英语人>词典>汉英 : 大河口湾 的英文翻译,例句
大河口湾 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与大河口湾相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Officials in Bayonne plan to reconsider their contract to sell part of a former military base to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and will consider higher offers from other bidders.


The abundance mixing those occurs in the estuary, the outstandinger is the earthward flow in the subsurexpression layer.


The more mixing that occurs in the estuary, the greater is the landward flow in the subsurface layer.


The more mixing that occurs in the estuary, the GRE ater is the landward flow in the subsurface layer.


The Bar-headed Goose has a higher contact intensity with human-beings and livestock in Dandao, Heimahe and Quanwan and in the month of May, which indicates that enhancing tourism management and public awareness of local people is important.


Using harmonic analysis of the calculated tidal level and current, the distributions of co-tidal lines for K1, O1, M2 and S2 are obtained, whose maximum amplitudes can reach 112 cm, 96 cm, 50 cm and 15 cm, respectively. The distribution of the maximum probable current velocities in Qinzhou Bay is basically the same as that of isobaths, and the maximum probable current velocity can reach 200cms^(-1) nearby the Longmen Harbor. It is concluded by the analysis of K1 and M2 tidal current ellipses that the flow is rotating at the mouth of the bay, while its retilinear flow is in the nearshore area, estuaries and channels. The distributions of the major axes are closely related to the topography, and the rotation directions of both constituents are clockwise.


With the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in the background fishers set crab lines in North America's largest estuary.


With the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in the background fishers set crab lines in North America's largest estuary.


更多网络解释与大河口湾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ST.PETERSBURG圣彼得堡 港口性质:海湾河口港、设有自由贸易区 航线:北欧 位于俄罗斯西北沿海涅瓦(NEVA)河口南岸,在芬兰(FINLAND)湾东端的涅瓦湾(NEVABAY)内,濒临波罗的(BALTIC)海的东北侧,是俄罗斯西部的最大商港和第二大城市.


源出东部高地罗亚尔(Royal)山脉,向西南穿过格伦邦(Glenbawn)水库,在登曼(Denman)接纳主要支流古尔本(Goulburn),折向东南,在新堡注入塔斯曼海. 全长462公里(287哩). 流域面积逾20,460平方公里(7,900平方哩). 其河口湾在新堡形成本州最大港湾.


位于菲律宾(全称:菲律宾共和国 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES)吕宋(LUZON)岛西南沿海巴石(PASIG)河口两岸,濒临马尼拉湾的东侧,是菲律宾最大的海港. 它是菲律宾的首都和全国政治、经济、文化和交通中心. 早在16世纪就成为著名的商港,别称"(责任编辑:www.wywyf.com)

Saint Petersburg:聖彼德堡

俄罗斯第二大城市圣彼德堡(saint petersburg)是俄罗斯联邦列宁格勒州的行政中心,它座落在波罗的海芬兰湾东岸、涅瓦河口,由涅瓦河三角洲上的近百个岛屿及河漫滩组成.


又名"纳巴达河"(Narbada). 在印度德干半岛西北部,是印度下注阿拉伯湾的最大河流. 发源于迈卡尔山(Mai-kal)北坡,流经平原、丘陵和峡谷,最后注入坎贝湾,河口呈三角潜状. 全长约1,290公里. 有支流,易于洪水泛滥.