英语人>词典>汉英 : 大众银行 的英文翻译,例句
大众银行 的英文翻译、例句


popular bank
更多网络例句与大众银行相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The interest rate descends consumption level and wallet of fighting the people in general. Compound interest's rolling to increase wealth income is another way. But the person of real meeting is still a handful of men, hence the gap between rich and poor's pulling has to open more, the margin is also larger. If general citizen can't make use of wealth to create more wealths effectively, just only put in the bank, and acceptancy the super and low interest income. When in June, 2001, Legislative Yuan resolution insurance revision bill, The life insurance industry can start selling an investment linked insurance product . The advantage of this product will "investment","insurance" unite as one with" property management" knot, for the economic environment of present very much a rather big help, deserve a research..


Referring to the reason for Qu Yuan to commit suicide, it is said, Quan Yuan couldn't do anything when his country was at the point of crisis, the king didn't accept his sincere advice.


Recently, corporate governance has been a trustful indicator of a corporate to investors. Likewise, internal control also has become the reliance on a doctrine in Taiwan banking industry. On the whole, we really can find the relationship out between both of them by the case of The Chinese Bank.


When bad debts occur, the pain is spread far and wide instead of focused on the high-street banks, which hold the deposits of ordinary consumers.


In fact, VW is banking on about 30% of sales for its new Golf to be a diesel based on high demand seen for current Jetta diesel.

事实上,大众汽车是银行的约30 %的销售额为它的新高尔夫是一种柴油高需求的基础上看到目前的捷达柴油。

During the tech boom, when private banks began to court the newly affluent, they also moved into industrialised mass-marketing mode.


Many people think that in tough times, banks should tighten the waistband with the same mass.


The Federal Reserve is already one of the most transparent and accountable central banks in the world, providing voluminous information and explanation concerning all of its activities.


Bank Guarantees in the form of Bank Debentures are not available to the general public.


Shareholders and the public usually have a legal right to inspect a company's share register, which is usually kept by a bank or institution which acts as the official registrar.


更多网络解释与大众银行相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


当时因当时法令对银行存款利率设定上限、而有价证券的收益率不受利率管制的限制,因而发生大众资金大幅流向证券市场 的逆中介(Disintermediation)现象,在这时期美国REITs家数快速成长将近20 倍,其中权益型新成立有209家,抵押权型有113家,


晃动着人们运动的身影和排气扇吹拂下的巴西铁绿树. 不过,谷继祥前半句说的是事实,陆鼎臣在商报证券版也阅读过此类文章. 他相信经济学家凯恩斯的"窖藏"(hoarding)理论,年底了,大众多半会把货币窖藏在自己家中,而不愿回流到银行体系.

junk shop:旧货店

梁东屏/马尼拉报导 在菲律宾,不管是大都会如马尼拉或是地方小镇,有一个共同的风景便是到处都是当铺(Pawn Shop)及旧货店(Junk Shop),这两种生意其实是菲律宾一般普罗大众日常生活中的重要支柱,有些研究报告根本就直接把「当铺」分类为「银行体系外的金融机构」.

Mellon Bank:梅隆银行(美国)

82. State Bank of India印度国家银行(印度) | 83. Mellon Bank梅隆银行(美国) | 84. Group des Banque Popalaries大众银行集团(法国)

Mellon Bank:梅隆银行 (美)

82、State Bank of India 印度国家银行(印度) | 83、Mellon Bank 梅隆银行 (美) | 84、Group des Banque Popalaries 大众银行集团(法)


popovicki|波波维茨基 | poppa|波帕 | popular credit bank|大众信贷银行

Porsche:保时捷 汽车

赛诺菲-安万特涨0.7%. 法国兴业银行(Societe Generale)分析师称,目前存在赛诺菲-安万特这支股票的买入机会,并预计该股股价将反弹. 汽车板块中,德国大众汽车(Volkswagen)跌3.6%,保时捷汽车(Porsche)跌1%.


终於唤醒了政府及大众对降到最少,而审计委员会(audit committee) 的独立性(indepe ndence)及活跃性世界银行(World Bank) 於1999 年公布公司治理的架构,说明公司治理的架本研究将财务报表重编 (RESTATEMENT) 定义为发生错误更


器、试车、克服初期生产时" 出牙"( TEETHING) 难题,订购原料、推销银行股可考虑 (AFG) 、丰隆银行 (HLB) 或丰隆金融集团(HLFG) 、大众银行 (PBB) 和马来亚银行 (MAYBANK) .

Shanghai VW:大众汽车

浦发银行 SPDB | 大众汽车 Shanghai VW | 壳牌石油 Shell