英语人>词典>汉英 : 在完成之中 的英文翻译,例句
在完成之中 的英文翻译、例句


in work
更多网络例句与在完成之中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For export, physical delivery will likely be available at ports located on the Black and Azov Seas and also at designated ports on the Don and Volga Rivers.


I knew it clearly that all he need was catharsis. We had a talk this morning.


Its poetry implication rich but cannot gather, the significance melts in the form, becomes is characteristic "has meaning the form", completed a poet in to be exhausted truly, the extrusion, under the distortion disassimilation condition poetic sentiment of regression the mental.


And this seems to account satisfactorily for the genesis of such feelings, for we know the sense of guilt to be simply a result of the introjection (already accomplished or, as I would add, in process of being accomplished) of the Oedipus love-objects: that is, a sense of guilt is a product of the formation of the super-ego.


Here there is one thing we shall be the last to deny: he who knows these "good men" only as enemies knows only evil enemies, and the same men who are held so sternly in check inter pares by custom, respect, usage, gratitude, and even more by mutual suspicion and jealousy, and who on the other hand in their relations with one another show themselves so resourceful in consideration, self-control, delicacy, loyalty, pride, and friendship—once they go outside, where the strange, the stranger is found, they are not much better than uncaged beasts of prey. There they savor a freedom from all social constraints, they compensate themselves in the wilderness for the tension engendered by protracted confinement and enclosure within the peace of society, they go back to the innocent conscience of the beast of prey, as triumphant monsters who perhaps emerge from a disgusting procession of murder, arson, rape, and torture, exhilarated and undisturbed of soul, as if it were no more than a student's prank, convinced they have provided the poets with a lot more material for song and praise.


Smooth 365 Intensive Clarity Smoothing Peptide Serum - Smooth-365 improves skin in 3 different ways, over 365 days. The serum instantly, weightlessly and invisibly blurs imperfections, lines and wrinkles to he...- Photos above all credit to : Alan ang Today i wake up in the morning at 11am for a photoshoot at fort canning. It rains half way, didn't manage ...

JoGoYa 里的庆功宴-三月十九日,星期四……在 StarHill 的 JOGOYA 上阁屋,朋友们邀请了我去庆功宴这个庆功宴是要庆祝他们完成了短片的制作邀请我去是因为我在之中有出过一些绵力帮忙……(其实也是自己三八要去的:P 在那里所有的出席者,虽然我不是每个都认识的但是,全都可以算是"同道之人"-都是大众传播系的学生。。。

Six cars started here last year and all six finished (equalling the 1961 Dutch Grand Prix when all starters made it home); whereas this time only nine cars finished out of the 22 that started.


William Barley (1565?– 1614) was an English bookseller and publisher. He completed an apprenticeship as a draper in 1587, but was soon working in the London book trade. As a freeman of the Drapers' Company, he was embroiled in a dispute between it and the Stationers' Company over the rights of drapers to function as publishers and booksellers. He found himself in legal tangles throughout his life.


We have completed a USAID-funded effort to de-water Karnak and Luxor temples, and work is underway in many other places.


Thus, we may clearly see after among the modern age locates human's question which the time faces is one kind of any type condition: The language request is rich, the reality existence, after has experienced ancient Greek, the middle ages, the modern philosophy and the modern philosophy baptism, the language already no longer merely was simple ""exchanges the tool"", but was ""the existence family"", after by now therefore the modern age needed to do was but reveals the human nature through the language, they very splendid have completed his task, but simultaneously he actually revealed on the road in this to walk too far, too is far, down to finally extinguished the human nature ball in the nihility, might like this already seriously violate humanity's natural disposition.


更多网络解释与在完成之中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


参见反手拍( backhand )Golden Slam (金满贯) 在一年之中,完成大满贯( winning the Grand Slam )且赢得奥林匹克运动会中网球项目的金牌Grand Slam (大满贯) 指一年里四个最著名的赛事:澳大利亚网球公开赛、法国网球公开赛 (又称罗兰.加洛斯)、温布尔登网球锦标赛、美国网球公开赛.


完成大满贯 ( winning the Grand Slam ) 是指在一年之中这四个赛事全部赢下Groundstroke - 击落地球, 在球於球场上弹跳一次后的正拍( forehand )或反拍( backhand )击球Line Judge - 线审, 专门负责监视球行经球场边界线情况并宣判这一球是出界或界内的人,


对企业忠诚有团队(Teams)归属感,有合作精神的(Cooperative). 希望员工具备团队合作能力,团结其他团队成员,努力使自己融入团队之中;将个人努力与实现团队目标结合起来,完成自己在团队中的任务,以实际工作支持团队的决定,成为可信任的团队成员;

Burnout Dominator:横冲直撞 公路霸主

在专为各式竞赛建立的赛道上与过往车辆激战. 发掘及利用快捷方式、征服甩尾弯道、大胆地在迎面而来的车阵之中穿梭,成为最厉害的飞车好手. >(Burnout Dominator)将 PSP 和 PS2 的硬件机能发挥得淋漓尽致,带来爆炸性的视觉效果、强化的多人游戏模式,以及能让你的游戏完成


完成大满贯( winning the Grand Slam )是指在一年之中这四个赛事全部赢下Groundstroke (击落地球) 在球于球场上弹跳一次后的正拍( forehand )或反拍( backhand )击球Inside-in 跑到球埸的一边然后击出直线行进( down the line )的球.


同时北方公司宣称该火炮可以配置包括:高爆燃烧弹(HEI)和高爆混合弹药(HEI-T)同时还有一些新的近程引信弹药据悉正在处于测试之中. 一旦完成该火炮将具有更多的在发射弹药上的选择余地. 另外中国解放军目前已经在使用的一些35mm其他类型弹药如:高速穿甲弹,


换言之,责任的实质在于适法行为之期待可能性,并主张期待可能性应包含在故意和过失的概念之中. 继上述诸家之说后,大体上完成期待可能性理论的是德国学者舒密德(schmidt). 舒氏认为,"责任乃违法行为之非难可能性",

Several projects are in the pipeline:数个项目正在讨论中

1."in the pipeline"=in the process of being discussed or completed 在讨论或完成之中 | Several projects are in the pipeline. 数个项目正在讨论中. | 2."pay the piper and call the tune"=(见 "tune" 条)

in the pipeline"=in the process of being discussed or completed:在讨论或完成之中

pipe 管乐器: | 1."in the pipeline"=in the process of being discussed or completed 在讨论或完成之中 | Several projects are in the pipeline. 数个项目正在讨论中.