英语人>词典>汉英 : 复辟 的英文翻译,例句
复辟 的英文翻译、例句


come back · restoration of a dethroned monarch
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Behn''''s English of the Restoration period, including misspellings, participial constructions and how to obtain idiomatic Chinese sentences without being bond by the English syntax and bending the guideline of faithfulness.


He was a statesman of high standing, and you may or may not know, Valentine, that he took a leading part in every Bonapartist conspiracy set on foot during the restoration of the Bourbons.


When the emperor returned, he wrote, implored, threatened, and so energetically , that on the second restoration he was persecuted as a Bonapartist


The lancer made the pleased grimace of Cartouche when praised for his probity.


It was fully realised that though the human beings had been defeated in the Battle of the Cowshed they might make another and more determined attempt to recapture the farm and reinstate Mr.


After the Restoration of the Monarchy, Cromwell's ''.


Now, all the prejudices of the Restoration, all its interests, all its instincts tended to disfigure Napoleon.


Instead of a rude mixture of sailors, soldiers, and those belonging to the humblest grade of life, the present assembly was composed of the very flower of Marseilles society,--magistrates who had resigned their office during the usurper's reign; officers who had deserted from the imperial army and joined forces with Condé; and younger members of families, brought up to hate and execrate the man whom five years of exile would convert into a martyr, and fifteen of restoration elevate to the rank of a god.


In this case, however, although the occasion of the entertainment was similar, the company was strikingly dissimilar. Instead of a rude mixture of sailors, soldiers, and those belonging to the humblest grade of life, the present assembly was composed of the very flower of Marseilles society,--magistrates who had resigned their office during the usurper's reign; officers who had deserted from the imperial army and joined forces with Condé; and younger members of families, brought up to hate and execrate the man whom five years of exile would convert into a martyr, and fifteen of restoration elevate to the rank of a god.


Restoration Comedy, also the comedy of manners, developed upon the reopening of the theatres after the re-establishment of monarchy with the return of charles II.. its predominant tone was witty, bawdy, cynical, and amoral.


更多网络解释与复辟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

come across:(无意中)碰到,找到,想到

come about 发生,(风等)改变方向 | come across (无意中)碰到,找到,想到 | come back 回到原来的(地方,话题等);突然想起;重新流行;恢复,复原,复苏;复辟

standing army:常备军

把英王查理一世送上断头台,但是帝制任然复辟,所以后来在>中规定"除非经过国会同意,平时在本王国(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)内招募或维持常备军(standing army)均属违法"所以就王室就没给陆军加皇家(Royal)的前缀,

Captivity and Restoration:囚禁与复辟

123. Captains of the Civil War内战英雄 | 124. Captivity and Restoration囚禁与复辟 | 125. Carmen卡门

come back:复辟

break the record 打破纪录 | come-back 复辟 | double-header 连赛


blowup 爆炸 | comeback 复原、复辟 | breakdown 损坏,故障

coup d'etat:政变

虽然在麦克马洪总统领导的保皇党突然发起的5月16日危機失败之后,只有极少数的保皇党员还期待王室复辟,但是由极右势力保皇党员挑起的持续骚动,以及对政变(coup d etat)的恐慌,导致了激进分子代表提出变卖王冠珠宝的计划.

Oliver Cromwell:奥利佛.克伦威尔

后来他们作为革命党人的忠实追随者团结在奥利佛.克伦威尔(Oliver Cromwell)的周围. 斯图亚特王朝复辟以后,假发又重新回到了英伦三岛上. 当初他们选择法国太阳王的宫廷作为庇护场所,因此法国宫殿里流行的假发成为他们复辟后的一个时尚.




那对年轻夫妻的生活挣扎用"革命"来形容一点不为过,虽然这场爆发于中产阶级生活的"革命"可悲地失败了. 但是就"革命"(revolutionary)的本意来说,这却是极为恰当的. 因为它的原意是"复辟"--让一切回归正轨,这相当令人震惊吧?

Roan Fel:罗恩.费尔

他从凝滞室里走出来后,带领"一人西斯"协助帝国残余破坏银河同盟的"奥苏斯计划"(Ossus Project),推翻银河同盟,血洗奥苏斯绝地圣殿,废黜罗恩.费尔(Roan Fel)皇帝,还都科洛桑,在银河系复辟帝制.