英语人>词典>汉英 : 在密室中的 的英文翻译,例句
在密室中的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The huaca is a radical innovation in this tradition with large chambers allowing for three-part harmony in a wind instrument for the first time.


The forest is thick with trees-- beech( SS13), oak ( SS15, CS15, OP28), pine( OP30), sycamore( CS15), and yew( OP21) are mentioned, as well as undergrowth such as knotgrass and thorns( OP30)-- but there are paths, brooks, and some clearings.


"Countless mechanical equipment are adumbrative, in the future one day, we are in the murmur in penetralia, will as be in housetop proclaims aloud general."


People carries imitate world the test that primitive air has discharging in penetralia, the result synthesized 11 kinds of amino acid by mineral.


To receive a prophecy from the ancient Sibylls or the Pythia, heroes traveled hundreds and even thousands of miles and asked the prophetess a question.


"Countless mechanical equipment are adumbrative, in the future one day, we are in the murmur in penetralia, will as be in housetop proclaims aloud general."


Curiously enough, Fawkes was not so affected by the gaze of the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets; given the rarity of both species, it is possible that no such confrontation had ever before occurred, so it isn't surprising that Scamander does not record the phoenix's immunity.

非常奇怪,在密室中,福克斯不受蛇怪凝视的影响;这对双方都非常稀奇,有可能是以前没有类似的情况出现,所以 Scamander 的记录上并没有对凤凰对此免疫的记载。

The king and his ministers closeted themselves together while they talked about the government's difficulties.


Then once again lay Li Department of dialogue (at the same time to bring the eyes dark green), that the "dark eye" is the key to the Millennium Treasure Chamber of Secrets, but the Magic players to the "dark eye" into a temporary divine power, but can only bring a little magic to open the power, so players have to seize this rare opportunity to wish you can find more in the Chamber of Secrets treasures.


In a room with a broken elevator (12), you need to remove all the bricks from the one pressure plate and put one on the other to open a secret room (11); here you will find the key for the supply room (17) and a rope to repair the elevator, which will lift you up.


更多网络解释与在密室中的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

air lock:气锁

(十) 气锁( air lock )气压可调节的气密室,用于连接气压不同的两个相邻区域,其两个门具有互锁功能,不能同时处于开启状态. 在实验室中用作特殊通道. (十一) 定向气流( directional airflow ) 在气压低于外环境大气压的实验室中,


他告诉我,有时候他会在昏迷状态中躺在巴西里亚(Brasilia)的官府中,他在那里上班,而且在心灵上会得到在华盛顿密室中的机密资料. 他又说有时候邪灵会要他吃下,喝下捣碎的玻璃,却丝毫不受伤害. 有一个鬼想喝烈酒,艾连道就会在这个鬼在他里面活动时,



unanimous verdict:一致裁决

控辩双方和法官在法庭上等待,可能一等就是一天、两天甚至于几月. 当然,晚上每个人都可以回家. 当他们从密室中出来,把一致裁决(Unanimous Verdict)的结果告诉专业法官,没有人能改变,即使在有些人看来这个裁决是多么荒唐、可笑.

The Three Broomsticks:三把扫帚

比较标志性的出场是在<<哈里波特和密室>>那一集里面被Malfoy变出来的一条蛇吓住,哈里用蛇语劝退了那条蛇,此人在书中随后不久被石化,是学生里第一个被石化的. 注十二:三把扫帚(The Three Broomsticks),是霍格沃茨学院附近的霍米村(Hogsmeade)里的一家小酒吧.