英语人>词典>汉英 : 在提到...时 的英文翻译,例句
在提到...时 的英文翻译、例句


at the mention of
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I came to America in April 1999. Once I was with some friends of mine, and for the first time I heard a Christian mentioning my name in his prayer.


The only other explicit reference to him in the Synoptists occurs in Mark 13:3, where we are told he joined with Peter, James and John in putting the question that led to Our Lord's great eschatological discourse.


In this way, it will be lived fruitfully; our faith will give fruit, also for the good of society.


A few months ago one of the key OPEC decision makers, harking back to that not-so-long-ago $22 to $28 band, observed,"We thought that the world economy would collapse at $40 a barrel."


In the New Testament when referring to this incidence in the book of Prophet Isaiah, the Author did not quote the exact number of the Assyrain soldiers as those he mentioned was less than the ones mentioned in the book of Prophet Isaiah and other erros like that including the translator of the various versions of the bible in order to suit their own or dogma even deliberately add or subtract but such addition or subtraction could easily be detected out when compire to the original Greek text from which the bible was originally translated into English and more impotently when compare from the original Hebrew or Aramaic text of the scriptures.


Don't worry baby, it ain't nothin' newThat's just love sneakin' up on youIf your whole world's shakin' and you feel like I doThat's just love sneakin' up on youNowhere on Earth for your heart to hideOnce love comes sneakin' up on your blind sideAnd you might as well try to Stop the RainOr stand in the tracks of a Runaway TrainYou just can't fight it when a thing's meant to beSo come on let's finish what you started with meDon't worry baby, it ain't nothin' newThat's just love sneakin' up on youIf your whole world's shakin' and you feel like I doThat's just love sneakin' up on you 雨夜,我独自 Sittin '这Waitin '你语音电话热转冷,冷汗 Thinkin

谈一下我们不这样做还告诉我,现在我要知道,您觉得同你只需轻在提到我的名字?不要担心孩子,这不是nothin '新这只是爱sneakin '了你如果您的整个世界的shakin ',你觉得我这样做这只是爱sneakin '了你地球上的任何地方你的心隐藏一旦爱情来sneakin '在您的盲端你不妨尝试停止雨或站立在轨道失控列车你就不能作斗争的事时的意思是因此,来让我们完成你开始与我不要担心孩子,这不是nothin '新这只是爱sneakin '了你如果您的整个世界的shakin ',你觉得我这样做这只是爱sneakin '了你

Get into the car, get on the bus, jump onto the platform, out of (6)介词和名词动词等有不少固定搭配和习惯用法: to one's surprise / joy, in charge of , instead of, in bed, in trouble, in a hurry, in surprise, with a smile, with one voice, according to, at once, on time, in time, in all, at home,, at last, at least, in the end, by the way, for example, at the same time, at the same speed, on one's way, in the sun, on the football team, in line, with the help of, in red / green … put on, look for, look after, run after, send for, enter for, pay for, show…around, listen to, arrive in / at, get to, agree with, succeed in, think of, wait for,….

7表示加减乘除,分别用介词 plus, minus, times 和动词过去分词 divided + by 二,复习时需要注意的要点(1)介词一般放在名词之前,但它后面的介词宾语是疑问代词,疑问副词或者关系代词时,这些词提到了前面而只剩下介词在后了。(2)介词和动词,形容词,名词等常常构成固定搭配,也就是说,在这些词的后面常常要求用一定的介词。这一点在学习时要特别注意。

Smith prefaced this prediction with,"This is a special area where I seem to be especially accurate."


The first missionaries reached the New World in 1510, and preaching was quickly extended throughout the conquered countries, where they organized the various provinces already mentioned and found in Bartolomé de las Casas who took the habit of the order, their most powerful assistant in the defence of the Indians.


Perhaps in formal contexts it is wise after mentioning a mountain range such as the Sierra Nevada to refer to it next as the Sierras rather than the Sierra Mountains, since mountains is inherent in sierra.

也许在正式的语境中,提到了一山脉如内华达山脉之后,紧接着再提到时称为the Sierra ,而不是the Sierra Mountains ,因为mountains 是包含在 sierra 之中的。

更多网络解释与在提到...时相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


无预热时此已熔但未混合区冷却很快,脆性的碳化铁体(Cementite)和裂纹敏感性高的马氏体就会由游离态的碳来形成. 这里应该提到的是限制硅钼球墨铸铁中珠光体含量的原因之一,就是为了减少这种参与在焊接时在已熔但未混合区中形成渗碳体和马氏体的碳的总量.



conversational implicature:会话含意

格莱斯把这种在言语交际过程中推导得到的隐含意义称为"会话含意"(conversational implicature)(何自然,1997:49). 格莱斯在提到合作原则及其四条准则的相关表述时全部使用了祈使句,所以有人认为这些准则是规范性的,


大部分人需要的东西包括:林肯曾在写信时提到:"人人都喜欢受人称赞. "威廉.詹姆斯也说:"人类本质中最殷切的需求是:渴望被肯定. "他不用"希望"(wish)、"需要"(desire)或是"盼望"(longing)等字眼,而用的是"渴望"(craving)这个字.


以法莲(Ephraim)半支派:约瑟次子. 虽为次子,但因雅各将右手按在他头上,立他大於他的哥哥玛拿西,所以一般提到时次序都是他为先. 玛拿西(Manasseh)半支派:约瑟长子.

Hard Times:(艰难时世)

他告诉我们的是,他的父母和他周围的人在提到我们称之为"大萧条"的那段岁月时,所用的词汇即是"艰难时世"(hard times),且至今亦然. 民间话语系统与学界话语系统的不一致,由此可见一斑. 接下来读者不禁要问的是:特凯尔本人对大萧条的印象又是怎样的?


看过韩剧>的人一定也会像我一样被这个蛋糕所诱惑,这个蛋糕就是三顺在济州岛时给亨利讲的,>(也被译作>)一书中提到过的,需要边回忆往事边沾着红茶吃的拥有丰满外形、紧凑曲线的SEXY COOKIE--玛德琳(Madeleine)蛋糕.

at the mention of:在提到......时,一提到

31)mention 提到, 谈及 | 32)at the mention of 在提到......时,一提到...... | 33) approximate cost 大约的费用


如布莱尔在提到社会主义这个概念时,就经常用"社会-主义"( Socialism) 来代替. 他把"社会-主义"定义为:"不是阶级、工会或资本主义对社会主义的理论,它是一种人们为了把事情办好而工作在一起的学说. "看到以上种种变化,我们就不难理解,


事实上,<<古兰经>>在提到安拉如何派遣携有启示的使者时,其中与这个问题有关的许多章节用的是"库特卜"(Kutub)这个词,其含义是"书"(Kitab)的复数形式. 当我们直面降临的灾难时,同时我们也被教导尽量以实际行动避免不幸和损失.