英语人>词典>汉英 : 在观众中 的英文翻译,例句
在观众中 的英文翻译、例句


out front
更多网络例句与在观众中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first performance of the iconoclastic composition caused a tremendous hullabaloo in the audience.


Rich and poor were sitting cheek by jowl in the audience.


Psychology tells us that even in a medium shot panorama of creative layout and scheduling through the eyes of the audience can be attracted to a Pi Sheti, so the audience's mind, the Pi Sheti becomes a close-up.


Nickelodeon owners began using cartoons to clear the theater between performances, much like movies themselves had been used to clear vaudeville houses when audiences tired of the 30-second vignettes made for carnival peep show machines more than a decade earlier.


This small scale point to point shock action between traditional and Guerrilla Movie should lead to a big scale revolution.


During summer 2006, he organized the "Beautiful Malaysia Film Festival" in Taipei, which combined the independent movie and limited market resources of the Taiwanese and Malaysian together to let the audience experience the foreign culture in an interactive way. In 2007, he found the "Guerrilla Movie". It breaks the shape and definition of traditional "movie", and liberates the movies and audiences from cinema. This enlarges and combines different industry resources to show the movie everywhere in the city. This small scale point to point shock action between traditional and Guerrilla Movie should lead to a big scale revolution.


During summer 2006, he organized the "Beautiful Malaysia Film Festival" in Taipei, which combined the independent movie and limited market resources of the Taiwanese and Malaysian together to let the audience experience the foreign culture in an interactive way. In 2007, he found the "Guerrilla Movie". It breaks the shape and definition of traditional "movie", and liberates the movies and audiences from cinema. This enlarges and combines different industry resources to show the movie everywhere in the city. This small scale point to point shock action between traditional and Guerrilla Movie should lead to a big scale revolution. http://www.guerrillamovie.blogspot.com


It uses Statistics to analysis the questionnaire to study the effects of the two TV plays.


In its first season, the violent, profanity-laced drama series about brothers on opposite sides of the law was praised by critics but fared modestly with viewers. The show's premiere in July drew 454,000 viewers and 1.2 million viewers overall for the pilot episode's seven airings.


In addition to enabling people to use multiple intelligences, the building of confidence through speaking out in a group, the opportunity to test an idea in a sympathetic environment, the ability to become a useful member of a group with a common task, all these activities go towards forming a self-view.


更多网络解释与在观众中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


当然在超写实的动画中,这些预备动作(antic)与动态(action)的时间关系还是要特别注意,不过对比需要减低一些, 以便能够在观众眼中还能保持可信度,这其实非常不简单,因为观众在看写实的动画时,会感觉有些东西看起来怪怪的,


由于爱康在许多交易中耍花招,因此她管他叫"多观众厅电影院"(Cineplex). 他们最喜爱的娱乐项目是网球. 盖尔说,爱康的球风极为凌厉,与他打球就好像经历了"巴丹死亡行军"一样. 爱康定期在对冲基金晚宴上表演个人脱口秀,为他的慈善机构筹款.

The Comeback:归来记

10.>(The Comeback)2005>2005 丽萨-库卓在>(Friends)中给观众带来一个可爱有可笑的Phoebe,在这部>中她饰演一位无戏可拍的喜剧女演员.

look at:看

和传统雕塑那种从某种特定的角度去"看"(look at)的方式的差异在于,观众是可以在空间中自由穿行的,可以从任何一个角度观看作品、体验作品. 于是,极少主义的作品不仅仅是作为物理性实体的存在,相反,它可以让观众意识到他自己是感知的主体(perceiving subject).

Out front:在观众中

20 bakery 面包店 | 31 out front 在观众中 | 33 work out ? aerobics 有氧运动

Out front:在观众中 在门外 领先, 在竞争者之前

make front to 面向...方向, 朝向... | out front 在观众中 在门外 领先, 在竞争者之前 | present a bold front (on) 勇敢地面对; 做出勇敢面对现实的样子; 显出大胆对抗的样子; 显出厚颜无耻的样子

The Warriors:勇士帮

1979,第一次在电影院亮相的詹姆斯在电影沃尔特-希尔(Walter Hill)指导的电影>(The Warriors)中饰演了一个黑帮分子. 这部电影被少数非主流片爱好者追捧,詹姆斯在观众心目中的形象也从此被固定成了坏人.

Til Death:爱你至死

这部家庭喜剧不仅在观众中没有人缘,收视成绩也与另一部喜剧>(Til' Death)无法相比.

John Wayne:主 演:约翰.韦恩

>的主演约翰-韦恩(John Wayne)在该片中为观众们带来了精彩的表演,他所饰演的角色十分复杂,却得不到学院的肯定. 但这位演员是幸运的,因为他在1970年的影片>(True Grit)中饰演了一个难度并不算高的角色,

Cop Out:警界双贱

由好莱坞动作巨星布鲁斯.威利斯主演的动作喜剧<<警界双贱>>(Cop Out)则成功战胜翻拍恐怖片<<杀出狂人镇>>位居亚军,这部投资额为3700万美元的影片首映周末进帐1857万美元,不仅证明了这部搞笑动作片在观众中口碑不错,