英语人>词典>汉英 : 坏掉的 的英文翻译,例句
坏掉的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
broken  ·  raddled

更多网络例句与坏掉的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's like a bad bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau the first day of season.


When she received the broken bisque doll, she experimented for two years before she was able to repair it.


You gonna buy a broken-down station wagon...


Have you take a look at your old,broken-down car recently?


Can anybody cast light upon how this chair got broken?


Mr. Crick, I hate to sound like a broken record...


Zeng Feng said that the osteoblasts dominance of one party, the failure of osteoclasts, the absorption can not be old, broken bones, the bones become brittle and hard,"once the forces encountered, as demagnetizer by the impact, answered broken Crack."


She later found the glove in the engine compartment when she was trying to repair the broken turn signal.


Shame on that hard work, didn't amount much more than a busted up, old gumbo pot.


Nambu plops it in, letting it run, fast forwarding it through the broken sobbing and hysterical cries.

/ Nambu 使plop地掉下它在,使它跑,快速地经过坏掉的发出呜咽声音和歇斯底里的哭声转寄它。

更多网络解释与坏掉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This body bag. Corpse not pretty:里面是坏掉的裙子 不好看

The dry cleaners... they ruined it.|干洗店的人... 搞坏了它 | This body bag. Corpse not pretty.|里面是坏掉的裙子 不好看 | - But there's a replacement. - Back to good news.|- 但是有另一件了 - 再说说好消...

You gonna buy a broken-down station wagon:你准备买一部坏掉的旅行车

No problem. What are you...? What's your plans?|没问题 那你适合... | You gonna buy a broken-down station wagon...|你准备买一部坏掉的旅行车... | ...and drive across America like Jack...|...然后像那个杰克...

when my stars touch the ground:我的星星会接触地面

When my world explodes 此时我的世界会发生爆炸 | when my stars touch the ground 我的星星会接触地面 | Falling down like broken satellites 就像坏掉的卫星那样向下坠落


"I'll send you to the airport." ("我会送你到机场. ") | spoil - 弄坏(动词)或是已经坏掉的(名词或形容词) | "This one, spoil."("这个已经坏了. ")


07 瓷器铺的故事 THE CHINA SHOP | 08 坏掉的玩具 BROKEN TOYS | 09 农场交响乐 FARMYARD SYMPHONY

out of whack:坏掉

The last straw/忍耐的极限 | Out of whack/坏掉 | on top of the world/高兴极了

on the fritz:坏掉

on the fly急忙的 | on the fritz坏掉 | on the move进行中的

to be on the fritz:<美俚>(机器等)出了毛病,发生故障,坏掉了

. 2 be keen on 喜爱 | . 3 to be on the fritz<美俚>(机器等)出了毛病,发生故障,坏掉了 | . 4 to live high on the hog 过着奢侈的生活

Someone's run the knackers off it. You can't fix that with a nice paint job:车子真的坏掉了,就算外观再好也没用的

- What? - It's fucked.|- 什么... | Someone's run the knackers off it. You can't fix that with a nice paint job.|车子真的坏掉了,就算外观再好也没用的 | You're the one who's getting divorced, ain't you?|你...


raddled 浓妆的 | raddled 坏掉的 | raddled 昏乱的