英语人>词典>汉英 : 基膜 的英文翻译,例句
基膜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

basement membrane · basement layer · basement membranae · basilar membranae · basilar membrane
更多网络例句与基膜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Basement membrane proteins could be regarded as one of the basis to evaluate the prognosis of ACC.


Under electron microscopic observation, capillaries of SFO are fenestrated ones, the endothelium of them are short of the tight junction, their basement membrane are not intact, the gaps between the endothelium and basement membrane are widened, to which the gaps within the endothelium are opened, the end feet of astrocytes surrond the capillaries not completely, and on the luminal surface of the endothelium some small vesicles are adhere to it, all of which suggesting SFO short of blood brain barrier .


Under electron microscopic observation, capillaries of SFO are fenestrated ones, the endothelium of them are short of the tight junction,their basem ent membrane are not intact, the gaps between the endothelium and basement membrane are widened, to which the gaps within the endothelium are opened, the end feet of astrocytes surrond the capillaries not completely, and on the luminal surface of the endothelium some small vesicles are adhere to it, all of which suggesting SFO short of blood brain barrier.


Disclosed is a film having a good adhesive property comprising a base film and a coated layer formed on at least one surface of the base film.


Ambient salinity and dietary protein level only had significant interaction on the body ash content, while no significant interaction effects were observed in other parameters. Tubules of shrimp fed with CP30 and CP40 had the normal structure, though CP40 increased the number of R cells. Tubules of shrimps fed with CP20 had relatively fewer R cells and arranged incompactly. And the basal membranes of partial tubules were in disrepair. While tubules of shrimps fed with CP50 compactly arranged with much ambiguous materials in B cells.


The stromal immunoactive cells, including Mφ and LC, were facilitated in attraction, chemotaxis and nonspecific opsonization by cellular FN and basement membrane FN.


Results The BMC surrounding tumor mass and strands showed multi-layered or dissolution, pseudopodia were seen extended from tumor cells, and contained numerous microvesicles.


The expressions of VEGF mRNA in renal cortex in B and group C increased greatly compared with A group at 8th week(P.01), And the expression was decreased more in C group than that in B group at the 8th week;④The light microscopes results showed that no pathological changes in group A; pathological changes were much obvious in group B:glomerular capillary lumen tumbling,lumens blocked,mesangial region widened,basal lamina thicking,mesenterium base inceased,the volume of glomerulus become large,cell population increased,renal tubule vacuolization, renal interstitium was infiltrated by lots of lymphocyte and mononuclear macrophage; pathological changes in group C was light,only see glomerular capillary lumen lightly stegnosis,few lymphocyte infiltrating.

免疫组化结果显示第8周B组大鼠肾皮质VEGF蛋白含量较A组显著增加(P.01),C组VEGF含量较B组有明显减少(P.01),C组较A组表达量仍然增加(P.01);③第8周B组肾皮质VEGF mRNA表达较A组有明显上调(P.01),与B组相比,辛伐他汀可以明显减少C组肾皮质VEGF mRNA表达;④光学显微镜下A组肾小球毛细血管腔均匀一致,无狭窄,肾小管-间质无炎症细胞浸润。B组则病变较明显:大鼠肾小球毛细血管袢塌陷,管腔闭塞,系膜区增宽,基膜增厚和系膜基质增多,肾小球体积增大,出现玻璃样变;肾小管尤其是近区小管肿胀、变性、空泡形成,肾间质可见大量淋巴细胞和单核巨噬细胞浸润。C组病变较轻,可见肾小球毛细血管管腔轻度狭窄,肾小管-间质见少量淋巴细胞浸润。

Results The expression of endogenous LN was found in the basement membrane of epithelium, glands and blood vessels in uterine endometrium of both estrus and early pregnancy. And its was faint that LN present in basement membrane as the implantation occurs, but the LN immunostaining in the epithelial cells of endometrium was stronger. The exogenous LN has no obvious influence on blastocyst attachment and implantation. LN-antibody intra-uterine injection showed significant repressing effect on mouse blastocyst implantation.

结果 动情期及妊娠早期小鼠子宫内膜内源性LN在上皮和腺基膜及血管内皮基膜均有表达,并随着植入的发生基膜的LN表达减弱,而内膜上皮中LN免疫染色逐渐增强;外源性LN对小鼠胚泡粘附与植入子宫内膜不产生明显影响,层粘连蛋白抗体明显抑制小鼠胚泡着床。

These results demonstrated that the sectional structure of the nozzle's orifice would not significantly affect the morphology and the size of the generated microspheres at least for the present system. RESS was also performed by nozzle B at the extraction temperature and pressure of 388K and 30.0MPa and pre-expansion temperature of 453K, and agglomerated microspheres with mean diameter of 0.8μm were obtained.


更多网络解释与基膜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

basement membrane:基膜

图2-12 半桥粒和基膜超微结构模式图 3.上皮细胞的基底面 (1)基膜(basement membrane):又称基底膜. 是上皮基底面与深部结缔组织间的薄膜. 不同部位上皮的基膜甚至同一基膜的不同区域,其组成成分有所不同. 基膜含有ⅳ型胶原蛋白、层粘连蛋白和硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白多糖,

BM Basement membrane:基膜

BC Boundary cell边界细胞 | BM Basement membrane基膜 | BB Basal body基体

basement membrane protein:基膜蛋白

多维色谱:membrane protein | 基膜蛋白:basement membrane protein | 外膜脂蛋白基因:outer membrane lipoprotein gene

base film:基膜

上述可挠性印刷电路基材具有与端子同时形成于上述连接零件侧边的虚图样(dummy patterns),此些虚图样的形状对应于上述连接零件两侧边的轮廓,并且当上述连接零件连接至连接器时将用以定位上述端子. 当基膜(base film)接受雷射加工时上述虚图样将作为光罩(masks).

basal lamina:基膜

层粘连蛋白主要存在于基膜(basal lamina)结构中,是基膜所特有的非胶原糖蛋白, 相对分子质量为820kDa, 含13-15%的糖,有三个亚单位, 即重链(α链, 400kDa)和β1(215kDa)、β2(205kDa)两条轻链.

basal lamina:基膜,基板

basal heat producing rate 基础产热率 | basal lamina 基膜,基板 | basal level 基础水平,基态水平

basilar membrane:基底膜

耳蜗(cochlea)是充满液体的螺旋管,基底膜(basilar membrane)位于中央并贯穿始终. 当镫骨振动位于耳蜗底部的卵圆窗时,耳蜗中的液体使得基膜以波浪的方式运动. (称海浪波) 基底膜的波浪形运动使得与基底膜相连的毛细胞弯曲. 当毛细胞弯曲时,

basilar membrane:基膜

basilar membrane model | 基膜模型 | basilar membrane | 基膜 | basilar meningitis | 基底部脑膜炎


basilar membrane 底膜 | basilemma 基膜 | basin 骨盆


hypothalamus 丘脑下部 | hypothallus 囊基膜 | hypothecium 子囊下层