英语人>词典>汉英 : 填充 的英文翻译,例句
填充 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fill  ·  fills

fill in the blanks
更多网络例句与填充相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a computer graphics to fill the graphics algorithms, including seeds filling simple filling algorithm and scanning fill algor...


Methods The optical calculation was taken as the following by using the parameter of Gullstrand model eye:①The refraction of silicone filled eye in non-accommodative status;②The refraction of silicone filled eye in non-accommodative status;③The aniseikonia analysis when one eye filled with the silicone oil;④The IOL power re-calculation.


A series of equipments such as X-ray diffractometer, scanning electronic microscope, electronic probe microanalysis, transmission electronic microscope and instruments for measuring thermoelectric properties were used to investigate the effect of microstructures on the thermoelectric properties of these La〓Fe〓Co〓Sb〓 compound systematically. Crystal structure simulation shows a huge void in the lattice of binary skutterudite compound.


Filled function method is an effective deterministic algorithm of global optimization.


First, sweep line algorithm is used to find fill regions of each tile on the layout. Secondly, the fill regions are classified according to the criticality of the surrounding net segments. Then the fill amount of each fill region is reassigned based on its class.


A scanline algorithm for area filling with pushing span -ends has good efficiency but also a shortcoming that one class of special connected fields cann′t be filled completely by this algorithm .


Polygon Filling Algorithm typical scan line mainly include filling algorithm and contour filling algorithm domain signs for the document vector polygon filling algorithm for the scan line fill algorithm.


As far as the φ 30 mm ×300 mm column apparatus is concerned, the better applying is that filling length exceeds 20 cm; contacting time is beyond 0.5 h and outflux is 2.7 mL/s.

随着填充高度的升高、处理液与抗菌材料接触时间的延长、处理液出口端流量的减小,填充柱的杀菌性能逐渐升高;对于声30mm 300mm的填充柱,当填充高度≥20cm,停留时间≥0.5h,出口端流量为2.7mL/s时,杀菌效果较好。

The low-temperature resistivity of filling skutterudite increases with the increase of temperature. However the slope of the resistivitytemperature curves are different. The curve of the sample with low filling fraction is smooth, and that of the samples with high filling fraction is sharp. It is caused by the existence of the impurities in the samples with low filling fraction.


The results of XRD indicated that the addition of lanthanum in skutterudite could enhance the formation of skutterudite during the synthesis process. The content of skutterudite increases with the increase of the filling fraction in 〓. The lattice parameter of filled skutterudite increases with the increase of lanthanum filling fraction. It is caused by the deformation of Sb〓 ring arising from the "rattling"of the filling atoms in the voids in skutterudite.


更多网络解释与填充相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

added metal:填充金属,填充焊条

Actual time of penetraton (ATP) 实际渗透时间. 实际穿透时间. | Added metal 填充金属,填充焊条. | Adequate shielding 足够屏蔽.

packed column:填充<管>柱;填充塔

package 封装 | packed column 填充柱;填充塔 | packed tower 填充

Display Options:通过这个选项,可以选择只填充或描边,或者同时覆盖性的填充及描边

Fill and Stroke,填充及描边. | ① Display Options,通过这个选项,可以选择只填充或描边,或者同时覆盖性的填充及描边. | ② Fill Color,填充颜色.

fill in ratio:填充系数、占体率

填充系数 fill factor | 填充系数、占体率 fill in ratio | 填充线芯导线 fill-core conductor

fill in ratio:填充系数,占体率

填充系数 fill factor | 填充系数,占体率 fill in ratio | 填充线芯导线 fill-core conductor


1、建立一个RGB模式的图像,然后执行"编辑"(Edit)"填充"(Fill)命令,用50%灰度进行填充. 3、选取一块矩形范围,将其用砖红色进行填充,然后将前景色设为灰色,背景色设为刚才的砖红色,执行"滤镜"(Filter)"渲染"(Render)"云彩"(Clouds)命令.


你可以看到填充风格面板显示了有关山体的填充设置参数:填充颜色(Fill color)、边线宽度(Edge width)、边线颜色(Edge color)以及一些填充的风格设置(Fill 和 Fill(2)). 点击填充颜色区域(Fill color),从填充模式(Fill)的弹出菜单中选择渐变(Gradient).

petroleum jelly filling:石油膏填充

石油膏填充物、石油膏填充器 petroleum jelly cable filler | 石油膏填充 petroleum jelly filling | 非导电填充物 non-conductive filler


共有填充样式(Fill Style)与填充颜色(Fill Color)两种设置功能,其中,填充样式又分为没有填充(None)、实心填充(Solid)、线性渐变填充(Linear Gradient)、球性渐变填充(Radial Gradient)、位图填充(Bitmap)五种填充方式.

surfacing welding rod:堆焊填充棒; 堆焊填充焊棒; 堆焊填充丝

surfacing welding electrode堆焊焊条 | surfacing welding rod堆焊填充棒; 堆焊填充焊棒; 堆焊填充丝 | tack welding点定焊; 点固焊接; 暂焊