英语人>词典>汉英 : 塞格德 的英文翻译,例句
塞格德 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与塞格德相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His daughter is in the city of Szeged, hiding in the house of Mr. Kovacs, and gave a full address.


Next morning, as he was led upstairs, he saw a discarded newspaper headlining the fall of the Eastern city Szeged to the Red Army.


The southern Hungarian university city of Szeged will host part of the project, amounting to 40 percent of the total investment, which will mostly be paid for through Hungary's EU structural funds.


The southern Hungarian university city of Szeged will host part of the project, amounting to 40 percent of the total investment, which will mostly be paid for through Hungary's EU structural funds.


The southern Hungarian university city of Szeged will host part of the project, amounting to 40 percent of the total investment, which will mostly be paid for through Hungary's EU structural funds.


As far as real numbers, the estimates are that last spring's DrupalCon in Boston was roughly 8% female, the summer conference in Szeged was around 10%, and this year's event in DC pulled a roughly 15% female attendance.

至于实际的数字,据估计,去年春天在波士顿举行的 DrupalCon 会议女性大约占8%,在塞格德的夏季会议是10%左右,今年在华盛顿特区的活动吸引了大约15%的女性出席。

The southern Hungarian university city of Szeged will host part of the project, amounting to 40 percent of the total investment, which will mostly be paid for through Hungary's EU structural funds.


The southern Hungarain university city of Szeged will host part of the project,amounting to 40 percent of the total investment,which will mostly be paid for through Hungary's EU structural funds.


The southern Hungarian university city of Szeged will host part of the project, amounting to 40 percent of the total investment, which will mostly be paid for through Hungary's EU structural funds.


Hungary: The Open-Air Theatre of Szeged- Szeged, Hungary fZ*+2T

匈牙利:塞格德户外剧院——匈牙利赛格德 rNB_W。

更多网络解释与塞格德相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


格拉古(Caius Gracchus),德莫斯提尼――西塞罗,德米特里(Demetrius)――安东尼(Antony),狄翁(Dion)――布鲁图(Brutus). 最后是4个单独的传记:阿拉图传(Aratus)、阿塔薛西斯传(Artaxerxes)、伽尔巴传(Galba)、奥托传(Otho ).


与马格德林文化遗物伴生的人类化石,是属于晚期智人 (见智人)的尚塞拉德..马格德林文化 马格德林文化(Magdalenian) 欧洲的旧石器时代晚期文化. 因最早发现于法国西南部多尔多涅省蒂尔萨克附近的拉马德莱纳岩棚而得名.

Siegfried Behrend:塞格弗莱德.贝伦德

曼努埃尔.巴鲁艾科,Manuel Barrueco | 塞格弗莱德.贝伦德,Siegfried Behrend | 瓦拉蒂斯拉夫.布拉哈,Vladislav Blaha


Seiler 塞乐尔(德) | Steinberg,Wilh.斯坦伯格(德) | Walter,Charles R.奥尔特查尔斯(美)

Steinberg,Wilh:斯坦伯格(德) 卡瓦依钢琴

Seiler 塞乐尔(德) | Steinberg,Wilh.斯坦伯格(德) 卡瓦依钢琴k3 | Walter,Charles R.奥尔特查尔斯(美)


塞格德(Szeged)是匈牙利南部最重要的城市,位于蒂萨河(Tisza)和毛洛什河(Maros)的交汇处. 这两条河历来在塞格德的生活中起着重要作用. 古罗马人用毛洛什河运盐,蒂萨河则一直是一条重要的商业通道,把东喀尔巴阡山和匈牙利南部连接在一起.

Univ Szeged:塞格德大学

303-401 萨里大学 Univ Surrey | 303-401 塞格德大学 Univ Szeged | 303-401 塔斯马尼亚大学 Univ Tasmania

Szeged Process:塞格德进程

Vestibular Research Facility,前庭研究设施,VRF, | Szeged Process,塞格德进程,, | Agenda for War-affected Children,受战争影响的儿童问题议程,,

JACOBOVITS DE SZEGED, Adriaan Pieter Roetert:阿德里安.皮特.鲁特尔特.亚科博菲茨.德塞格德

JACOBO, Jalil;哈科沃.哈利尔;; | JACOBOVITS DE SZEGED, Adriaan Pieter Roetert;阿德里安.皮特.鲁特尔特.亚科博菲茨.德塞格德;; | JACOBSEN, Kirsten;基尔斯滕.雅各布森;;

korteweg de vries equation:科尔特贝格 德 夫里兹方程

korringa mechanism 科林伽的机制 | korteweg de vries equation 科尔特贝格 德 夫里兹方程 | kossel line 考塞耳线