英语人>词典>汉英 : 地主 的英文翻译,例句
地主 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
laird  ·  landholder  ·  landlord  ·  landowner  ·  lessor  ·  zemindar  ·  lairdship  ·  landocrat  ·  squirearch  ·  lairds  ·  landlords  ·  landowners

land holder
更多网络例句与地主相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is so for the simple reason that the feudal masters - the landlords, the usurers and the bailiffs - were until recently tied to compradors or government bureaucrats who in turn were bound to foreign interests that were protected by special treaties, gunboats, military missions and all the usual accouterments of imperialism.


Araktcheev was a trusty administrator, a stern upholder of discipline, and careful of the safety of the Tsar. Bennigsen was a land-holder in the neighbourhood, and seemed to feel it his function to entertain the Tsar there; while he was in reality, too, a good general, useful as an adviser, and useful to have in readiness to replace Barclay at any time.

阿拉克切耶夫是忠实的执行人,秩序的维持者,是皇帝的侍卫;贝尼格森是维尔纳省的地主,他仿佛在尽地主之谊Les honneurs,而实际上是一个优秀的将军,能够出谋划策,随时可替代巴克雷。

Schedule A applied to land which had reverted to the Crown following the demise of its owners; schedule "B" was Crown Land where the owning unit was believed to have expired but where it was possible to suppose some may still be alive and Crown "C" was land acquired by the Government post independence, mainly through the acquisition of Freehold land purchased from the Colonial Sugar Refining Company.


Compared to Prussian junkers or the landed nobility in czarist Russia, the Chinese landlord was a very backward man.


To the market condition market condition's slot machine, star 97, Long Huji, 9999, Long Hu and, hundred happy 2, the five-star great splendor, the propitious treasure, run quickly the BMW, the fruit machine, the apple machine, Zhuang Xianhe, the Lion King to strive for hegemony, the hacker empire, the legendary master, the gold 12,000, real queue tiger, the super flaming chariot, the lottery prize money Lion King, the size leopard, super to fight the landlord, to fight the landlord, Shan Tiaowang, the world to gather, the alligator king, the Ahl gold, Taishan crazily to rush to the day pass, the wheel disk machine, the segment machine, the lion kingdom, the vehicle race wind and cloud, Shan Tiaodong and west, Longfeng machine, 36 leopards,The radiant pearl, the animal world, the animal paradise, the imperial crown train, the buried treasure surprise-attack forces, super Mary, the angry sea fight, the fruit western-style food, the animal series artillery, the animal demon, the animal kingdom, the golden imperial crown, the apple to pull the tyrant, lucky Man Guan, super big Man Guan, the Beidou god fist, the lightning king and so on all gambling machine to be possible to carry on explain

对市面市面上的老虎机、明星97、龙虎机、9999 、龙虎和、百乐2号、五星宏辉、吉祥宝贝、奔驰宝马、水果机、苹果机、庄闲合、狮王争霸、黑客帝国、传奇高手、黄金万两、真人龙虎、超级风火轮、彩金狮王、大小豹、超级斗地主、疯狂斗地主、单挑王、天地合、鳄鱼王、阿尔金、泰山闯天关、轮盘机、连线机、狮子王国、赛车风云、单挑东和西、龙凤机、三六豹、璀璨明珠、动物天地、动物乐园、皇冠列车、宝藏奇兵、超级玛丽、怒海争锋、水果大餐、动物连环炮、动物精灵、动物王国、金皇冠、苹果拉霸、幸运满罐、超级大满罐、北斗神拳、闪电王等一切赌机都可进行破解

The tenures created during this era of universal infeudation were as various as the conditions which the tenants made with their new chiefs or were forced to accept from them.


In order to improve the calculating precision of geodesic length and azimuth by inverse solution in the new form of geodetic coordinate system, the high-order corrective terms are added and the exact value of latitudinal scale factor of length calculated from geodetic latitude of the calculated points is adopted.

文中对新大地主题解算"的概念没有定义,而是直接引用文献[1,2]的概念,读者若不阅读文献[1,2],就不清楚"新大地主题解算的概念,建议作者对此进行补充。2。 1、本文探索意在扩大新大地坐标系适用范围,进一步提高解算精度,方案可行,目标明确。

Reactionary as they were, the kulak and the junker performed at times progressive functions in rural economy; the Chinese landlord performed none.


By the end of the war small and middle landlords and even large regional landlords began to feel the pressure from Chiang's land-hungry bureaucrats and Japanese puppets.


Khalidi using Arab sources, quotes similar figures for 60 percent of land purchased at that period: 58 percent of it was from non-Palestinian absentee landlords, 36 percent from Palestinian absentees, and only 6 percent from local landlords and fellahin.


更多网络解释与地主相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Absentee landlord:不在地主

例如,在封建土地制下,住在都市里的"不在地主"(Absentee Landlord)多将土地交给"二地主"经营,按契约收取议定的地租(实物或货币),而不管是丰收或歉收. 随着商品经济的发展,出现了借贷、租赁、承包等多种经营方式,它们均在不同程度上实行了"两权分离".

Absentee landlord:地主,土地拥有者

佃户landowner | 地主,土地拥有者absentee landlord | 外居地主smallholder, small farmer

Junkerdom:德国贵族地主, 德国贵族地主之精神或政策

Junkerdom 德国贵族地主, 德国贵族地主之精神或政策 | spherical capacitor 球形电容器 | in words of one syllable 用浅显明了的话说, 简单明了地(说)...


其中大部分属于被称为"地主"(landlord)的富裕阶层. 农民不得不向地主租用土地来耕种,并把一半以上的收入交给地主. 这一现象对当时的社会稳定极为不利. 1949年之后,作为执政党的中国共产党开始进行社会主义土地改革.

landlordism:地主所有制 (名)

landlord 房东; 地主; 主人, 老板 (名) | landlordism 地主所有制 (名) | landlordly 地主的; 房东的 (形)


settle 佃户 | landowner 地主,土地拥有者 | absentee landlord 外居地主

landowner,s royalty:地主土地的使用费

landowner 地主 | landowner's royalty 地主土地的使用费 | Landsat band 卫星频带


landowner 地主 | landowner'sroyalty 地主土地的使用费 | landownership 土地所有权


"大地主领地"(latifundium)这一个名词是一个相对的名称. 这大地主领地制度在非洲及东方 各地,在罗马征服之前,原已存在. 在有些地方,大地主领地的形成,并没有把农民阶层挤出,而这种制度,和象在拉丁姆、伊特鲁立亚、坎佩尼亚存在的性质迥然不同的其他大地主领地制度,


laird 地主 | lairdly 地主的 | lairdship 地主