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基耶里 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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And beyond the Jordan to the east of Jericho, they appointed Bosor, which is upon the plain of the wilderness of the tribe of Ruben, and Ramoth in Galaad of the tribe of Cad, and Gaulon in Basan of the tribe of Manasses.


By contrast, at Valentino, Pier Paolo Piccioli and Maria Grazia Chiuri, who assumed the helm following an interregnum with another designer after the brand's founder retired, are working hard at building a language of their own for the house.


His works include the Villa Rotonda and the Palazzo Chiericati in Venice.


It was the retirement of a magician, a Prospero who was now content to lay aside his art--"to read and smoke."


Chiellini will need to step on the gas as he only has three days to prove his fitness to coach Claudio Ranieri.


Names such as Sebastian Giovinco, Giorgio Chiellini, Claudio Marchisio, Lorenzo Ariaudo and Albin Ekdal will be the spine of tomorrow's Old Lady.


And the children of Israel abode in Galgal, and they kept the phase on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening, in the plains of Jericho


And the children of Israel abode in Galgal, and they kept the phase on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening, in the plains of Jericho


Polish director Krzysztof Kieslowski is recognized as the most unique and ripe movie author in the last 20 years of the 20th century.


The defender stends up for the manager trainer: often his words have been distorted.


更多网络解释与基耶里相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


腓尼基建立了迦太基(founding of Carthage by Phoenicia). Asokan印度;中国的秦王朝;Periclean的雅典;佛陀诞生. 欧几里得(Euclidean)的几何学;阿基米得(Archimedean)的物理学;托勒密(Ptolemaic)的天文学;罗马帝国;耶苏诞生.

Palladian Basilica:帕拉第奥式的巴西利卡教堂

帕拉第奥式的巴西利卡教堂 Palladian Basilica | 基耶里凯蒂宫 Palazzo Chiericati | 圣乔治.马乔雷女修道院教堂 Church of the Convent of San Giorgio Maggiore

Lee Bowyer:保耶 李.鲍耶

10 基维尔 哈里.科威尔 Harry Kewell | 11 保耶 李.鲍耶 Lee Bowyer | 12 班比 尼克.巴姆比 Nick Barmby

Brownie McGhee:布朗尼.麦基

还有许多音乐家和歌手--李.海耶斯(Lee Hayes),埃里克.达林(Erik Darling)(埃里克刚刚组成了一个演唱组叫"屋顶歌手",他们不久后录了首加斯.加农的老歌>,打上了流行排行榜),索尼.特里(Sonny Terry),布朗尼.麦基(Brownie McGhee),洛岗.英格利什(


"如果没有上帝,"陀思妥耶夫斯基(Dostoevsky)在这段名言里写道,"一切都被允许. "相信上帝的人干过很多邪恶的事情,但无论从残忍的广泛性,还是被谋杀的无辜生命的数量,世俗化政权--特别是纳粹、法西斯和共产主义政权--远远超过以宗教的名义制造的邪恶.

Kipkorir Japheth Kosgei:基普科里尔阿.雅弗 科斯盖

0004 Keter Abraham Kipkiyeny 凯特.亚伯拉罕 基普基耶尼 | 0005 Kipkorir Japheth Kosgei 基普科里尔阿.雅弗 科斯盖 | 0006 Teimet Stanley Cheruiyot 泰麦特.斯坦利 切鲁伊约特

Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin:鲍里斯.尼古拉耶维厅.叶利钦

7、米哈伊尔.谢尔盖耶维奇.戈尔巴乔夫 Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev | 8、鲍里斯.尼古拉耶维厅.叶利钦 Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin | 9、弗拉基米尔.弗拉基米罗维奇.普京 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

And of the sons of Herem, Eliezer, Josue, Melchias, Semeias, Simeon:哈陵的子孙,有厄里厄则尔、依史雅、玛耳基雅、舍玛雅、史默红

巴尼的子孫,有默叔藍、瑪路客、哈達雅、雅叔布、舍阿耳和耶... | 哈陵的子孫,有厄里厄則爾、依史雅、瑪耳基雅、舍瑪雅、史默紅、 And of the sons of Herem, Eliezer, Josue, Melchias, Semeias, Simeon, | 本雅明、瑪路客和舍瑪...

Olof Mellberg:号:梅尔贝里

3号:基耶里尼 Giorgio Chiellini | 4号:梅尔贝里 Olof Mellberg | 5号:泽比纳 Jonathan Zebina

Liber Ieremiae:(拉) 《耶肋米亚》[天],《杰里迈亚书》[基]

Liber Exodus (拉) <<出谷纪>>,<<出埃及记>> ↗Exodus | Liber Ieremiae (拉) <<耶肋米亚>>[天],<<杰里迈亚书>>[基] ↗Jeremiah | Liber Iob (拉) <<乔布传>>[天],<&lt