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块多的 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与块多的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To avoid blurring of the real edge, this algorithm also combined the gradient information of several block boundaries to distinguish the blockiness and the real edge.


If the yield break statement is enclosed by one or more try blocks with associated finally blocks, control is initially transferred to the finally block of the innermost try statement.

如果yield break语句位于一个或多个带有finally块的try块中,控制将被转移到最里面的try块对应的finally块中。

A method is provided for encoding and decoding a sequence of digital data, according to which a portion of the sequence of digital data corresponds to a data block that includes several data packets, at least two data packets per data block containing an identifier. The position of the data packet within the corresponding data block can be determined based on the identifier, and the data is encoded or decoded by taking into account the identifier.


For wedge grafts the cuts are made at a right angle to the crest. Jones[1] et al. have found that full-thickness iliac grafts harvested with a power saw are stronger than those harvested with an osteotome, presumably because of less microfracturing of bone with the saw.


For wedge grafts the cuts are made at a right angle to the crest. Jones[1] et al. hae found that full-thickness iliac grafts harested with a power saw are stronger than those harested with an osteotome, presumably because of less microfracturing of bone with the saw.


This paper disertation explores on modeling and automatic recognition of NP in Russian sentences in light of Natural Language Processing, including linguistic foundation in the course of modeling, modeling of NP, multilevel description of models, modeling of AP with patulous components and automatic recognition of NP. In the process of recognition attention is paid to theoretic precondition of automatic recognition of NP, combinational rules of models, boundary mensuration of NP, automatic recognition of NP with postpositive attributes.


Stonehenge is a megalithic1 monument on the Salisbury Plain in Southern England, composed mainly of thirty upright stones (sarsens2, each over ten feet tall and weighing 26 tons), aligned in a circle, with thirty lintels3 (6 tons each) perched horizontally atop the sarsens in a continuous circle.


In order to enlarge applied field of autoclaved aerated concrete block, China engineering building standardization association sent down "A class Autoclaved aerated concrete block and brickwork structure technology rules". The rules point out definitely building autoclaved aerated concrete block tier building can only use A class Autoclaved aerated concrete block.


The crack that see much of most in several residence is that a layer maneuver a wall to hand over to connect place to have the stairs form the crack creation;Hand over to connect place or beam bottom and wall body to have the level crack the creation in the house noodles and the wall body;There is Shu under the first floor window sill toward the crack creation, the window sill of each floor two wall window way outside the layer four Cape existence inclined crack;Small scaled and hollow carve in the reinforced concrete pillar and the Mao a piece of fill a wall of mutually knot existence the Shu is to the crack;It is carve a piece periphery a creation crack.


The crack that see much of most in several residence is that a layer maneuver a wall to hand over to connect place to have the stairs form the crack creation;Hand over to connect place or beam bottom and wall body to have the level crack the creation in the house noodles and the wall body;There is Shu under the first floor window sill toward the crack creation, the window sill of each floor two wall window way outside the layer four Cape existence inclined crack;Small scaled and hollow carve in the reinforced concrete pillar and the Mao a piece of fill a wall of mutually knot existence the Shu is to the crack;It is carve a piece periphery a creation crack.


更多网络解释与块多的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

volcanic agglomerate:火山集块岩

火山集块岩(volcanic agglomerate)一种压实固结的火山碎屑岩(如火山渣、火山弹以及火山灰等). [1]是粒径大于64毫米的碎屑,经压实固结的火山碎屑岩,其中碎屑岩块占50%以上. 碎块大小不一,分选极差,多带棱角,多分布于火山口附近或充填于火山口中.


SGRAM读写数据时不是一一读取,而是以\"块\"(Block)为单位,从而减少了内存整体读写的次数,提高了图形控制器的效率. 但其设计制造成本较高,更多的是应用于当时较为高端的显卡. 目前此类显存也已基本不被厂商采用,被DDR显存所取代.

boot block:引导块

共享内存可用来作为进程间通信(IPC)的手段,多个进 程通过共享内存来交换信息. Linux支持SYSTEM V的共享内存IPC机制. 一个文件系统包括:引导块(boot block)、超级块(super block)、索引节点表(inode table)、数据块(data block)


clumping 聚丛 | clumpy 多块的 | clumpy 树林繁茂的

l Hits:瑞士新近建立的一个蛋白质结构域数据库

l InterPro,集成的蛋白质结构域和功能位点数据库. | l HITS,瑞士新近建立的一个蛋白质结构域数据库. | l BLOCKS,蛋白质分类与同源性数据库,包含蛋白质家族中保守区域的组块多序列联配的数据.


lumping 成块 成团 轨排更新 | lumpish 多团块的 | lumplime 块石灰

clotty:固结了的, 块多的

clottish | 笨的,愚蠢的 | clotty | 固结了的, 块多的 | cloture | 讨论终结 结束辩论

lumping:成块 成团 轨排更新

lumpiness 块度 团块结构 | lumping 成块 成团 轨排更新 | lumpish 多团块的

multidirectional block faulting:多向块断作用

multidimensional多维的 | multidirectional block faulting多向块断作用 | multidirectional drilling多筒钻井

horst block mountain:地垒式断块山

地垒式断块山(horst block mountain)又称地垒山,是断块山的一个类型. 断块沿两条或多条断裂隆起而成的山地. 山地侧方多呈断崖绝壁. 断块山地与断陷盆地多共生,呈平行排列,这是一种共轭补偿现象. 中国西北的阿尔泰山、天山,华北的恒山、五台山等都属这类山地.