英语人>词典>汉英 : 多数 的英文翻译,例句
多数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lakh  ·  majority  ·  many  ·  mort  ·  multiplicity  ·  multitude  ·  preponderance  ·  quiverful  ·  regiment  ·  troop  ·  rimption  ·  majorities  ·  multiplicities  ·  regimented  ·  regimenting  ·  regiments  ·  trooped  ·  trooping

更多网络例句与多数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Elster thinks that there are inherent weaknesses in majority democracy which is related to majority rule.Constitution can play the role of barrier to the abuse of majority rule.This makes it necessary for deliberation in constitution draft.


More just it is,doubtless,if it come to force,that a less number compel a greater to retain,which can be no wrong to them,their liberty,than that a great number,for the pleasure of their baseness,compel a less most injuriously to be their fellow slaves. They who seek nothing but their own just liberty,have always the right to win it,whenever they have the power,be the voices never so numerous that oppose it.


RESULTS Most of MCA1 were near the nostril,most of the MCA2 were at about 2cm from the nostril around the head of the inferior turbinate,and almost all the MCA were between the limen nasi and the head of the inferior turbinate.

结果多数受试者的MCA1位于前鼻孔附近,多数受试者的MCA2位于距前鼻孔2 cm的距离附近,与下鼻甲前端出现的位置基本一致,多数受试者MCA多位于鼻阈至下鼻甲前端出现的位置之间。

However, the rule of majority often results in the dictatorship of majority in the history of democracy, namely, the dictatorship of majority to minority.


Generally, extension education learners in Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages are 20-39 years old single female non-supervisors who work less than 5 years.


On comparing with the common type 4, there are 18 genes presenting change in the rest 21 types, most of them are tRNA genes, and gene replacement, gene increase and gene absence are frequently happened; on the contrary, protein genes are more steady, gene change is mostly of gene replacement. The genome size of Gymnophiona are all smaller than 18000 bps and most of them range from 15000 to 16000 bps, those of Urodela and Anura are bigger than 16000 bps, most of Urodela range from 16000 to 17000 bps, most of Anura range from 17000 to 18000 bps.


Analyzing the reality of the conflict betweent the rights of the minority and those of the majority, as a result of taking place of the conflict betweent the rights of the minority and those of the majority is limitation of human resource and the immoralism of the rights of the minority by the minority being obedient to the majority and absurdity of deploying rights by domestic law,the essence of the conflict betweent the rights of the minority and those of the majority is interest conflict and conflict betweent right and power and value conflict .


Secondly,it discusses and enumerates the facts about pros and cons,alienation of the MRP.lt affirms that most advantage of MRP,as the rules of a unified company"s will reflects the equal status of shareholders and "Limited democracy".Meamwhile,it points out that the principle also provides the possibility for shareholders to change their own will into company"s will by voting "legally,fairly and sensibly",and to oppress,squeeze,swindle or to treat medium and small shareholders inequitably,or to abuse control power,in order to satisfy their own private interests.Thus,"the protection of the rights and interests of medium and small shareholders"realizes the high-level equality between big shareholders and medium and small shareholders,between majority stockholders and minoritystockholders ,with a view to redressing unbalanced interests relationship among shareholders.


First of all,majority principles should ensure the few rights,which is the inevitable outcome of structure and the requirement of the equal legal statuses between the majority and the few.Secondly,majority principles should maintain the procedure justice,because the procedure is able to restain the majority from injuring the few.Thirdly,majority principles should preve...


Leaves mostly more than 5 cm, often saliently lobed; petiole mostly more than 1.5 cm; inflorescences mostly extra-axillary or axillary.


更多网络解释与多数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute majority:绝对多数,绝对多数

absolute magnitude effect 绝对星等效应,绝对星等效应 | absolute majority 绝对多数,绝对多数 | absolute manometer 绝对气压计,绝对气压计,绝对压力计,绝对压力计

majority charge carriers:多数带电载流子

majority carrier | 多数载流子 | majority charge carriers | 多数带电载流子 | majority emitter | 多数载流子发射极

majority function:多数定警数

majority element 多数决定元件 | majority function 多数定警数 | majority logic 多数逻辑

majority function:多数決関数

majority emitter 多数载流发射极 | majority function 多数決関数 | majority gate 多数决定门,多数门=>多数決ゲート

Majority rule:多数统治

不过,由于多数人的意志并不一定符合理性,他们的利益表达与要求亦并非时时合理,所以多数统治(majority rule)的民主可能退化为多数暴政(majoritytyranny).

majority decision rule:多数决规则

多数决闸 majority decision gate | 多数决规则 majority decision rule | 多数组件,多数(逻辑)组件 majority element

majority shareholding:占有多数股权

majority required 规定多数 | majority shareholding 占有多数股权 | majority statutory 法定多数

majority stockholders:多数"股东

2387 majority interest 多数权益,多数股权 | 2388 majority stockholders 多数股东 | 2389 make-or-buy decision 自制或外购决策

majority stockholders:多数股东 majority stockholders 多数股东

2387 1 majority interest 多数权益,多数股权 majority interest 多... | 2388 1 majority stockholders 多数股东 majority stockholders 多数股东 | 2389 1 make-or-buy decision 自制或外购决策 make-or-buy decisio...

in the majority:占多数, 拥有多数

32. The majority of children in our class我们班大多数孩子(常与of连用)多数;半数以上 | 33. in the majority占多数, 拥有多数 | 34. total v. 1.合计;总计 2.(常与to, up to连用)计算...的总数;把...加起来