 大炮 的英文翻译,例句
大炮 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cannon  ·  cannonry  ·  ordnance  ·  cannoned  ·  Cannon  ·  bullae  ·  cannoning  ·  cannonries  ·  cannons

更多网络例句与大炮相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Just as he reached it, a shot boomed from the cannon, deafening him and his suite, and in the smoke that suddenly enveloped the cannon the artillerymen could be seen hauling at the cannon, dragging and rolling it back to its former position.


One after another the cannon balls came whistling, striking the breastwork, the soldiers, the cannons.


A cannon shot of the game, players need to control the powerful artillery fire and destroying all the enemy.


To see a cannon on the ship.


The British fleet in the Black Sea, comprising 16 warships with a total of 645 guns, was commanded by Vice-Admiral Sir James Dundas, with Rear-Admiral Sir Edmund Lyons in command of its in-shore squadron. Once it became clear that the Russian navy had been blockaded in Sevastopol, a Royal Navy brigade went ashore with guns from several ships to swell he besieging force


Reasonable limits on gun size must be maintained, because all large guns began life as a cast ingot, and there was a limit as to how large of an ingot you could cast without sacrificing quality, and a sound forging cannot be made out of the casting if the wall thickness and diameter are too great.


The enemy's cannons in his fancy were not cannons, but pipes from which an invisible smoker blew puffs of smoke at intervals.


I only lengthened the cannon barrel and relocated it on the right shoulder and modified the riffle.


The Gunner can choose to shoot a cannon at ground-based targets, or a horrifically hard to use Anti-Air Cannon to shoot down the constructs.


It was strange to see a cannon on the ship.


更多网络解释与大炮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


建造大量的大炮(Artillery)和众多的士兵单位,然后利用大炮摧毁敌方的大炮、防御设施和建筑物,利用步兵单位消灭敌方的其他单位. 记住,大炮相当脆弱,别让敌方的单位靠近它们. 另外,敌方大炮只需一发便可摧毁我方大炮,所以在发射后,


bull-nosetool 通切刀 | bulla 大炮 | bullaeoflung 肺大泡

Fodder Cannon:粮秣大炮

130Extruder冲锋机械UD | 131Fodder Cannon粮秣大炮UD | 132Junk Diver垃圾掠集兽UD

Cannon-shot Doctrine:大炮射程说

cannon 空心轴 | Cannon-shot Doctrine 大炮射程说 | cannonade 炮击


火药时代来到,北欧维京人 优势下降 ,我国士兵优势也失去了,大家都致力开发火枪兵(musketer )和 大炮(cannon)和火枪骑兵,为了统一欧洲,我国决定和维京人决战.

loose cannon:松动的大炮(一触即发的脾气)

ling winded 长舌,碎嘴 | loose cannon 松动的大炮(一触即发的脾气) | lose one's marbles 疯了,神智不清


cannonproof /防弹的/ | cannonry /连续炮击/大炮/ | cannot /不能/不得/不可/不克/不足/未可/

Brodie "Cannon" Coburn:布罗迪."大炮".科伯恩

Jae "Storm" Akura,杰."暴风".阿库拉 | Brodie "Cannon" Coburn,布罗迪."大炮".科伯恩 | Palpatine,帕尔帕廷

Industrial Revolution:工業革命:[大炮制造,機械化工具][工廠]

Human Cloning人类克隆:[遗传学,计算机][胎儿培育中心,微观防御系统] | Industrial Revolution工业革命:[大炮制造,机械化工具][工厂] | Iron Working炼铁术[青铜冶炼][古罗马军团]

