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more than · upwards of
更多网络例句与多于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results Of these 26 patients with IM, male was more than female with average age of 36.6 years old. Liver function of 85 percent patients were abnormal, while 65% splenomegaly, 81% skin rash, 100%EB virus-IgM positive and 50% hepatomegaly.

结果 本组患者中男性多于女性、成人多于儿童,平均年龄36.6岁。65%有脾大,50%有肝大,81%有皮疹,85%有肝功能异常,100%的EB病毒IgM抗体阳性。

Liver function of 85 percent patients were abnormal, while 65% splenomegaly, 81% skin rash, 100%eb virus-igm positive and 50% hepatomegaly.

结果 本组患者中男性多于女性、成人多于儿童,平均年龄36.6岁。65%有脾大,50%有肝大,81%有皮疹,85%有肝功能异常,100%的eb病毒igm抗体阳性。

The major volatiles of Sansa were E-3-Hexen-1-ol (14.74%), Formic acid and hexyl ester (9.52%) and they were all more than that in other varieties relatively. The major volatiles of Red Chief Delicious were 4-methyl-1, 3-pentadiene (16.37%) and Z-3-Hexen-1-ol, acetate (10.27%) and were also more than that in other varieties.


Obviously, the optimization management in middle-sized or small cities of China is very necessary. The basic characteristics of municipal solid waste generated in middle-sized or small cities of China are put forward in the paper. The total amount of municipal solid waste generated in middle-sized or small cities is significantly less than that in large cities. The amount of garbage is about 1 kg per capita and year. In the garbage, inorganic material is more than organic material, the combustible less than incombustible and the amount of uncompostable garbage more than the amount of garbage that can be disposed for composting. The value of heat of garbage is about 800 kal/kg.


The numbers of labeled neurons in the left were more than those in the right,and that in the spinal were more than those in the jugular and nodose ganglia.


In encounters paired between unfamiliar males and males, there is great difference between dominant male and subordinate one. The dominants approached, attacked and chased the subordinate more often and spent significantly longer time.The subordinates defend or escaped the dominant more often and spent significantly longer time, but there is no significant difference on nonsocial behaviors between the dominant individual and the subordinate one.Frequencies of aggressive and social investigating behaviors are positively correlated with body mass.


In the research, we have found the interesting phenomena that NP1+shall+VP (+NP2) type of sentences use more transitive verbs than intransitive verbs and shall + notional verb type of sentences tend to use more verbs of active voice than those of passive voice.


To make a design or series of markings on by such pressure on a pattern .all hieroglyphics, all sacerdotal, all symbolical, more loaded in their ornaments, with lozenges and zigzags, than with flowers,with flowers than with animals, with animals than with men


Other dimensions of father's involvement were not variated in terms of children' age. Father's involvement was not different in terms of children's gender. Fathers who were androgyny were involved more than other fathers of sex role types and who was masculinity involved more than femininity and undifferentiation.


Other dimensions of father's involvement were not variated in terms of children'sage. Father's involvement was not different in terms of children's gender. Fathers who were androgyny were involved more than other fathers of sex role types and who was masculinity involved more than femininity and undifferentiation.


更多网络解释与多于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At best compare with:最多于''''''竞争

At the stage of 处于''''''的阶段 | At best compare with 最多于''''''竞争 | As a whole 总体上aim to '''致力于''''

More than 1 Medicine cabinet:多于1个医药箱

Level 22 Ms. Anne Adin (跟Level 15 在一起) | 2. More than 1 Medicine cabinet 多于1个医药箱 | 3. Sink and 2 Toilets 盥洗台和2个马桶

Compounding More Than Once a Year:(每年计息多于一次)

Compound Interest(复利); | Compounding More Than Once a Year(每年计息多于一次); | Amortizing a Loan(分期偿付贷款);

more than:多于

more and more 越来越多 | more than 多于 | next to 紧挨着;紧靠着

more than:不仅,不止;多于

317 mean by ......的意思,......意味着 | 319 more than不仅,不止;多于... | 320 much as(虽然,尽管)表让步;

not more than:不多于

not more than 不超过 | not more than 不多于 | not negotiable 不可流通


得分toscore | 得分多于...outpoint | 得分记录簿scorebook


outpocketing /外包缝合法/ | outpoint /得分多于.../比...更向逆风航行/ | outport /输出端口/

polyatomic:表示"多的, 多个的, 多于一的"之义

photo- 表示"光, 照相, 像片"之义 photosynthesis, | poly- 表示"多的, 多个的, 多于一的"之义 polyatomic, | psycho- 表示"灵魂, 精神"之义 psychology,

surpass, exceed:超过,多于

> 超过,多于:surpass, exceed | < 不够,少于:less than | = 相同,相等:equal to, the same as