英语人>词典>汉英 : 城市周围的 的英文翻译,例句
城市周围的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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When Calixtus II died, in 1124, there was elected in his place, the Cardinal Lambert who had negotiated the great concordat, a veteran of the papal service and one of the last survivors of the band who had stood around Urban II in the grim years that followed the death of Gregory VII.


While restoring the slopes around the city, workers have also been busy fighting back deforestation through tree nursing and planting, water and soil conservation, and by correcting the slopes and banks of the "Quinte River", all of which form part of the longer term objective to create jobs.


It is now winter in South Africa. In the shanty towns around the big cities, people are cold as well as hungry.


Subway construction was just beginning, leaving a sinkhole in the street and traffic nightmares all around.


In December 2003, rumours started to spread around the cities of Xiamen and Fuzhou, in Fujian province, that sea salt was becoming inedible due to marine pollution.


Northwest is worth mentioning that Century City more than two years of time has developed a set of residential, commercial, apartment, hotel in one of about 1,300,000 square meters of large communities, so from 2000 -2002 in the Beijing property market is well-deserved hot-selling item, but also because the impact of Century City to the surrounding several projects over the past two years sales tepid or even unmarketable.


The three-ring line in Beijing seems to be a small community of small nodes in major cities, small cities, so that it has been the rapid expansion forgotten, whether it is a natural social environment for the community or the community of life are floating population the surrounding high-rise buildings, bustling city noise out of tune, I lived just a few days, so I can not judge how he formed, but her presence is the first time I came to Beijing to surprise some people, the tension of Beijing has been expanding beyond the three-ring style, and even farther into the tetracyclic rings greater geographical direction, but this community did not catch up with this tide, he just quietly watching the dramatic changes around, and silence in their own small world.


With 180,000 residents in its metropolitan area, the city wraps around a superb deepwater harbor on the island of Viti Levu.


There the hurricane built up over whelming strength at this time Katrina started to head to New Orleans.


Market gardens were concentrated in and around the cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns and Perth.


更多网络解释与城市周围的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


注意城市旁必须有河流,否则想升到6级以上就必须建造沟渠(Aqueduct),而此时你根本没空去研究建筑学(Construction). 选好地形后,开始阶段城市经营的重心应该还是扩张和必要的防务,尽量多造殖民者建立新的城市,同时命令工人在首都周围开路建矿,

Campo:坎 普

如今,帕拉兹(plaza)、坎普(campo)、匹兹(piazza)等这些常见于大都市的大空间或大广场,皆源自于古希腊城市的阿果拉. 每个城市都有自己的公民大会会场. 公民大会会场主要设在市政广场. 有时,公民大会也在雅典城市及其周围的其它一些地方召开.


城市群(Conurbation)的出现密切了城市及其周围地区的关系,是城市化发展的高级形式,反映了社会经济和城市发展的新的阶段. 至上个世纪末,我国京津地区,长江三角洲地区及珠江三角洲地区在世界有数的几个大都市地区中异军突起,

urban ecosystem:城市生态系统

城市生态系统(Urban ecosystem )是城市居民与其周围环境组成的一种特殊的人工生态系统,是人们创造的自然-经济-社会复合系统. 严格地讲,城市只是人口集中居住的地方,是当地自然环境的一部分,它本身并不是一个完整...


昨天从机场回来, 走的是小高速(Freeway). 汽车很多,但排放的尾气很轻微,所以空气很清新的,与北京 形成强烈的对比. 环境好的主要标志树多、草多、花多. 来之前曾听说这里城市里根本见 不到土地,那也太绝对了,但是由于周围的花草树木多,


中世纪西欧城市的粮食供应主要有两个渠道:即"农业腹地"(hinterland)和"长途贸易". "农业腹地"是指城市周围的乡村郊区. 它受到城市生活的直接影响,生产结构完全依赖城市生活的需要而发生相应改变,生产的组织和销售已经完全或部分地市场化,


古罗马赛马场 (Hippodrome) 在东罗马帝国拜占庭时代,是君士坦丁堡城市的娱乐和体育中心. 赛车道铺着沙子,上面可容八辆马车并驾齐驱,周围的看台可容纳上万人观赛. 竞技场内分布着许多立柱,以及大理石和青铜雕像,中央耸立着从埃及运来的古方尖碑.


除了亞凱迪亞(Arcadia)城市, 尔湾 (Irvine)也是華人聚集在南加州的另一個城市. 以下是坐落於尔湾的一棟豪宅的簡介: 座落于绿荫谷的私密性很高的豪华别墅,从里家向外望,周围的山坡景致一览无遗. 它有五个车库,


这可能仅仅是一种机缘巧合,但金字塔所处的城市开罗就译作"火星"(Mars),不免让人无限遐想. "火星脸"周围的其它废墟看上去像火星金字塔,遗憾的是,高清晰度照相机迄今尚未拍摄到它们的照片.


巴尔神殿(Temple Bar),史密斯菲尔德(Smithfield)周围的史区恢复工程(HARP)和爱尔兰金融服务中心所处的港口住宅区,是都柏林3个著名的城市发展项目. 20世纪,爱尔兰的城市迅速扩张,今天的重点则是创新的高密度住宅.