英语人>词典>汉英 : 增加体积 的英文翻译,例句
增加体积 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与增加体积相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Compared with the traditional localization ways for WSN, the method can give precise locality without increasing cubage, cost and power consumption.

与传统的定位方法比较,它避免了无线传感器网络必须在每个节点嵌入 GPS 模块的同时,能在不增加体积、成本、通信功耗的情况下提供精确的定位位置。

The results show that the vague point of gasoline and ethanol increase as the increasing water content of ethanol without adding the additives; dispersant can evidently decrease the gasohol's va...


Deformation greatly promoted carbonitride isothermal precipitation and made C-curve shift leftwards. The position and shape of C-curve depended on the content of Nb and N to a great extent, C-curve shifted leftwards a little when N content increased and its nose temperature was raised with Nb content increased. 3 when cooling rate increased, start temperature and finish temperature of continuous cooling precipitation decreased, full precipitation became difficult to take place, the volume fraction of carbonitride precipitation decreased, molar fraction of Nb and C dissolved in austenite increased, and the precipitation grain was further refined. Deformation shorten precipitation start time during continuous cooling, raised precipitation start temperature, accelerated precipitation kinetics of carbonitrides.


Results show that floes' VC and D at the surface water were closely related to current velocity; and the peaks of VC lag those of the current velocity. The lag variation during ebb and flood tides is 10-30min and 30-50 min, respectively. Current velocity at 50 cm/s is a turning point of D vs. vertical average current velocity, before the point, Dm increases with current velocity, and decreases after the point. Similarly, VC at 75μl/L becomes a critical point in the surface water, below the point, D increases with VC, and above the point, D stabilizes.Δp is D dependent, larger floes have much lower Δp than smaller floes. Both D and Δp of floes affect ω. In the surface water during spring tide and neap tide, a power exponent relationship exists between Δp and D, and ω and D.


The neckline resistance breakout combined with an increase in volume indicates an increase in demand at higher prices.


These would be an impractically bulky addition to a space probe.


This is the rationale behind universal gravitation.


Results After 3 months of kidney radiation by 15 Gy of Cs137 γ-rays, the changes with kidney shrank, Bowman's capsules straitened or disappeared, glomerular swelled, some epithelia denaturalized or died were observed. Mitochondria tumefied and the cristae shortened, lessened and disordered. Urine β2-MP rose evidently. It was lowered significantly the renal 25-OH-D-1α-hydroxylase activity and its mRNA expression. The dry and ash weight, BMD of femur and lumbar were significantly reduced, volume and width of bone trabecula were distinctly decreased and the space increased in model group. The Pyd / Cr increased and ALP decreased as well.

结果 15Gy 137Cs-γ射线肾局部照射3个月后肾脏体积缩小,肾小球肿大,Bowman氏囊囊腔狭窄甚至消失,部分肾小管上皮细胞变性、坏死,线粒体肿胀,体积增大,线粒体嵴变短、减少、排列紊乱;尿β2-MP显著增加;肾1α羟化酶活性及1α羟化酶mRNA基因表达量明显下降;肾辐射组股骨干重、灰重、腰椎和股骨BMD明显降低;骨小梁体积和骨小梁宽度减少,骨小梁间距增加,MAR减小;腰椎压缩和股骨三点弯最大载荷明显降低,Pyd / Cr值明显增加,ALP显著降低。

Raw vegetables or frozen steamed veggies, instead of frozen vegetables in butter sauce


These would be an impractically bulky


更多网络解释与增加体积相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anticlinal division:垂周分裂

原套由表面一至数层细胞组成,它们进行垂周分裂(anticlinal division),扩大表面积而不增加细胞层数. 原体是由原套包围的一团不规则排列的细胞,它们进行垂周、平周各方向分裂,增大体积. 大多数的双子叶植物,原套通常是2层,而单子叶植物则有1~2层.

square centimeter:平方厘米

"我们已经制造的结构只是平方厘米(square centimeter)级的,"他解释说. "我们现在正在增加它们的尺寸以使它们达到几百平方厘米--这是正常电池的尺寸大小. "阿特沃特说他的团队已经"处在这个进程中",来表明大体积的太阳能电池能够像这些小型版本的电池一样良好工作.

zonal centrifugation:区带离心

区带离心...区带离心(zonal centrifugation)是使用区带转子的离心方法. 典型的区带转子是一个中空的钵体或圆柱体,分上、下两部分,可以方便打开清洗、保养. 它省去了使用离心管,大大增加了使用体积. ...Tags: 离心机 区带离心


□代码(codes)这个域包括:指示紧急需要的分组或这个分组是数据尾的代码. □滑动窗口(sliding window)提供一种增加分组体积的途径,从而改进数据传输的有效性. □分组头检验和(header checksum)提供一种错误检查的数值,


实际流体都有可压缩性(compressibility)和黏滞性(viscosity). 可压缩性是指流体的体积随压强的不同而改变的性质. 实际液体的可压缩性很小,例如,对水增加1000atm的压强,仅使水的体积减少5%左右;气体虽易压缩;但它的流动性好,除密闭容器中的气体外,


实际流体的运动十分复杂,这是因为任何实际流体都有可压缩性(compressibility)和粘性(viscosity). 所谓可压缩性,即流体的体积随压强的不同而改变的性质. 实际液体的可压缩性是很小的,例如,对水增加1000atm的压强,仅使水的体积减少5%左右.


在PVC中其主要作为增量剂(extender)﹐以增加体积降低成本为目的﹐因此填充剂不但须价廉﹐有一定的质量﹐且须有丰富之来源. 随着塑料﹑橡胶等加工技朮的发展﹐填充剂的内涵和外延都 发生了根本性的变化﹐重要体现在以下两个方面.

Propyl gallate:酸丙酯

没食子酸丙酯(propyl gallate)也常用在肉类、鸡汤底和口香糖. 这些防腐剂会在高温烹调或其他特殊食物处理的过程中产生出致癌物质. 溴酸钾(Potassium bromate)有时会被用在白面粉及面包,来增加体积,但它却是一种致癌物,


实际流体的运动十分复杂,这是因为任何实际流体都有可压缩性(compressibility)和粘性(viscosity). 所谓可压缩性,即流体的体积随压强的不同而改变的性质. 实际液体的可压缩性是很小的,例如,对水增加1000atm的压强,仅使水的体积减少5%左右.

Whipping cream:鲜奶油

四、鲜奶油 (Whipping Cream) 鲜奶油是白色像牛奶状的液体,但是乳脂含量更高. 鲜奶油可以增加西点的风味,同时它具有发泡的特性,可以在搅打后体积增加,变成乳白状的细沫状的发泡鲜奶油(Whipped Cream). 五、酸奶(Yogurt ) 英文直译为"优格".