英语人>词典>汉英 : 增值的 的英文翻译,例句
增值的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与增值的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For companies like Hewlett-Packard, Palm would be a "bite-sized and accretive" move allowing them to "increase their footprint in consumer devices," says Kumar.

为公司,如惠普, Palm将是一个"咬大小和增值"的行动使他们能够"增加其足迹在消费设备中," Kumar说。

Bonds appeal to investors because of their scope for capital appreciation.


We continue to emphasize value-added human capital goals take precedence over the objectives of financial capital appreciation!


Then significance of rational allocation of added values from land development along rail transit line is illustrated. Meanwhile, the paper discusses principles of rational allocation of added values, based on rent theory.


The author thinks that human resources can maximize its value and function. At the same time, it can speed up the increment of physical capital. He defines it as"motile"and"positive"increment. 5. The author agrees that there is absolute deficiency in Chinese education investment.


Those properties that need to hold value and appreciate are the third level, which are mainly financial properties. Properties that can be disposed at discretion are the highest level of personal property. As a developing country, China must solve the subsistence problem for over 120 million people. Meanwhile China should let everyone possess relatively higher level of personal property in order to move into modernization.


Thirdly it constructed the mechanism of national assets keeping value and adding value in order to perfect operation system, management system and supervisal system.


Homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance=fasting plasma glucose×fasting insulin/22.5,homeostasis model assessment insulin aeschynomenous index=1/,index of insulin increment to gluncose increment at 30 min(△I_30/△G_30)=(I_30-I_0)/(G_30-G_0)post oral glucose,a...

采用稳态模型评估法计算胰岛素抵抗指数,胰岛素敏感指数,胰岛素分泌指数,服葡萄糖后30 min胰岛素增值与血糖增值的比值(ΔI30/ΔG30)、胰岛素曲线下面积。

Then it anatomizes these fourlinks from the relations between subject and object, and analyzes the general manifestation and other ones. With these analysis,itreveals how and where the knowledge grow in the knowledge value chain of enterprise.


Then the author tries to solve the problems of the compensation and the expropriation of land increment which is caused by land external economy by using the theory of property rights differentiation and expropriating the Pigou tax.


更多网络解释与增值的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accretive Acquisition:具增值作用的收购项目

Accretion 增值 | Accretive Acquisition 具增值作用的收购项目 | Accrued Expenses 应计费用


整个第一乐章给人静态[的感觉:恒久出现的琶音与人声悠长拖唱的对比在表面上是活跃的, 但高层次和声进行上的持续音 (pedal) 及预期性颇强的下行线条, 加上平稳的合奏织体 - 尤其是顽固音型 (ostinato) 及其增值 (augmentation) 与减值 (diminution) 的出现,

betterment income:资产增值收入

betterment 不动产增值;修缮经费 | betterment income 资产增值收入 | betterment profit 以资产增值方法计算的利润额

betterment income:资产增值收入tQW中国学习动力网

betterment 不动产增值;修缮经费tQW中国学习动力网 | betterment income 资产增值收入tQW中国学习动力网 | betterment profit 以资产增值方法计算的利润额tQW中国学习动力网

betterment profit:以资产增值方法计算的利润额

betterment income 资产增值收入 | betterment profit 以资产增值方法计算的利润额 | betting duty 博彩税

betterment profit:以资产增值方法计算的利润额tQW中国学习动力网

betterment income 资产增值收入tQW中国学习动力网 | betterment profit 以资产增值方法计算的利润额tQW中国学习动力网 | betting duty 博彩税tQW中国学习动力网

betterment profit:以资产增值方法计算的利润额 betting duty 博彩税

betterment income 资产增值收入 | betterment profit 以资产增值方法计算的利润额 betting duty 博彩税 | bid 叫价;出价;投标;提出拨款申请;买盘




1.定义价值链观念且与增值(Value added)的概念作对照 ,说明价值链的力量在SCM架构下 ,有效的管理成本需要广泛的集中焦点(broad focus)于Michael Porter所说的价值链 ,非只针对公司内部的价值链 ,而是整体的价值链在传统的管理会计下 ,

value-added service:增值服务

云计算作为服务的另外一个非常重要的特性是向用户提供增值服务(value added service). 什么是云上的增值服务?让我们来想象这样一个云存储的例子. 假如存在着这样一个服务提供商,它拥有非常高效的数据压缩算法和重复数据删除算法.