英语人>词典>汉英 : 埃尔丁 的英文翻译,例句
埃尔丁 的英文翻译、例句


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The Dinka and the Nuer are the two biggest tribes in the South, the Dinka constituting about 40 percent of its population and the Nuer around 20 percent.


Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim Arnold Bennett The Old Wiveds'Tale Elizabeth Bowen The Death of the Hear Emily Bronte Wuthering HGeights Anthony Burgess A Clockwordk Orange Samuel BVutler The Way of All Flesh A.S.Byatt Possession Angela Carter The Com pany of Wolves Agatha Christie Mdurder on the Orient Express Ivy Compton-Burnett A Fdamily and a Fortune Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Charles Dickens David Copperfield Sir Arthur C. Ddyle Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Margaret Drabble The Waterfall Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca George Eliot Middlemarch E.M.FGorster Howards End, A Passage to India John Fowles The French Lieutenant's Woman John Galsworthy The Man of Property William Golding Lord of the Flies Graham Greene The Human Factor Aldous Huxley After Many a Summer Henry James Daisy Miller James Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Rudyard Kipling Kim John Le Carred The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Doris Lessing The Grass Is Singing David Lodge Nice Work W.Somerset Maugham The Moon and Sixpence, Of Human Bondage Iris Murddoch The Black Prince George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-four Salman Rushdie Midnight Children Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe C.P.Snow Thed Affair Muriel Spark The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island Johathan Swift Gulliver's Travels William M.Thackeray Vanity Fair Evelyn Waugh A Hand ful of Dust Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray Virginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse

金斯利阿美族幸运的吉姆阿诺德本内特的岁Wiveds'Tale 伊丽莎白鲍恩的死亡听取艾米莉勃朗特呼啸山庄HGeights 安东尼伯吉斯阿Clockwordk橙色塞缪尔BVutler的方式对所有肉屈臣氏拥有Byatt 安吉拉卡特通信pany狼阿加莎克里斯蒂Mdurder东方快车常青藤普顿,伯内特和阿Fdamily财富丹尼尔笛福鲁滨逊漂流记狄更斯大卫科波菲尔爵士角Ddyle冒险的福尔摩斯玛格丽特德拉布尔瀑布达夫妮杜穆里埃丽贝卡乔治艾略特米德尔马契体育FGorster霍华德先生为此,印度之行约翰福尔斯法国中尉的女人约翰高尔斯华绥人的财产威廉戈尔丁蝇王格雷厄姆格林人的因素赫胥黎在许多夏天亨利詹姆斯黛西米勒詹姆斯乔伊斯的肖像艺术家的青年吉卜林金约翰乐Carred间谍谁排在从冷战多丽丝莱辛是基层唱歌戴维洛奇好工作美国毛姆月球和六便士,人类枷锁鸢尾Murddoch的黑王子乔治奥威尔19 84 拉什迪午夜儿童沃尔特斯科特爵士艾芬朱敬雪Thed内政穆里尔星火总理小姐布罗迪罗伯特路易斯史蒂文森金银岛 Johathan迅速格列佛游记威廉M萨克雷名利场伊夫林沃满手的灰尘奥斯卡王尔德的图片道林格雷弗吉尼亚伍尔夫达罗卫夫人,到灯塔

A big, beautiful rosewood Dreadnought that has been a favorite of Martin enthusiasts -- from Elvis Presley to Elvis Costello -- for more than three decades.

一个新奇的大城市,美丽的玫瑰Dreadnought 一直是从埃尔维斯普雷斯利以埃尔维斯科斯特洛马丁爱好者的最爱--超过三十年。

Bayezid besieged Constantinople, and Emperor Manuel II had to accept a Muslim quarter in his capital under an Islamic tribunal; 6,000 Ottoman troops were garrisoned at Galata.

Bayezid围攻君士坦丁堡,以及皇帝曼努埃尔二世不得不接受一个穆斯林季度在他的下一个资本伊斯兰法庭; 6000奥斯曼军队驻防在加拉塔。

At the RA Schools he met William Holman Hunt , who became a lifelong friend, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti .


Dante Gabriel Rossetti wrote several, including Jenny and The Blessed Damozel; Christina Rossetti wrote a number, including The Convent Threshold.

但丁加布里埃尔罗塞蒂写道几个,其中包括珍妮和神圣Damozel ;克里斯蒂娜尔罗塞蒂写了一些,包括修道院的阈值。

One day in 1863, the French Pierre Miqiaokesi an early second-round riding a bicycle out of the house, in the streets of Paris Saint-Martin were all looked at him.


Eight works by internationally renowned artists Valentin Carron, General Idea, Mark Handforth, Jeppe Hein, Gabriel Kuri, Mathieu Mercier, John McCracken and Ken Price will be installed.


Pedal - his legs started to leave the ground One day in 1863, Frenchman Pierre Mijiaokeshi riding a bicycle early two out of the house, in the streets of Paris St. Maarten people are staring him.

脚蹬——双脚开始离开地面 1863年的一天,法国人皮埃尔·米乔克斯骑着一辆早期二轮脚踏车出了家门,在巴黎圣马丁大街上的人全都凝视着他。

Bongoland largely features lesser-known acts who scored even lesser-known films, but a few of the Kings of Lounge are included: Martin Denny's "Young Savages" and "On Green Dolphin Street/Hernando's Hideaway" and Les Baxter's "Balinese Bongos" are here.

Bongoland主要特点鲜为人知的行为谁甚至获得了鲜为人知的电影,而是在休息室国王少数人包括:马丁丹尼的&年轻的野蛮人&和&关于绿色海豚街/埃尔南多氏鲜为人知&和Les Baxter的&巴厘邦戈鼓&在这里。

更多网络解释与埃尔丁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


新博物馆开始收集藏品, 1799年,埃尔金(Elgin)勋爵被任命为驻君士坦丁堡(现伊斯坦布尔)大使. 英国的使节和大使在为博物馆添加考古学藏品方面起了非常重要的作用. 驻埃及的总领事亨利.索尔特(HenrySalt)在代理人贝尔佐尼(GiovanniBelzoni)的协助下收集了一大批物品,

SCHIALER-SALCEDO, Elmer:埃尔梅.斯基亚莱尔-萨尔塞多

SCHENKEL, Martin;马丁.申克尔;; | SCHIALER-SALCEDO, Elmer;埃尔梅.斯基亚莱尔-萨尔塞多;; | SCHILLING, Wolf-Dietrich;沃尔夫-迪特里希.席林;;

Elton Brand:埃尔顿.布兰德

比赛开始后,客场作战的76人队先声夺人,埃尔顿-布兰德(Elton Brand)强攻篮下打2+1成功. 杰拉德-华莱士在25英尺外三分球投篮命中,还以颜色. 奥古斯丁妙传叠出,表现抢眼,带领山猫在比赛开局阶段以11-7领先. 76人队随即大举反击,

Mrs Cecil Woodham-Smith, Florence Nightingale:她塞西尔伍德姆-史密斯, 南丁格尔

简历韦奇伍德, 威廉沉默 CV Wedgwood, William the Silent | 她塞西尔伍德姆-史密斯, 南丁格尔 Mrs Cecil Woodham-Smith, Florence Nightingale | 诺埃尔湾安南, 莱斯利斯蒂芬Noel G. Annan, Leslie Stephen

pm spm:圣皮埃尔和密克隆

圣马力诺 sm smr 674 | 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 pm spm 666 | 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 vc vct 670

Ayse Yonder:埃尔斯 杨德尔 先生 美国,普拉特学院

Geoffrey Payne 杰奥夫列 佩恩先生 英国 杰奥夫列佩恩协会 | Ayse Yonder 埃尔斯 杨德尔 先生 美国 普拉特学院 | Opiata Odindo Hakijami 奥佩塔奥丁多哈吉雅米先生 肯尼亚 哈吉雅米信托会

St.Pierre and Miquelon:皮埃尔和密克隆岛

露西娅 St Lucia 0.202 | 皮埃尔和密克隆岛 St Pierre and Miquelon 0.193 | 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 St Vincent Grenadines 0.202

Saint Pierre, Miquelon:圣皮埃尔和密克隆 聖匹島及密啟倫群島

Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚 聖露西亞 | Saint Pierre, Miquelon 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 聖匹島及密啟倫群島 | Saint Vincent 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 聖文森及格瑞那丁


君士坦丁堡 Constantinople | 基埃尔策 Kielce | 加拉人 Galla


洋洋洒洒地编好了的,一方面,有拿破仑的自述,另一方面,有史界七贤(按此处法文原注只列举瓦尔特.斯高特(Walter Scott).拉马丁(Lamartine).沃拉贝尔(Vaulabelle).夏拉(Charras).基内(Quinet).齐埃尔(Zhiers)等六人.)的著作.至于我们,