英语人>词典>汉英 : 地下隧道 的英文翻译,例句
地下隧道 的英文翻译、例句


underground tunnel
更多网络例句与地下隧道相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ancient city also included tunnels, water chambers, and an amphitheater, which held 4,000 people.


Every time when I go across the passageway I'll see them.


There is a touch of PARANOIA here ("we are property"), quite common in conceptual-breakthrough stories, as in those where the world turns out to be a construct to aid market research; e.g.,"The Tunnel Under the World"(1955) by Frederik POHL and Counterfeit World (1964; vt Simulacron-3 US) by Daniel F.


Groups of students from Department of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong undertook 7 participatory projects focusing on different themes, issues and problems, including:"Remodeling the Pedestrian Facilities: Our Railings","Participatory Approach to Tuen Mun Park self-amusing zone","Elevated Walkway Design Improvement on Mongkok Road","Our Collective Memory: Dai Pai Dong","Subway Fantasy : Improvement scheme for the subway network in Tsim Sha Tsui","Designing Our Safety Island " and "Participatory Project: Village Houses".


The 35,000-foot, 144-inch internal diameter pipeline will use gravity to convey at least 320 mgd of flow from an existing combined sewer overflow structure near the city's Belmont Advanced Wastewater Treatment plant and two large diversion structures connecting to existing city interceptor sewers, along with the connection of a future 150 mgd pumping station from the City's future planned deep tunnel combined sewer overflow collection and storage system, to the pumping station at the Southport AWT plant.


There is an underground tunnel that runs around the perimeter of the base.


In combination with tunnel pass through Nanjing railway station,the monitor techniques of metro tunnel pass through the working railway are studied and elements concerning safety are analyzed.The practical monitoring procedure is adopted to guide the construction,ensure the conductio...


Whether or not nuclear subterrene tunneling machines have been used, or are being used, for subterranean tunneling is a question I cannot presently answer.


Brennan and Booth stumble upon a subterranean world of homeless people when they find the remains of a filmmaker in the ventilation shaft of an underground tunnel.


Located in the ground floor of the journey through the underground tunnel system will be West Main Street near Bridge Road and peaceful directly interlinked, that is in the ground from the Finance Street to the eastern end of the evening Finance Street; The tunnel is set Hou and Wu Street, Kwong Ningbo Street, Main Street, three regional corridors financial linked from this region, can be reached Finance Street each major roads, achieved rapid access, mitigation, decontamination of ground transportation.


更多网络解释与地下隧道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

higgs boson:希格斯玻色子

他希望在欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)地下隧道深处实施的大规模实验最终能证实一种神秘的、不稳定粒子的存在. 这种粒子被称为"希格斯玻色子"(Higgs Boson),是以希格斯教授的名字命名的. 欧洲核子研究中心位于法国和瑞士边境地区.



tunnel erase head:隧道抹磁头

tunnel erase 隧道擦除 | tunnel erase head 隧道抹磁头 | tunnel erosion 地下洞蚀


潜盾隧道系一种在隧道轴向及环向均有接缝 (Joint) 的地下结构物,由於衬砌环片之结构设计法 ( 应力分析 ) 仍未确立,设计时必须适切地评估衬砌环片结构与地层之互制行为,以达设计之经济性及合理性.

shoreside lift bridge:跨海升降桥

speedboat 快艇码头 | shoreside lift bridge 跨海升降桥 | porter tunnel 地下隧道

underground railroad:地铁

traffic rules and regulations 交通规则 | underground railroad 地铁 | underpass n .地下道,地下隧道

underground railway:地下鐵

underground lots 地下停車場 | underground railway 地下鐵 | underground tunnels 地下隧道

Underground tunnel:地下隧道

Underground transportation system 地下运输系统 | Underground tunnel 地下隧道 | Underground Water 地下水


underground space 地下空间 | underpass 高架桥下通道;隧道 | underpinning 托换基础;支撑

tunnel erase head:隧道抹磁头

tunnel erase ==> 隧道擦除 | tunnel erase head ==> 隧道抹磁头 | tunnel erosion ==> 地下洞蚀