英语人>词典>汉英 : 多用户领域 的英文翻译,例句
多用户领域 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与多用户领域相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Multi-user Virtual Environment with the development of virtual reality technology and network technology has been applied in many other fields.


Any SEO person know, SEO optimizes the user that technology and we advertise to experience the concept is violated, face 2 concepts that run in the opposite direction, only intentional talent can say both is reach the same goal by different routes only actually, yes, do not be discharge, do not be website rank, the SEO that does not do for money, behoove stands on user experience, and all search engine advocate this below acquiesce, to the Chinese, do not comprehend what do far not quite in the technology on SEO domain, and undeserved or those who depend on its fluctuant concept is moss-grown, have recognize only we why and the website is optimized, why to set foot on this one journey, affirming cicada only, all ability had germinant, an idiocy all can appear in the cartoon in slue and novel so kind master, because mix of others different, more Qiaqiede says is brain little together, but strange however meet again and again, become the person of type of a legend finally, its life story is twinkling unapproachable brilliance, this does not make us thoughtful.


The invention solves the problem of accessing to network by using infrared or low power laser light communication in subrange, especially aims at multi users on-line by optical signal in room place and being liable to interference with WLAN build with conventional air wave transmission. The optical accessing LAN consists of an accessing point and multi users devices.


With the development of modern communication networks and computer application technology, more and more attentions are paid to the CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) study field, which orients to multi-user cooperation.

随着现代通信网络和计算机应用技术的发展,面向多用户协同的计算机协同工作(Computer Supported Cooperative Work,CSCW)研究领域越来越引起科研人员的关注。

With the increase of users' demands, IGMP snooping will be applied in much more fields.

随着用户需求的不断增加,IGMP snooping技术将会应用于更多的领域。

This resource enables users of the popular Craigslist database to visualize and map the results of their search for available housing and rental properties. FYI, Craigslist is a very well known, San Francisco-based directory of classified ads. Using the Google Map API, users can search and map rental housing by city and price range. In our example we''ve queried results for vacancies in San Francisco less than $2,000. Users can extend the scope of their search by locating listings for sale, rooms to rent, and sublets. The list of cities is constantly growing with Providence, Toronto, and Montreal being recently added. See also http://www.craigslist.org

这个资源可以让用户访问目前非常风行的Craigslist数据库,搜索租房和供房信息,并以舆图的情势显示查询成果Craigslist是旧金山非常著名的一个分类广告目录数据库应用Google Map API,用户们可以搜索和舆图显示以城市和价格排列的租赁住房信息在这个例子中,我查询了价位在1500-2000美元的租房信息,用户可以通过选择包含出售、租房和转租列表来进一步限定他们的搜索领域更多城市的租房信息已经逐渐被录入到这个数据库中,最近普罗维登斯,多伦多和蒙特利尔这谷歌在线翻译下载三个城市的信息也被加载了网址:http://www.craigslist.org

The development of multiuser detection techniques is one of the most important recent advances in communications technology.


Therefore .multiuser detection technology has became a new hotspot in the research of mobile communication.


After ten years of development, the company's products have fiber-optic distribution frame, MDF, optical cable transfer box, fiber optic cable connector boxes, cable, cable transfer box, cable splice chamber, integrated wiring and other products; major users have China Telecom, Netcom, Unicom, and other fields, annual sales reached 30 million yuan.


TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, and to provide users with reliable, full-duplex stream of bytes, is confirmed, Flow control, multiplexers and synchronization function to better information security protection applies to data transmission, It can solve life, commercial, military and many other fields in network communications security issues.


更多网络解释与多用户领域相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


是系统提供的,可由用户在外部看到的服务,这些服务满足了用户的需求.UFIDA U9在进行领域工程时,将特征三种主要的类型,即:必须的(Mandatory),可选的(Optional)和多选一的(Alternative).其中:基于对这一软件产业发展模式的引领和推动,

multi-user domain:多用户领域

多用户地牢 multi-user dimension,MUD | 多用户领域 multi-user domain | 多用户地牢 multi-user dungeon,MUD


微软的共享网站"肥皂盒"(Soapbox)本月正式进入公开测试阶段,它加入了多项有趣的新功能,有望在网络领域占据一席之地. 但是,"肥皂盒"短期内赶上Google旗下共享网站YouTube的可能性并不大,因为同YouTube相比,它缺乏吸引用户的独创性.

MUD Multi-User Dungeons:多用户网络游戏

Multiplexer and Terminal Unit 多路转换器与终端装置 | MUD Multi-User Dungeons 多用户网络游戏 | Multi-User Domuins 多用户领域