英语人>词典>汉英 : 基因改造的 的英文翻译,例句
基因改造的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与基因改造的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An ape that has been genetically altered for long-distance ace travel is sent into the cosmos where its ship loses contact with Earth.


In the experiment, two partly modified insect-resistant genes were transferred to the triploid hybrid of Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.譖opulus bolleana Louche譖opulus tomentosa Carr.

本项目研究了用部分改造的 BtCry1Ac基因与慈菇蛋白酶抑制剂基因构建的双抗虫基因表达载体通过农杆菌介导法对三倍体毛白杨的转化及对转化后植株体内残存农杆菌在继代培养和移栽过程中进行了跟踪检测。

Using the parent line is important. It minimises differences in the diet so that the impact of genetic modi ? cation stands out. And it did.


Using the parent line is important. It minimises differences in the diet so that the impact of genetic modi?cation stands out. And it did.


At the bookish assembly hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying on March 18, Miss Wang Ting-ting presented the first report on GM Products─Development, Disputes, Management and Regulations. It was published by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, for enriching the public's knowledge in genetically modified products in order to change terminal product consumers into technology decision makers.


Insect resistant transgenic cotton Gossypium hirsutum L.

昆虫抗性基因改造的棉花棉属hirsutum L。

Using the parent line is important. It minimises differences in the diet so that the impact of genetic modication stands out. And it did.


Using the parent line is important. It minimises differences in the diet so that the impact of genetic modication stands out. And it did.


Mice ate the genetically changed rice seeds as a powder.


The high level of efficacy for insect resistant transgenic cotton against Asian corn borer offers the potential for season-long control.


更多网络解释与基因改造的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一般美容护肤品的制造以化学(Chemistry)和药理学(Pharmacology)为基础,近年还加入生化科技(Bio Technology)及皮肤学(Dermatology)元素. 经过基因改造的玉米和大豆. 是美容产品中最常见的成分. "药用美容护肤品"更含有强力药物成分,

genetic engineering:基因工程

第二十章 dna重组与基因工程 dna recombination and genetic engineering 基因工程(genetic engineering)和遗传工程的英语中是同一个词汇. 从字面上看,遗传工程就是按人们的意思去改造生物的遗传特性、或创建具有新遗传物性的生物. 遗传是由基因决定的,

genetically modified:基因改造食物/基因改造食品

基因改造的超级稻米 genetically engineered "super | 基因改造食物/基因改造食品 genetically modified | 遗传学家 geneticist



position paper:意见书

CRG主要探讨的议题为基因歧视、基因检测与隐私保护、复制技术与基因工程、基因改造农业等,不同的议题内分别提供每年度之报告书及其摘要(Report & Briefs)、该网站之意见书(position paper)与该议题相关之文章或连结.


energy transfer 能量传递 | engineered 工程的,(基因)工程的,(人工)改造的 | engineered antibody (基因)工程抗体,(人工)改造抗体

Transgenic plants:转基因植株

这叫做"转基因植株(Transgenic Plants)". 最近在中国大陆已经用这种方法造出新品种的稻米和玉米. 同样的程序也可以做在低等动物身上. 高等动物现在还无法做,因为分化所需要的激素太复杂,到现在还不是很清楚. 但如果把经过基因改造的胚胎细胞植入母鼠的子宫,


小妹妹与亚当: 亚当是用来换取基因改造的唯一货币,只要玩家收集到足够的亚当时,可以到采收园(Gatherer's Garden)换取细胞体(Plasmid)与基因药水(Genetonic),这些物品都可以让Big Daddy变得更强大,让玩家不会轻易就死在敌人的枪下.

GI government issue:美國大兵

GEPT General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢 | GI government issue美國大兵 | GM genetically modified 基因改造的

and please, no flash photography:还有 千万不要用闪光灯

Strom: Our only rules: Don't feed the animals|我们唯一的规则就是不要喂它们 | and please, no flash photography.|还有 千万不要用闪光灯 | Some of our genetically- engineered animals|某些基因改造的动物