英语人>词典>汉英 : 基本表示 的英文翻译,例句
基本表示 的英文翻译、例句


basic representation
更多网络例句与基本表示相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

International tolerance grade: a series of tolerances that vary with basic size to provide a uniform levle of accuracy within a given grade.

公差符号:符号给出了公差与配合的技术要求,基本尺寸是一个数字,然后跟着表示基本偏差的字母和表示 IT 等级的数字。

The first part of the book is concerned with rings and modules, matrices over a ring, affine geometry and projective geometry over a Bezout domain.


The basic representation unit in most rule-based expert systems.


It explores the research on basic representation, analysis and synthesis methods of signals, and the basic approaches and implementation algorithms of extracting information from signals.


By introducing the generating method and the expanding method,a complementary abstract state space can be constructed using the generating method on goal state once and the expanding method several times in turn.They are useful tools for designers to construct the complementary abstract state space in an easy way,where the complementarity of abstract states means that each ground state can only be represented by one abstract state and all the ground states can be represented by all the abstract states.


As a graphical framework for formally describing interactive system, basic graph can represent processes and the interaction between processes in two ways: one is graphical representation, where a graph corresponds to a process and reduction in a graph corresponds to interaction between processes; the other is using term algebra consisting a set of terms and an equational theory on terms.


If migrant children at public schools choose to "give up oneself "because of their low expectation, then, the counter-school culture at private schools is not because of their attitude of "giving oneself up as hopeless ", on the contrary, the students are rather proud of their disobedient actions and misbehavior than self-disqualified.


A,an=not ab,abs=away ad,a,ac,ad,af,al,an,ap,as,at=to;at ambi=both ana=up ante=before anti=against auto=self be=do bene=good cata=complete cent=hundred circum=around co,com,con=together contra=against de=down,off dec,deka=ten dia=across dis=apart duo,di,twi=two dys=bad en=make ento=inside epi=upon equi=equal eu=good ex,ec,e=out fore=ahead hetero=different holo=complete homo=same hyper=above hypo=below in,il,im,ir=inside;not infra=below inter,intel=between intra,intro=within iso=same macro=big mal=bad medi=middle mega=giant meta=change micro=small mis=wrongly mono=one multi,poly=many neo=new nona,ennea=nine ob,oc,of,op=toward oct=eight omni=all orth=straight pan=all para=beside per=through peri=around post=after pre,pri=before prin=first pro=forward quad,tetra=four quint,penta=five re=back retro=back se=apart semi,demi,hemi=half sept,hepta=seven sext,hexa=six solo=alone sub,suc,suf,sug,sum,sup,sur,sus=under super,sur=over supra=above syn,sym=same tele=far trans,tra=across tri,ter=three un,ne,non=not uni=one ultra=beyond

成年人学英文的第一课和第二课刊出后,有数位读者写E-mail给我。有一位说道:「一篇文章的每一个单字都查到解释了,但整篇文章就是看不懂,怎麼办?」另一位说:「我的文法很差,没办法写完整的英文句子,要如何补救?」当发音和字汇都掌握住学习要领之后,剩下的就是「读」和「写」了,这才符合学习英文的正确步骤:听→说→读→写。台湾传统的学习方式由「写」开始,再「读」,然后才「说」,最后再去补救「听」力,可以说是背道而行,难怪效果不彰。那麼学习「读」的要诀是什麼呢?当然最重要的是能够了解整个句子的涵义。记得初中的时候背了很多文法规则,考试的分数虽然很高,但是对「读」的能力没有帮助。连那个时候流行的「英语九百句型」,也从来没有耐心读完过。然而我们今天能够看懂中文的文章,难道是因为我们熟悉中文的文法吗?答案是否定的。同样地,一个美国人虽然能阅读报纸,但是要求他做「英文文法分析」,他可能也会傻眼。英文的句子其实不需要去靠文法书中的规则去了解,文法书只应当作参考书,在有疑惑的时候才去查阅。平常应养成「约定成俗」的习惯,就是看别人怎麼用,然后「依样画葫芦」,日积月累,文法规则就化为无形了。因此,要训练「读」的技巧,不应该是靠文法规则,而是要多读。但是在读之前,要具备「了解句子」的基本能力,这就是我们的第三课─了解英文句子的要诀。了解英文句子的关键,在於先抓住「主词」和「动词」。看到一句很长的英文句子,不要害怕:先找主词,再找动词。动词如果是「及物动词」,再去找「受词」。主词、动词、受词之外,剩下的通通当做修饰语,有的修饰主词,有的修饰动词,有的修饰受词,有的修饰全句;任何两个完整的句子都可以用连接词连接起来。以上简单几句话,就是了解英文句子的基本观念。了解英文句子的第二步是熟悉英语的五种基本句型,其中前两种与不及物动词有关,后三种与及物动词有关。以下的句子中,用大括号表示{主词}或{受词},中括号表示,剩下的部份都是修饰语。第一种与不及物动词有关的基本句型叫做「简单不及物句型」(Intransitive Verb,简称I),请背住以下五个句子

Space curve is one of the basic elements in geometric modeling, and its effective representation is the basis of modeling. Parametric representation based on features is a kind of high-level representation including semantic information. In Chapter 4, para- metric representations based on features for free form space curve are investigated, and a parametric model for the loop of plain knitted fabric is established, in which 5 parameters with practical meanings are used to represent the shape of a loop and the relationship between loops. A new shrinkage prediction method for knitted fabric are proposed based on the parametric representation and energy minimizing. Experimental results on some plain knitted fabrics illustrate the feasibility of the proposed method.


Using hybrid CSG/Brep representation, the whole solid model is a CSG tree made of leaf nodes with basic Brep, which include triangular mesh, subdivision surface control mesh and basic geometries with parametric representation.


更多网络解释与基本表示相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

basic point:基础点

basic form 基本形式 | basic point 基础点 | basic representation 基本表示

basic representation:基本表示

basic process of nervous activity 神经活动的基本过程 | basic representation 基本表示 | basic research 基本研究

basic representation:基本表达式, 基本表示(法)

basic reader | 基础读本, 基础教科书 | basic representation | 基本表达式, 基本表示(法) | basic salary | 基本薪水

basic ring:基环

basic representation 基本表示 | basic ring 基环 | basic solution 基本解


在化学中,表示f轨域,是已发现的四种原子轨域之一,f是"基本"(fundamental)的意思, 是扩展拉丁字母之一,由 f 加上上句点组成,是爱尔兰语旧拼字法中,安色尔字体 (uncial) 的一个字母,而此字母在20世纪初被 fh 所取代.


比如在>等国际文件中,依具体情况的不同时而用"首要的(paramount)考虑"表示,时而用"基本的(primary)考虑"表示. 在>草拟过程中,"最大利益"原则应该用"基本的(aprimary)"还是用"首要的(theparamount)&quot

purplish red:紫红

边缘性指大部分颜色词介于两种基本色之间,表示以一个基本色为主,同时兼有另有个基本色的色泽,如英语的blue-green(蓝绿)和汉语的"紫红"(purplish red).


一个通常的匈牙利名称由一个或者多个前缀(prefix)、一个基本标识(base tag)和一个修饰符(qualifier)拼接而成. 基本标识指示了变量的类型(如"co"代表color),前缀修正该类型(如"rg"表示数组,那么"rgco"就表示颜色数组),修饰符描述了该特定类型的应用(如"rgcoGray"表示



lobbying muscle:这里表示游说能力

5. rationale,基本原理,原则 | 6. lobbying muscle,这里表示游说能力 | 7. deep pockets,这里表示财力雄厚