英语人>词典>汉英 : 在本质上 的英文翻译,例句
在本质上 的英文翻译、例句


at heart · in itself
更多网络例句与在本质上相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, it must be a clear understanding on the nature of Hayek's theory and the features of the ideology of it, which, in essence, represents the interests of the bourgeoisie and international monopoly capital.


These three are mutually containable, conditionaland with each other for result.


Part I It is about the recapitulation of the minority shareholders"interst"s protection.


After an overview of translatability study both inside and outside the country, the thesis argues convincingly for translatability from three perspectives: firstly, as language has the capacity to describe both known and unknown things, the denial of translatability presupposes a denial of various languages' potentiality to express the inexpressible; secondly, untranslatability is due to the lack of knowledge on the part of the translator, and so untranslatability is indeed "unknowability"; lastly, untranslatability arises because of the difficulty in translation, and the so-called untranslatability is actually the loss incurred in translation.


On Confucius Antitheism;2. Science plays a key role in the struggle of antitheism against theism,because theism propagandizes religious theology camouflaged by science,while antitheism opposes theism by means of science.


These two paradigms are misapprehended at present time, which result that theoretical knowledge is put to the core of vocational curriculum, and when the concept of school of general education move up, and is looked as the concept of school of the whole education system, this situation is strengthened more.


For example, if Sally is a physical object, as physicalists suppose, then it is very plausible for them to suppose further that she is essentially a physical object—but it is controversial whether they are right to suppose that she is a physical object. And, of course, the same thing can be said, mutatis mutandis, concerning dualists and the property of being a non-physical object.


Whether or not hedonists can meet this challenge, pluralists can hold that knowledge is intrinsically good and/or that false belief is intrinsically bad.


They ignored the erosion of the mountain by the volcanic ash!


They ignored th e erosion of the mountain by the volcanic ash!


更多网络解释与在本质上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at heart:内心里,本质上

at hand 在手边,在附近 | at heart 内心里,本质上 | at home 在家,在国内

by nature:本质上

在本质上(by nature)是一Offspring,是出自那完美者的完美,大山未曾奠定,小山未有之先,祂已生出(箴八25),那是在每一理性与智能之素质以先. 就如,保罗在另一处称祂为"受造之物的首生者"(first-born of all creation)(西一15).

Postmillennialism and Premillennialism are both essentially chiliast:后千禧年论和前千禧年论在本质上都是千禧年派

8. 后千禧年论和前千禧年论在本质上都是千禧年派. Postmillennialism and Premillennialism are both essentially chiliast. | 9. 基督在地上统治一千年是不合圣经的. There... | 10. 基督从来都只有一群属祂的子民. ...

in essence:实质上,本质上,根本上

249 in effect (实质上,实际上)它在句中一般不需要用逗号隔开; | 250 in essence实质上,本质上,根本上 | 251 in fact实际上

Social life is,in essence,practice:社会生活在本质上是实践的

真理是人生的向导与光辉 Truth is life s guide and brilliance | 社会生活在本质上是实践的 Social life is,in essence,practice | 人的天职在勇于探索真理 The duty of mankind is to be brave to explore trut...

in itself:在本质上

但是,在本质上(in itself),作为个体(individuum),它是不可言喻的(按中世纪经院哲学的表达来说,就是individuum ineffabile[不可言喻的个体]),并且不能进入语言的意指(语言的意指正是建立在第一实体之上的),

in nature:在本质上

然而,承认原初差异的"起源",也就是承认,"替换总是已经开始;摹仿(imitation),艺术的法则,总是已经打断了自然的充足;这种充足,由于必须是一种话语(discourse),总是已经在差异中展开(broached)存在;而在本质上(in nature),替换总是在补充自然的不足,

per se:本质上

在1954年的"校区隔离第一案", 联邦最高法院终于宣布各州对中小学实行的"平等隔离"政策在"本质上"(per se)违宪,从而推翻了半个多世纪前"车厢隔离案"的结论.

under the skin:在内心; 在本质上

strip to the skin 被剥得精光, 被抢光 | under the skin 在内心; 在本质上 | wet to the skin 浑身湿透

are intrinsically higher or worthier or better:在本质上更高或更有价值或更好

429 00:31:53,840 --> 00:31:58,260 总会干... | 430 00:31:59,080 --> 00:32:02,170 在本质上更高或更有价值或更好. are intrinsically higher or worthier or better. | 431 00:32:04,080 --> 00:32:07,300 这种拒绝...