英语人>词典>汉英 : 大教堂 的英文翻译,例句
大教堂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cathedral  ·  minster  ·  cathedrals  ·  duomo  ·  duomos  ·  minsters

更多网络例句与大教堂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Designed in the style of the great cathedrals of Amiens, Chartres, and Canterbury, Westminster Abbey is considered neither cathedral nor parish church.


The cathedral complex includes the church proper, the baptistery and the campanile46; The Battistero di San Giovanni is believed to be the oldest building in Florence46; The Gothic interior is cavernous and gives an empty impression46; The relative bareness of the church corresponds with the austerity of religious life, as preached by Girolamo Savonarola46


The building repeats in its basic proportions and constructions the Cathedral of the Assumption in the Moscow Kremlin that was the central cathedral of the Orthodox Church and was based, in turn, on the forms of the most ancient and highly prized Cathedral of the Dormition in Vladimir.


Designed by the distinguished architectural firm of Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson and completed in , Saint Thomas Church is built in the French High Gothic style, with stone ornamentation of the later Flamboyant period in the windows, small arches of the triforium, and stonework surrounding the statuary in the reredos. The flat wall behind the altar is characteristic of English cathedrals, and the magnificent reredos, one of the largest in the world, is strongly suggestive of the single, massive windows that terminate终止 the naves of many English churches designed in the Perpendicular style.


Hagia Sophia from the great dome to 55 meters high, but in the 17th century before the completion of St. Peter's Cathedral, has been the world's largest church.


It stands next to the cathedral with its five naves the largest Gothic building in Europe , it houses the tomb of Christopher Columbus .


The Chorus returned to Europe in 2003 to perform at St. Peter's Basilica and Chiesa Santa Maria Maggiore and La Madeleine Church, Notre Dame Cathedral and Chartres Cathedral.


It was designated the "west minster" to distinguish it from St. Paul"s Cathedral, the "east minster. For centuries, Westminster Abbey has hosted royal coronations and burials.

它已被指定为&西大教堂&,以区别于由圣保罗的& S大教堂,&东大教堂,数百年来,威斯敏斯特大教堂举行了皇家加冕仪式和墓葬。

The Speyer Cathedral, officially the Imperial Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption and St Stephen, in Latin: Domus sanctae Mariae Spirae (German: Dom zu Unserer lieben Frau in Speyer) in Speyer, Germany, is the seat of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Speyer and is within the Archdiocese of Bamberg.


You may enjoy a trip to the Kremlin, visits the weapon hall such treasure museum, appreciates the broad ancient church square and becomes famous the domestic and foreign churches, glances over Mary to ascend to heaven the cathedral, the angel coarsening church and Mary gets the newspaper cathedral, the law clothes places the church, the big herd first hotel, watches Mary to ascend to heaven in the bell tower exhibit article.


更多网络解释与大教堂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Speyer Cathedral:施佩耶尔大教堂

施佩耶尔大教堂(Speyer Cathedral)施佩耶尔大教堂是欧洲最大的具有罗马式建筑风格的教堂,也是神圣罗马帝国时代的主要纪念碑之一. 1061年举行了教堂的落成庆典. 大教堂的石头颜色奇异,比较惹人注目:鹅黄色与各种红色混杂交织在一起,

Aachen Cathedral:亚琛大教堂

在众多来自不同时其的宗教建筑物中,最特殊者当属距离科隆市(Koln 德译为Cologne)约一小时车程的亚琛大教堂(Aachen Cathedral),这座大教堂既不是罗马式亦非巴洛克,也不为国人所熟悉,其风采几乎全让艺术成就不怎麼高的科隆大教堂(Koln Cathedral )给遮蔽了.

Cologne Cathedral:科隆大教堂

科隆大教堂(COLOGNE CATHEDRAL)是世界最高的教堂之一,也是德国最大的教堂. 科隆大教堂是德国西部城市科隆的骄傲,也是科隆的标志. 它与巴黎圣母院、罗马圣彼得大教堂并称为欧洲三大宗教建筑.

La Madeleine:玛德莲大教堂(巴黎最大的一座希腊神殿式大教堂)

Opera Quarter 歌剧院区 | 1. La Madeleine 玛德莲大教堂(巴黎最大的一座希腊神殿式大教堂) | 2. Place de la Madeleine玛德莲广场

york minster:约克大教堂

约克最有名的就要算 约克大教堂(York Minster)了,她始建与公元627年,是当今世界上最美的哥特式大教堂之一. 同时,她也是英国境内唯一可以和坎特伯雷大教堂分庭抗礼的大教堂. 她实在太美太宏伟,以至于我18MM的广角镜头都无法捕捉她的全景.

St. Paul's Cathedral:圣保罗大教堂

"圣保罗大教堂"(St Paul's Cathedral)是伦敦最有名的教堂之一. 它跟西敏寺不一样,因为它从来不是一所修道院,而是伦敦城(City of London)的主教座堂(cathedral). 圣保罗大教堂历史悠久. 据信这个地点从前是古罗马时代的一所神庙的所在地,

They visited St.Paul's Cathedral:他们参观圣保罗大教堂

196 cathedral天主教教堂,大教堂 | 196 They visited St.Paul's Cathedral.他们参观圣保罗大教堂. | 196 Catholic天主教的,天主教徒

A cathedral is a large church:大教堂是一个大的教堂

9 In England, every city has a cathedral. 在英格兰,每一个城市有一个大... | 10 A cathedral is a large church. 大教堂是一个大的教堂. | 11 Some European countries also have cathedrals. 一些欧洲的国家也有大...

St Marys Cathedral and St Michaels Church at Hildesheim:希尔德斯海姆的圣玛丽大教堂和圣米迦尔教堂

■布吕尔的奥古斯塔斯堡古堡和法尔肯拉斯特古堡Ca... | ■希尔德斯海姆的圣玛丽大教堂和圣米迦尔教堂St Marys Cathedral and St Michaels Church at Hildesheim 1985 | ■特里尔的古罗马建筑和教堂Roman Monuments, Cath...

La Catedral 2.Andante religioso:大教堂 2.行板 (A.P.Barrios A.P.巴罗斯)

10. La Catedral 1.Prelude:Lento 大教堂 1.前奏曲 (A.P.Barrio... | 11. La Catedral 2.Andante religioso 大教堂 2.行板 (A.P.Barrios A.P.巴罗斯) | 12. La Catedral 3.Allegro solenne 大教堂 3.快板 (A.P.Barrio...