英语人>词典>汉英 : 地方议员 的英文翻译,例句
地方议员 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与地方议员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has generated understandable anger (a new MP, says a Chippenham resident, will be "just someone else to put their hand in the till"), but also intense scrutiny of local incumbents and candidates.


A San Jose councilwoman and a San Francisco supervisor said they would propose local initiatives aimed at controlling electronic waste if the California law-making body fails to act on two bills stalled in the Assembly. CET-6, 2005.1 passage 2, paragraph 2


A: An electoral district is a geographical area represented by a member of the House of Commons.


An electoral district is a geographical area represented by a member of the House of Commons.


Vwww.edmontonchina.cn An electoral district is a geographical area represented by a member of the House of Commons.


The members of the witenagemot in Anglo-Saxon England.Are present, councillor Smith.


According to the report, last year in May, at that time year only the city parliament that fatigue of 18 years old pulls · to sent Er to enter place enters into an election contest, be elected successfully went up of this city aldermanic, laura is the with one action in a few a few British place elections last year carries off one of 18 years old of youths of aldermanic position, she also is England the youngest woman is aldermanic.


Local councillors have a duty to serve the community.


VIP guests including State Senates, County Supervisors, Mayors, City Councils, School District Superintendents, Chinese School Principals, and Sponsors will be invited to attend our Award Ceremony.


Westminster is where Edward the Confessor founded a royal palace in the Cll , adjacent to a Benedictine abbey of obscure origins, already a place where kings were crowned when the Normans conquered England Later , the royal residence of the Palace of Westminster shifted to Whitehall Palace and the former residence became the place where the Lords and the Commons met.


更多网络解释与地方议员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Red Alert:红色警戒

[党团文告/民主行动党]民主行动党柔佛州主席巫程豪今天在士古来发表声明,呼吁首相阿都拉巴达威严厉惩罚六州处于"红色警戒"(Red Alert)大水灾时,没有留在国内协助赈灾的部长、国会议员、州行政议员、州议员及地方议会议员们.


自伊利莎白女王一世以来,英国圣公会成为主教制,就是由女王直接委任主教治理地方教会,并在公共崇拜中遗传许多天主教的礼仪,此举引起许多改革的新教徒的不满,这群忠于改革的人就是当时的清教徒. 在1643年,查理士(Charles)当政之时(1625~1649),当时议院的议员以

Legitimatio per oblationm curiae:因任地方议会议员的认领,为库里亚社稷而认领

Legitimatio 认领子女,对非婚生子女的承认 | Legitimatio per oblationm curiae 因任地方议会议员的认领,为库里亚社稷而认领 | Legitimatio per rescriptum principis 因皇帝特许的认领,因批复的认领

Legitimatio per oblationm curiae:因任地方议会议员的认领,为库里亚社稷而

Legitimatio 认领子女,对非婚生子女的承认 | Legitimatio per oblationm curiae 因任地方议会议员的认领,为库里亚社稷而 | Legitimatio per rescriptum principis 因皇帝特许的认领,因批复的认领



Internal Revenue Service:国内收入署

美国国内收入署(Internal Revenue Service)估计,有25%的合格纳税人未能申请EITC. EITC向合格家庭提供最高达4,536美元的所得税减免. 保尔森表示,很多国会议员就如何改进工作与其接触,而劳动者所得税减免制度便是政府需要改进的地方之一. 他还称,

necessary evil:无可避免之灾祸

pork barrel 议员为选民所争取得到的地方建设经费 | necessary evil 无可避免之灾祸 | heptadecylaldehyde 十七(烷)醛


(2000年第14号法律公告)"提名名单"(nomination list) 指本条例第38条所提述的提名名单;"选举"(election) 指为地方选区、功能界别或选举委员会选出议员而举行的选举或补选;(2001年第206号法律公告)"获提名人"(nominee) 指本条例第38(

pork barrel:议员为选民所争取得到的地方建设经费

breeze oven 焦末化铁炉 | pork barrel 议员为选民所争取得到的地方建设经费 | necessary evil 无可避免之灾祸

Anders Knape:瑞典地方政府联合会主席

Peter Lificiu 罗马尼亚国会议员 | Anders Knape 瑞典地方政府联合会主席 | Anita Normark 国际建筑和木材工人联合会(IFBWW)秘书长